There are times in your life when you are not as cut out and enthusiastic for work as you once were. There are also times when you realize you could perhaps use your skills elsewhere, in another company. Or maybe, you have come across some opportunities where you think is more suited to your condition. In any case, the first thing that you must do is reflect on your actions so you can make a sound decision.

Leaving a job you have had for some time now isn’t easy, especially when you know that it has helped you with your finances. But it happens, and when it does, one of the things that you have to do is to express yourself into writing—a letter should do the trick. Below are Sample Letters you can check out for guidance.

Resignation Letter with Deep Regret

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Resignation Letter with No Regret in PDF

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Size: 38 KB


If you have worked for a company for years, chances are you might have gained some valuable experiences, you have honed your skills and best of all, gained tenure. Leaving would really be hard and disappointing. After much reflection, the first thing that you have to do is inform your management and write a resignation letter.

A resignation letter is a written announcement of your intention to leave your position. Here are some tips you can use for writing your letter:

  • Open up with a statement that contains the position that you are resigning from and the date you wish the resignation would take effect. You also have to state your reasons why you are leaving.
  • Do not forget to be grateful for the opportunities they have given to you for the past months or years. Thank them for the chance at gaining professional and personal experience. Even though he/she will no longer be your superior for long, you still have to be nice. Besides, you can actually include your former employer as one of your references.
  • Convey your willingness to help the company out and fulfill your duties until your last day at work.


The tone and content of your letter is influenced by your reasons and your feelings for leaving the post. One of the things that you might feel is regret. If so, keep in mind the following guidelines:

  • Open up with a statement that expresses your regrets for leaving.
  • Enumerate the positive things that the company has done for you. This will show how much your employer has helped you out and thus, you feel sad for leaving.
  • Tone. Be mindful on how your letter will sound like. Be sincere.


Resignation letters can be written in many ways, it depends on your purpose. We have a lot of samples that you can choose from. You may check out our Professional Resignation Letters or our Formal Resignation Letter Samples.

Resignation Letter Regret Inconvenience

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Size: 4 KB


Resignation Letter with Regret in PDF

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Size: 3 KB


Since there are beginnings, it is natural that are also endings. Leaving is hard, especially if it’s a job where you have dedicated and invested your efforts and time on. It is also hard knowing that you might have already gotten yourself settled in and then you have to start all over again. But you don’t have to be so worried.

Remember, you can start all over again, which means a chance at having a fresh start and acquiring new knowledge and skills. There are also good in endings because they mean new beginnings. So smile and be hopeful. For more sample letters, you may check out our Email Resignation Letter Samples.

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