You dream of becoming a teacher since your childhood days, for that you have worked hard and got your degree completed. But for getting a chance to teach in a good institute is not so simple or easy. If you get some sort of recommendation from any influential people who are aware of your abilities, then half of your job is done. Here you can find print ready templates in doc format designed as Employment recommendation letters position. There are plenty of options to choose from that will cater to every individual. Simply get it signed and use.

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Download Letter of Recommendation For Teacher Bundle

Letter Of Recommendation For Student Teacher From Supervisor

John Smith
Head of English Department
Lincoln High School
123 Education Lane
Springfield, IL, 62704
[email protected]
(555) 987-6543
March 20, 2024

Dr. Alice Johnson
Sunnydale Academy
456 Learning Ave
Columbus, OH, 43215

Dear Dr. Johnson,

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend Emily Carter for a teaching position at Sunnydale Academy. As Emily’s supervisor during her student teaching assignment at Lincoln High School, I had the pleasure of witnessing her remarkable growth, dedication, and natural flair for teaching over the course of the fall semester.

Emily demonstrated an exceptional ability to engage students with innovative teaching strategies, incorporating a variety of learning materials to cater to diverse learning styles. She showed a profound understanding of the English curriculum and adeptly tailored lessons to maximize student comprehension and participation.

One of Emily’s most commendable qualities is her commitment to fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom environment. She consistently went above and beyond to ensure each student felt valued and motivated to learn. Emily possesses a unique blend of patience, empathy, and enthusiasm, which resonates well with students and encourages a positive learning atmosphere.

Moreover, Emily exhibited a strong sense of responsibility and professionalism in all aspects of her role. She was proactive in seeking feedback and demonstrated a commendable willingness to adapt and refine her teaching methods. Emily’s collaboration with faculty members was exemplary, showcasing her ability to work effectively as part of a team while also displaying strong leadership skills when guiding classroom activities.

Emily has not only shown herself to be a capable educator but also a lifelong learner, continuously seeking opportunities for professional growth. Her passion for teaching and genuine care for student success are evident in her daily interactions and teaching practices.

I have no doubt that Emily Carter will be an invaluable asset to your team at Sunnydale Academy and will continue to inspire and educate students with the same passion, dedication, and excellence she has shown at Lincoln High School. Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or (555) 987-6543 if you require further information or wish to discuss Emily’s qualifications and achievements in more detail.

Thank you for considering this recommendation.


John Smith
Head of English Department
Lincoln High School

Recommendation Letter For a Teacher From Principal

Dr. Laura Benson
Westview Elementary School
789 School Road
Denver, CO, 80220
[email protected]
(303) 555-1234
March 20, 2024

Dr. Henry Grant
Mountain View School District
456 District Avenue
Denver, CO, 80230

Dear Dr. Grant,

I am honored to write this letter of recommendation for Sarah Martinez, who has served as a Mathematics teacher at Westview Elementary School for the past five years. During her tenure, Sarah has exemplified the highest standards of teaching excellence, dedication to student success, and commitment to our school’s mission and values.

Sarah possesses a deep understanding of Mathematics, which is evident in her innovative and engaging lesson plans. She has consistently demonstrated the ability to make complex concepts accessible to all students, fostering an environment of curiosity and lifelong learning. Sarah’s teaching methods are characterized by creativity, adaptability, and a focus on critical thinking, which have significantly contributed to the academic growth of our students.

Beyond her instructional skills, Sarah has been instrumental in building a positive and inclusive school culture. She has actively participated in and often led professional development workshops, mentoring programs, and school-wide initiatives aimed at improving teaching practices and student outcomes. Sarah’s leadership and collaborative spirit have made her a respected figure among peers and a favorite among students.

One of Sarah’s most notable contributions has been her involvement in the annual Math Olympiad, where she demonstrated exceptional organizational and leadership skills. This initiative not only enhanced the educational experience of our students but also brought our community together in meaningful ways.

Sarah is also known for her commitment to professional growth and excellence. She is constantly seeking new ways to enhance her teaching skills and stay abreast of educational trends and best practices. This dedication to self-improvement and lifelong learning is truly commendable and reflects her passion for education.

