Writing a grievance letter with the help of a template when you wish to make a formal grievance to your employer is a comfortable solution. A sample offer letter template grievance correspondence covers a good amount of situations which may otherwise lead to a grumble including favoritism, harassment, health/security concerns and violation of contract. You should immediately set out your complaint and report when it started, detailing how you managed to address the concern and your sample applications for resolving the grievance. You can also prefer to be accompanied by somebody at the grievance hearing or take a friend with you who has witnessed the issue.

grievance letter bundle

Download Grievance Letter Bundle

Grievance Letter Against Manager

John Doe
123 Maple Street
Springfield, IL 62701
[email protected]
(555) 123-4567
August 9, 2024

Jane Smith
Human Resources Manager
ABC Corporation
456 Oak Avenue
Springfield, IL 62701

Dear Ms. Smith,

Subject: Formal Grievance Against Manager, Mr. Robert Johnson

I am writing to formally raise a grievance concerning the behavior and conduct of my manager, Mr. Robert Johnson, who is currently supervising my department.

Details of the Incident(s):

  1. Date(s) and Time(s):
    • June 15, 2024, at approximately 10:00 AM: During our weekly team meeting, Mr. Johnson publicly criticized my work in a manner that was both demeaning and unprofessional, which left me feeling humiliated in front of my colleagues.
    • July 20, 2024, at around 2:30 PM: Mr. Johnson made inappropriate comments about my personal life in front of other team members, which I believe violates the company’s policy on respect and privacy.
  2. Description of the Incident(s):
    • On June 15, 2024, Mr. Johnson questioned my competency in completing a project, stating, “I don’t know if you can handle this job,” in front of the entire team. This comment was made without prior discussion or any private feedback about the quality of my work.
    • On July 20, 2024, Mr. Johnson made a comment regarding my personal situation, saying, “Maybe if you weren’t so distracted by your home life, you could do better here,” during a team discussion. This comment was unprovoked and unrelated to the work being discussed.
  3. Impact on Work Environment: These incidents have severely affected my morale and productivity. I feel anxious and stressed at work, which has impacted my performance. The environment has become increasingly hostile, and I no longer feel comfortable expressing my thoughts or ideas during meetings.
  4. Witnesses:
    • June 15 Incident: Witnessed by all team members present at the meeting, including [Witness Name], [Witness Name], and [Witness Name].
    • July 20 Incident: Witnessed by [Witness Name] and [Witness Name].

Previous Attempts to Resolve the Issue:

Before taking this step, I attempted to resolve the issue by speaking directly with Mr. Johnson on July 25, 2024. However, this conversation did not lead to any positive changes, and the behavior has persisted.

Desired Outcome:

I respectfully request that an investigation be conducted into these matters. I would also appreciate a formal apology from Mr. Johnson and a commitment to more respectful communication moving forward. Additionally, I would like to request a reassessment of my work environment and, if necessary, a change in reporting structure to ensure a more positive and productive workplace.

I trust that this matter will be handled with the utmost confidentiality and that appropriate steps will be taken to address my concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this serious matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

Yours sincerely,

John Doe

Grievance Letter For Unfair Treatment

Emily Johnson
789 Willow Lane
Riverdale, CA 90210
[email protected]
(555) 321-9876
August 9, 2024

Ms. Laura Davis
Human Resources Manager
Tech Innovators Inc.
123 Innovation Drive
Riverdale, CA 90210

Dear Ms. Davis,

Subject: Formal Grievance Concerning Unfair Treatment

I am writing to formally raise a grievance regarding the unfair treatment I have experienced in my position as a Software Developer at Tech Innovators Inc. I believe that I have been subjected to unfair treatment by my team leader, Mr. James Wilson, which has negatively impacted my work environment and professional development.