In conclusion, Sarah Martinez is a remarkable educator who has made a lasting impact on Westview Elementary School and the students she has taught. I have no doubt that she will bring the same level of excellence, dedication, and innovation to any new role she pursues within the Mountain View School District. Sarah has my highest recommendation for any position or opportunity she seeks to pursue. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or (303) 555-1234.


Dr. Laura Benson
Westview Elementary School

Recommendation Letter For Teacher From Students

Sophia Martinez
123 Learning Ln
Boston, MA, 02110
[email protected]
March 20, 2024

Principal Linda Harper
Westside High School
456 Academic Ave
Boston, MA, 02115

Dear Principal Harper,

I am writing to express my highest recommendation for Mrs. Angela Roberts, who was my AP Literature teacher during the 2023-2024 school year at Westside High School. Having experienced firsthand the impact of her teaching and mentorship, I feel compelled to share my perspective on why Mrs. Roberts deserves recognition and opportunities that further her teaching career.

Mrs. Roberts possesses an exceptional talent for making literature both accessible and engaging to students of all abilities. Through innovative teaching methods, including interactive discussions and creative writing projects, she transformed our classroom into a dynamic learning environment where every student felt valued and motivated to learn. Her ability to clarify complex literary themes with patience and creativity was particularly beneficial to me and my classmates, enhancing our understanding and appreciation of the subject.

Beyond academic instruction, Mrs. Roberts has been an influential mentor to students, including myself. She has always been available for guidance and support, not only in academic matters but also in personal and extracurricular pursuits. Mrs. Roberts’s encouragement played a crucial role in my decision to pursue creative writing, an endeavor that has greatly enriched my educational experience and personal growth.

Mrs. Roberts’s commitment to fostering a positive and inclusive classroom culture is also noteworthy. She consistently demonstrated respect and sensitivity to diverse student backgrounds and learning styles, promoting a sense of community and belonging among us. This approach not only facilitated a more effective learning environment but also taught us the value of empathy and collaboration.

Moreover, Mrs. Roberts’s enthusiasm for literature and education is contagious. She often stayed after school to offer extra help, organize book clubs, and lead initiatives that enhanced our school community. Her dedication to student success and school improvement is evident in everything she does.

In conclusion, Mrs. Angela Roberts has had a profound and positive impact on my education and personal development. I am confident that she will continue to inspire and educate students with the same passion, dedication, and excellence. I strongly recommend Mrs. Roberts for any position or recognition that would allow her to further contribute to the education of young minds.

Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] if you need further information or wish to discuss my recommendation in more detail.


Sophia Martinez

Letter Of Recommendation For Teacher Scholarship

Jane Doe
Lincoln High School
789 Education Way
Springfield, IL, 62704
[email protected]
(555) 321-9876
March 20, 2024

Excellence in Education Scholarship Committee
Teachers’ National Foundation
123 Scholarship Ln
Austin, TX, 78701

Dear Excellence in Education Scholarship Committee,

It is with great enthusiasm and confidence that I recommend Mr. Kevin Anderson for the Excellence in Education Teacher Scholarship. As the Principal of Lincoln High School, where Mr. Anderson has been teaching American Literature for the past three years, I have had the privilege of observing his dedication, innovative teaching methods, and the positive impact he has on his students.

Mr. Anderson’s passion for literature is both palpable and contagious. He possesses a unique ability to bring literary works to life, making them relevant and engaging for today’s students. His commitment to student engagement is evident in his innovative use of technology in the classroom, including interactive digital platforms and project-based learning, which not only enhances understanding but also promotes critical thinking and analytical skills.

Beyond his instructional duties, Mr. Anderson has demonstrated exceptional leadership and initiative by founding our school’s Literary Society. This club has become a vibrant community for students to explore and discuss literary works and themes beyond the classroom setting. Under his guidance, society members have organized several successful events, including a community book fair and author meet-and-greets, significantly enriching our school’s cultural landscape.

Mr. Anderson’s dedication to professional development is commendable. He is an avid participant in educational workshops and conferences, consistently seeking out opportunities to further his knowledge and skills. His eagerness to share insights and strategies with colleagues has fostered a collaborative and innovative teaching environment within our faculty.

The Excellence in Education Teacher Scholarship aligns perfectly with Mr. Anderson’s aspirations to pursue a Master’s degree in English Literature. This opportunity would not only enrich his teaching repertoire but also immensely benefit his students and our school community as a whole. I firmly believe that Mr. Anderson’s unwavering commitment to fostering a love for literature and his potential for further academic achievement make him an exemplary candidate for this scholarship.

Please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or (555) 321-9876 should you require any further information or wish to discuss Mr. Anderson’s qualifications in more detail. Thank you for considering this recommendation.


Jane Doe
Lincoln High School

Browse More Templates On Letter of Recommendation for Teacher

Letter of Recommendation for Elementary Teacher Template

free letter of recommendation for elementary teacher

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Letter of Recommendation for Teacher of the Year Template

letter of recommendation for teacher of the year

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  • Word
  • Apple Pages


Letter of Recommendation for Coworker Teacher Template

letter of recommendation for coworker teacher template

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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Outlook
  • Pages


Sample Letter of Recommendation for Senior Teacher Template

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A sample letter of recommendation for senior teacher should come from a senior member of the faculty, possibly from the principal/dean of the previous institution he/she was associated to. The recommendation highlights the special achievements of the faculty.

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher from Professor Template

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This would be a letter that will help a student or a junior teacher apply for the post of a teacher and comes from a senior of any institution. You may also see recommendation letters for employment.

Tips For Writing a Letter of Recommendation for Teacher

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Writing a letter of recommendation for a teacher involves reflecting on and articulating the qualities that make them exceptional. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective letter:

  1. Start With a Personal Introduction: Begin your letter by introducing yourself, your professional relationship with the teacher, and the duration of your acquaintance. This sets the context for your recommendation.
  2. Highlight Qualifications and Experience: Mention the teacher’s educational qualifications, certifications, and relevant teaching experience. Emphasize their specialization and any unique skills that set them apart.
  3. Showcase Teaching Abilities: Discuss the teacher’s effectiveness in the classroom. Highlight their teaching style, ability to engage students, and adaptability to different learning styles. Provide examples of creative lesson plans or innovative teaching methods they’ve used.
  4. Illustrate Personal Qualities: Teaching is as much about character as it is about conveying knowledge. Share anecdotes that display the teacher’s passion for education, dedication to student success, and any commendable moral qualities like patience, kindness, and integrity.
  5. Provide Specific Examples: Support your assertions with specific examples of the teacher’s accomplishments or instances where they went above and beyond their duties. This could include successful projects, contributions to school programs, or positive sample feedback from students and parents.
  6. Emphasize Impact on Students: Discuss the teacher’s impact on their students’ academic growth and personal development. Mention any notable improvements in classroom performance, enthusiasm for learning, or how they’ve inspired students.
  7. Mention Professionalism and Collegiality: Highlight the teacher’s contributions to the school community, including collaboration with colleagues, participation in professional development, and involvement in extracurricular activities.
  8. End With a Strong Endorsement: Conclude your sample letter with a strong statement of recommendation. Affirm your belief in the teacher’s suitability for the position they’re applying for and your confidence in their continued success.
  9. Provide Contact Information: Offer to provide further information if needed. Include your contact details, making it easy for the recipient to reach out with any questions.
  10. Proofread: Before finalizing the letter, thoroughly proofread it for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. A well-written letter reflects both on you and the teacher you’re recommending.

Remember, a recommendation letter should be personalized, sincere, and articulate the teacher’s ability to contribute positively to their new role.

Letter of Recommendation for Academic Teacher Template

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A letter of recommendation for academic teacher highlights the certification, training and special educational achievements that the applicant has. The key points depend on the post and area of study schedule.

Sample Recommendation for an Outstanding Student Teacher Template

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This letter of recommendation for student comes after a junior teacher has completed his/her internship under a senior education in a recognized institution. The letter will also act as a character certificate.