Details of the Incident(s):

  1. Date(s) and Time(s):
    • May 20, 2024: During a team meeting, Mr. Wilson assigned a high-visibility project to a less experienced colleague, despite my proven track record with similar projects. When I asked why I was not considered, Mr. Wilson did not provide a clear explanation.
    • June 15, 2024: I was excluded from a training session on new software tools that was offered to other team members, even though I had expressed interest in attending.
  2. Description of the Incident(s):
    • On May 20, 2024, Mr. Wilson assigned a key project to another colleague who has less experience in the field. Despite my repeated success in handling similar projects, I was not given the opportunity. When I asked Mr. Wilson about the decision, he vaguely mentioned that he wanted to “give others a chance,” without acknowledging my qualifications or experience.
    • On June 15, 2024, I discovered that a training session on new software tools was scheduled for the team. I had previously informed Mr. Wilson of my interest in this training, yet I was not included in the group. This exclusion has limited my ability to stay current with the latest technologies and has placed me at a disadvantage compared to my peers.
  3. Impact on Work Environment:
    • These incidents have left me feeling undervalued and demoralized. I have always strived to contribute positively to the team, and this unfair treatment has significantly affected my motivation and job satisfaction. The lack of recognition and equal opportunities has also created a sense of unfairness within the team, impacting overall morale.
  4. Witnesses:
    • May 20 Incident: The team meeting was attended by [Witness Name], [Witness Name], and [Witness Name], who can confirm the details of the project assignment.
    • June 15 Incident: My exclusion from the training session was discussed in a team-wide email that included [Witness Name] and [Witness Name], who can confirm the communication.

Previous Attempts to Resolve the Issue:

I have attempted to address these concerns directly with Mr. Wilson during a one-on-one meeting on July 1, 2024. However, the discussion did not result in any changes, and I continue to feel unfairly treated.

Desired Outcome:

I request that a formal investigation be conducted to address these issues and ensure that all team members are treated fairly. I would appreciate a review of the project assignment process and the criteria used for training opportunities. Additionally, I request an opportunity to attend the next available training session on the software tools I was previously excluded from.

I trust that this matter will be handled with the appropriate confidentiality and seriousness. I look forward to your prompt response and resolution to these concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter.

Yours sincerely,

Emily Johnson

Grievance Letter For Salary Increment

David Thompson
123 Birchwood Drive
Greenville, TX 75401
[email protected]
(555) 654-3210
August 9, 2024

Ms. Rebecca Turner
Human Resources Director
Prime Solutions Inc.
456 Cedar Avenue
Greenville, TX 75401

Dear Ms. Turner,

Subject: Formal Grievance Regarding Salary Increment

I am writing to formally raise a grievance concerning the lack of a salary increment in my position as a Senior Marketing Analyst at Prime Solutions Inc. Despite my continuous contributions and the positive performance reviews I have received over the past year, I have not been granted a salary increment, which I believe is both unfair and inconsistent with company policy.

Details of the Grievance:

  1. Performance and Contributions:
    • Over the past year, I have successfully led multiple high-profile marketing campaigns that have significantly increased our client engagement and contributed to a 15% rise in overall sales. My performance reviews have consistently highlighted my dedication, strategic thinking, and leadership abilities.
    • I have also taken on additional responsibilities, including mentoring junior team members and assisting in the development of new marketing strategies, without any additional compensation.
  2. Company Policy on Salary Increments:
    • According to the company’s compensation policy, employees who receive positive performance reviews and contribute significantly to the company’s success are entitled to annual salary increments. However, despite fulfilling these criteria, I have not received any increment in the past two years.
  3. Impact on Morale and Motivation:
    • The lack of a salary increment, despite my contributions, has significantly affected my morale and motivation. I feel that my hard work and dedication are not being appropriately recognized or rewarded, which is affecting my overall job satisfaction.
  4. Comparison with Peers:
    • It has come to my attention that other colleagues in similar roles with comparable performance have received salary increments. This disparity in treatment is concerning and suggests an inconsistency in the application of the company’s compensation policy.

Previous Attempts to Resolve the Issue:

I have brought this issue to the attention of my immediate supervisor, Mr. Alan Smith, during our performance review meeting on July 20, 2024. However, the discussion did not result in a satisfactory resolution, and no clear explanation was provided for the lack of a salary increment.