Letter of Recommendation for English Teacher Template

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For someone looking to apply for the post of a senior educator or English Language, this would be a helpful letter of recommendation coming from the senior faculty.

Uses and Purpose of Letters of Recommendation for Teacher in Doc Templates

If you have served yourself as a good teacher in an institute for over a long period of time, then you must have a good fan following amongst your students, your colleagues, the principal and every person who belongs to the school authority.

But if for up-gradation of your teaching career you want to be associated with some better institute, then a Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School from anyone attached with your current school or any influential person can be of help for starting afresh. These doc file templates in various types under this category can be downloaded for every teacher’s use.

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher from Parent Template

letter of recommendation for teacher from parent

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Some satisfied parents of students you have taught for some time, can recommend you as a good candidate, if you want to relocate yourself into some other academic institute as their teaching staff. The template for Letter of Sample Recommendation for teacher from parent can be downloaded and printed for use.

Recommendation Letter for A Teacher Who Is Relocating Template

recommendation letter for a teacher who is relocating

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  • DOC

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If you served as a good teacher, your current school authority can recommend you to a new school if you are relocating into some other city. The template designed as Letter of Recommendation format for teacher can be useful, simply download, print and get it signed by the concerned person. You may also see employment offer letters.

Importance of Letter of Recommendation for Teacher

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  1. Professional Validation: A letter of recommendation serves as a professional endorsement of a teacher’s skills, competencies, and character. It provides external validation of their accomplishments and teaching abilities.
  2. Enhanced Job Prospects: For teachers seeking new positions, a strong LOR can distinguish them from other candidates. It highlights their suitability for the role and can be a decisive factor in hiring decisions.
  3. Support for Promotions: When teachers apply for promotions or leadership positions within education, a LOR can provide compelling evidence of their leadership qualities, dedication, and effectiveness in their current role.
  4. Evidence of Character and Ethics: A recommendation letter outline goes beyond professional qualifications by illustrating a teacher’s personal qualities, such as integrity, dedication, and the ability to inspire students, which are crucial for teaching roles.
  5. Illustrates Impact on Students: A LOR can showcase a teacher’s positive impact on their students’ academic performance and personal development, highlighting their ability to make a difference in the learning environment.
  6. Verification of Experience: It serves as a testament to a teacher’s experience and achievements in the field of education, offering a credible account of their tenure, responsibilities, and professional growth.
  7. Networking Tool: A sample letter of recommendation also acts as a networking tool, opening doors to new opportunities within the educational community by leveraging the reputation and relationships of the referee.
  8. Fosters a Sense of Trust: For positions that require a high level of trust and responsibility, such as teaching, a LOR reassures employers about the candidate’s reliability, work ethic, and suitability for working with students.

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher of The Year Template

letter of recommendation for teacher of the year

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If you are shifting to a new city, a recommendation letter for teacher from principal of your current institute mentioning how you served as a teacher can be very helpful. You may also see letter of intent for employment. Download the template for Letter of Recommendation for teacher of the year, get it printed and signed by the principal.

Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Colleague Template

letter of recommendation template1

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Template for letter of recommendation for teacher colleague can be downloaded to be used as a recommendation letter from any of your present trusted colleague, who knows your ability and can certify why you will be good for your next teaching destination. Use the template for a better job position.You may also see retirement letters.

How to Write a Letter of Recommendation for Teacher?

There could be several reasons for writing a professional letter of recommendation for a teacher, a lecturer or a coach. It could be to help them find a new job. Sometimes, this may come in handy as a recommendation for nomination for a special award. Irrespective of the purpose of writing the letter, it is extremely important that this is written professionally and is impressive enough. Here is how you can write such a letter.

1. When writing the letter, it is extremely important to give the message that you are well acquainted with the teacher.

2. Keep the content precise and also make sure that you talk about the teacher’s skills as well as her abilities to work with other people. You may also see letters of recommendation for graduate school

3. When talking about the teacher’s qualities, you must be more specific about the details. Vague information would just not do. You may also see application letters.