Desired Outcome:

I respectfully request that my situation be reviewed in light of my performance and the company’s compensation policy. I would appreciate a fair and just adjustment to my salary that reflects my contributions to the company. Additionally, I request clarity on the criteria used for salary increments to ensure transparency and fairness in the future.

I trust that this matter will be treated with the seriousness it deserves and that appropriate steps will be taken to address my concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

Yours sincerely,

David Thompson

Grievance Letter To Insurance Company

Sarah Mitchell
789 Maple Street
Oakwood, CA 90211
[email protected]
(555) 876-5432
August 9, 2024

Customer Service Department
ABC Insurance Company
123 Main Avenue
Oakwood, CA 90211

Dear Sir/Madam,

Subject: Formal Grievance Regarding Claim Denial – Policy Number [Your Policy Number]

I am writing to formally raise a grievance concerning the recent denial of my claim under policy number [Your Policy Number]. Despite meeting all the required criteria and submitting all necessary documentation, my claim was denied without a clear and satisfactory explanation. I believe this decision is unjust and inconsistent with the terms of my policy.

Details of the Grievance:

  1. Claim Information:
    • Claim Number: [Your Claim Number]
    • Date of Incident: [Date of the Incident]
    • Type of Claim: [Type of Claim, e.g., Medical, Property Damage, etc.]
  2. Reason for the Grievance:
    • On [Date of Claim Submission], I submitted a claim for [briefly describe the nature of your claim, e.g., medical expenses, property damage, etc.]. I provided all required documents, including [list any key documents, e.g., medical reports, receipts, police reports, etc.], as per the policy requirements.
    • On [Date of Denial], I received a letter from your company stating that my claim had been denied. The reason provided was [state the reason given by the insurance company], which I believe does not accurately reflect the facts of my case or the coverage outlined in my policy.
  3. Impact of the Denial:
    • The denial of this claim has placed me in a difficult financial situation. I have incurred significant expenses due to [briefly describe the financial impact, e.g., medical bills, property repairs, etc.], which I expected would be covered under my policy.
    • I believe that this decision contradicts the terms of my policy and fails to acknowledge the validity of my claim.
  4. Request for Reconsideration:
    • I respectfully request that you reconsider the decision to deny my claim. I would appreciate a thorough review of all the documentation provided and a re-evaluation of my claim based on the actual policy coverage.
    • Additionally, I request a detailed explanation of the grounds for denial if the decision is upheld, including specific references to the policy terms that justify the denial.

Previous Communication:

  • On [Date], I contacted your customer service department to discuss the denial of my claim, but the explanation provided was unsatisfactory and did not address my concerns. I have attached copies of all relevant correspondence for your reference.

Desired Outcome:

  • I request that my claim be approved and processed without further delay. If this is not possible, I expect a clear, detailed explanation of the decision and the specific policy terms that led to this outcome.
  • If this issue is not resolved satisfactorily, I will consider escalating my grievance to the relevant regulatory authorities.

I trust that this matter will be handled with the urgency and fairness it deserves. I look forward to your prompt response.

Thank you for your attention to this serious matter.

Yours sincerely,

Sarah Mitchell
[Your Contact Information]

Browse More Templates On Grievance Letter

Free Grievance Letter Template

grievance letter

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Free Formal Grievance Letter Template

formal grievance letter

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Free Grievance Letter to Employer Template

free grievance letter to employer

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A Formal Complaint Template

grievance letter sample pdf

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You can write a grievance letter to your employer when you face any problem with procedure of plan or you feel that the team members are cheating with the company. You can report it in a formal grievance letter. You may also see complaint letter examples.