Sample Letter of Recommendation for Teaching Position Template

letter of recommendation for teaching position

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Letter of Recommendation Elementary Teacher Template

letter of recommendation elementary teacher

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Sample Letter of Recommendation for Teacher Template

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Letter of  Recommendation for Teacher Colleague Template

letter of recommendation for teacher colleague

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Target Audience for Letters of Recommendation for Teacher in Doc Templates

If you are about to start your career in the teaching profession, or you have already served yourself as an assistant teacher for the past few years. And now would like to start your career as a full-fledged teacher in any esteemed schools or colleges, then this template can be your ticket for reaching your goal list.

The templates are designed in Word format as doc file for teachers by keeping in mind all requirements. The types include examples of Personal Letters of Recommendation for teachers and even College Example of Recommendation Letter template from teacher colleagues. Download and print them for use.

Sample Letter of  Recommendation for Student Template

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  • DOC

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Sample Letter of Recommendation  for Student Teacher Template

sample letter of recommendation for student teacher1

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Sample Letter of Recommendation for Teaching Position Template

sample letter of recommendation for teaching position1

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Recommendation Letter for Teacher Assistant Template

recommendation letter for teacher assistant

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  • DOC

Size: 11 KB


Letter of Recommendation for Teaching Position of A School Template

letter of recommendation for teaching position of a school

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  • DOC

Size: 11 KB


Benefits of Letters of Recommendation for Teacher in Doc Templates

This template is beneficial to every individual who dreamt of becoming a successful teacher, for spreading their knowledge amongst students and to train each one of them in the subject he/she specializes in teaching. When you as a teacher want to relocate to some other place or school due to some personal requirement or to rise on the career graph paper. By downloading these templates from our collection, you just have to choose what suits your requirement, and then print the Word format doc file and get it signed from the person who is addressing the recommendation letter format for you.

Expand your career as a teacher in a new city and try to get maximum assurance in getting your desired teaching job by collecting recommendation letters from any influential person who can certify your abilities. You may also see job appointment letters. Hence, choose and download the required teacher recommendation letter in doc file for your use.

Whether you are writing a letter of recommendation for a sports coach or a special education teacher, if you want the letter to work, you should draft one that is relevant as well as impressive. In case you are not sure how to do this, take a look at our collection of sample recommendation letter for teachers. Pick the one that seems apt, download it and then customize it as per your requirements.

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General FAQs

1. What is a Letter of Recommendation for Teacher?

A teacher recommendation letter provides a written character reference for a teacher by another individual. The letter must be not more than one page, easy to read and provide positive character traits of the person. Such kind of a letter evaluates the skills, work habit and achievements is an individual.

2. How important is a Teacher Recommendation?

Recommendation letters help get a personal point of view on the strategies and the background of an educator/teacher. A recommendation from a teacher who knows you well provides colleges with an assessment of you as a student and person that goes beyond just sample books, marks and numbers.

3. What should be included in A Letter of Recommendation?

A recommendation letter must include the following information:

  • Details about who you are
  • The connection you have with the person you are recommending
  • Explain why they are qualified
  • The special skills the person you are recommending possess
  • Describe why is he/she fit for the role, etc.

4. What makes a good Letter of Recommendation for Teacher?

Your recommendation letter must be from a source that knows you well. Your letter format must highlight your most important strengths like the personal and educational powers you have. It should also support you with proper examples. This way, the institute you go to have an idea of what are your strengths.

5. How to write a Letter of Recommendation for Teacher?

You can write a letter of recommendation for a teacher in the following way:

  • Follow the business letter format, so it is professional
  • Focus on the job description
  • Include specific examples if needed
  • Remain positive
  • Share your contact details, so it is easier to reach you
  • Follow all the guidelines of submission.

6. How long should a Letter of Recommendation be?

A letter of recommendation must be more than one to two paragraphs. If it isn’t, then it shows that you either don’t know the person that well or don’t fully recommend him/her. However, you want to keep the formal letter concise and focus on the key points you want the reader to know.

In conclusion, a Letter of Recommendation for a Teacher is a powerful tool that highlights the educator’s qualifications, dedication, and impact, significantly enhancing their prospects for new opportunities in their teaching career.

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