How To Write a Grievance Letter?

how to write a grievance letter

  • Clearly State the Purpose: Begin your simple letter by clearly stating that you are raising a formal grievance. Mention the specific issue or incident that you are addressing, and provide relevant details such as dates, times, and people involved.
  • Describe the Incident(s) or Issue(s): Provide a detailed description of the incidents or issues that have led to your grievance. Stick to the facts, avoid emotional language, and include any evidence or witnesses that support your case.
  • Explain the Impact: Describe how the issue has affected you, whether it’s your work performance, morale, financial situation, or overall well-being. This helps the recipient understand the seriousness of your grievance.
  • Outline Previous Attempts to Resolve: Mention any steps you’ve already taken to resolve the issue, such as discussions with your supervisor or the person involved. This shows that you’ve tried to address the problem before escalating it.
  • State Your Desired Outcome: Clearly state what you are seeking as a resolution. Whether it’s a review of a decision, an investigation, or a specific action, be precise about what you want to happen next.

Notifying Harassment Issues Template

job grievance letter

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With the help of this sample letter you can report harassment problems to the governing authorities. You can use this letter to inform them about the details of a problem and the bullying you are facing at the workplace. Give them brief information about the issue highlighting the major cause so that when they consider it important and call you for a meeting to resolve the issue. You may also see legal letters.

Sample Discrimination Cases Template

grievance letter template

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Whenever you feel any discrimination in an organization you must report it with the help of this grievance letter to the higher authorities. Such cases are looked up importantly so drafting a formal letter against issues is very important.

Uses of sample grievance letter

1. Clearly listing out facts of the issue.

2. Maintaining a record of the problem.

3. Keep a direct communication with the employer.

4. Helps you to maintain record of how many times you are reporting the issue when the issue is not resolved immediately therefore you can submit the record to bosses later.You may also see formal letter layouts

Breaching of Contract Template

sample employee grievance letter

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Size: 90 KB



While working in an organization if you feel that any contract is broken or any violation is done with the contract signed with you, you must report it with help of grievance letter. You may also see official letter .

Importance of Grievance Letter

  • Formal Record of Complaint: A grievance letter serves as an official documentation of your complaint, ensuring that your concerns are formally recognized by the relevant authorities.
  • Triggers Formal Investigation: Submitting a grievance letter typically initiates a formal investigation into the matter, prompting the organization to take your concerns seriously and address them accordingly.
  • Protects Employee Rights: It helps protect your rights as an employee by providing a clear, documented account of any unfair treatment, discrimination, or violations of company policies.
  • Encourages Resolution: A grievance letter encourages the organization to resolve issues promptly, as it puts pressure on management or HR to address and rectify the situation.
  • Establishes Communication: Writing a grievance letter opens a line of communication between you and your employer, allowing both parties to discuss the issue and seek a mutually satisfactory resolution.
  • Supports Legal Action: If necessary, a grievance letter can serve as evidence in legal proceedings, demonstrating that you attempted to resolve the issue through formal channels before escalating the matter.
  • Promotes Fairness: It ensures that all employees are treated fairly and that any issues of misconduct, discrimination, or unfair treatment are addressed in accordance with company policies and labor laws.
  • Improves Work Environment: By addressing grievances, organizations can identify and correct problems within the workplace, leading to a more positive and productive work environment for all employees
    • Formal Record of Complaint: A grievance letter serves as an official documentation of your complaint, ensuring that your concerns are formally recognized by the relevant authorities.
    • Triggers Formal Investigation: Submitting a grievance letter typically initiates a formal investigation into the matter, prompting the organization to take your concerns seriously and address them accordingly. You can also see more on Formal Complaint Letter.
    • Protects Employee Rights: It helps protect your rights as an employee by providing a clear, documented account of any unfair treatment, discrimination, or violations of company policies.
    • Encourages Resolution: A grievance letter encourages the organization to resolve issues promptly, as it puts pressure on management or HR to address and rectify the situation.
    • Establishes Communication: Writing a grievance letter opens a line of communication between you and your employer, allowing both parties to discuss the issue and seek a mutually satisfactory resolution.
    • Supports Legal Action: If necessary, a grievance letter can serve as evidence in legal proceedings, demonstrating that you attempted to resolve the issue through formal channels before escalating the matter.
    • Promotes Fairness: It ensures that all employees are treated fairly and that any issues of misconduct, discrimination, or unfair treatment are addressed in accordance with company policies and labor laws.
    • Improves Work Environment: By addressing grievances, organizations can identify and correct problems within the workplace, leading to a more positive and productive work environment for all employees.

Health Issues Template

medical grievance letter

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Any health issue must be reported to the authorities, which is causing you to be irregular at work or creating a decrease in productivity of yourself. You must notify your bosses so that they have your health problems in knowledge before giving any judgment on your decreased performance at workplace.You may also see customer complaint form examples

Basic Grievance Letter Template

grievance letter sample

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Grievance Letter to Employer Template

grievance letter to employer

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Formal Grievance Letter Template

formal grievance letter

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Target Audience of Sample Grievance Letter

1. Employees

2. Students

3. Clients

4. Staff members

5. Team members and Team leads

Benefits of Sample Grievance Letter

1. Mention the exact time and date of the issue so that a record is kept by the company.

2. Give a copy to the HR so that the issue not only remains in department it must reach the authorities. You may also see pregnancy resignation letters

3. It will help you to carry some evidence regarding the grievance that you have reported it so that no action can be taken against you. You may also see patient complaint forms

4. It will help you keep a copy of the exact issue with you always.

5. It will give you a polite formal platform to address the issue to authorities.You may also see notify letters.

Standard Grievance Letter Template

grievance letter template free

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Grievance Response Letter Template

grievance response letter

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Tips For Writing a Grievance Letter

tips for writing a grievance letter

  • Be Clear and Concise: Clearly state the issue or concern without unnecessary details. Stick to the facts and avoid emotional language. You can also see more on Resignation Letter.
  • Include Relevant Details: Provide specific dates, times, and incidents related to the grievance. Mention any conversations or actions that are relevant to your complaint.
  • Follow the Proper Format: Address the letter to the appropriate person or department. Use a formal tone, and include your name, contact information, and the date.
  • State the Impact: Explain how the issue has affected you, your work, or your well-being. This helps convey the seriousness of the grievance.
  • Reference Policies or Agreements: If applicable, mention any company policies, contracts, or legal agreements that support your grievance.
  • Propose a Resolution: Suggest a reasonable solution or outcome that you believe would address the issue.
  • Keep a Copy: Always keep a copy of the letter for your records. This is important for any future reference or follow-up.
  • Be Professional: Maintain a respectful tone throughout the letter. Avoid making personal attacks or using offensive language.

Legal Grievance Letter Template

legal grievance letter

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Grievance Procedure Letter Template

grievance procedure letter

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How to design Sample Grievance Letter?

1. Include a description of your grievance

2. Mention when your grievance started. You may also see professional letters.

3. Give an outline of preceding steps taken to tackle the problem

4. Notify any potential resolution to the problem. You may also see warning letters.

5. Mention an alternative to be accompanied by some employee at the meeting

We will provide you with an exact letter for your grievance and help you express yourself in a formal and legal tone. The letter is available in pdf and word forms compatible with all technology. We edit the letter as per your demand and create a personalized format for your issue. You may also see sorority recommendation letters.

What is grievance in HR?

A grievance in HR refers to a formal complaint made by an employee regarding workplace issues, such as unfair treatment, violation of rights, or disagreements with company policies.

What is grievance rule?

Grievance rules are the procedures established by an organization to address, investigate, and resolve employee grievances, ensuring a fair and consistent approach to managing complaints within the workplace.

What is a common grievance?

A common grievance involves disputes over working conditions, such as unfair pay, unsafe environments, discrimination, harassment, or conflicts with supervisors or colleagues.

How do I respond to a grievance letter?

Respond to a grievance letter by acknowledging receipt, investigating the complaint, and communicating the findings and actions taken to resolve the issue. Ensure the response is timely, professional, and addresses the employee’s concerns.

What happens when you write a grievance?

When you write a grievance, the organization initiates a formal process to investigate the complaint, involving HR or management, with the aim of resolving the issue and ensuring fair treatment.

In conclusion, I trust this grievance will be addressed promptly and effectively. I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to a satisfactory resolution. Please contact me if you require any further information.

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