The purpose of job rejection letter is to inform a candidate that they were not selected for a position for which they were interviewed. The Rejection Letters After Interview can be of perfect use for HR personnel when they need to convey rejection to any candidate not fitting the company’s requirement. Polite language and a right choice of words in the rejection letter templates helps a candidate to move on and also helps a company to earn a good reputation among their prospective employees. You can also use some standard templates, for sending rejection letters for jobs offered to you. Here are some of the best letter templates that can help you convey rejection in the most effective way in no time, be it by the HR or to the HR.
Job Application Rejection Letter
This job application rejection letter is designed for employees who do not meet certain eligibility criterion set up by the company or forgot to bring the required documents. The letter has a commanding and rebuking tone, which gives the idea that the company is very specific about their selection criterion. In spite of the harsh tone the concluding lines show a ray of guidance and have a tone of a well-wisher which makes it an ideal choice as a job application rejection letter.
Job Decline Response Letter
This job decline response letter is meant for people who wish to send a reply to the company from where they had received the job application rejection letter. This letter has an honest and philosophical tone and the regret in the candidate’s mood is pretty evident. However, there are no ill feelings and the candidate understands his/ her need for improvement.
Job Offer Rejection Letter
Rejecting a job offer from a company often creates bad vibes between an employer and employee. In this job offer rejection letter template the candidate categorically describes why he is unable to join the company and expresses his wish to work for the company at a latter date. The stress is laid on the fact that the rejection is completely for professional reasons.
Job Offer Rejection Thank You Letter
Job offer rejection thank you letter is written by employees who are not able to accept a position in a company due to personal or professional reasons. This letter expresses the candidate’s gratitude towards the company for considering him eligible for the post and mentions his inability to join the company since he already has made a prior professional commitment. A note of thanks and hope of working with the employers in future makes it a very professional and well drafted job offer rejection thank you letter.
Job Rejection Appeal Letter
A job rejection appeal letter is written by candidate requesting a re-evaluation of his candidature in the company. The letter is polite in tone and expresses shock on being handed over a rejection letter which was totally un-expected. The candidate shows an unrest interest of improving himself and hence wishes to know on which grounds he was rejected which gives the letter a very earnest and honest tone.
Job Rejection Letter
This job rejection letter is very formal and speaks in a corporate language. The letter portrays a candidate’s disillusionment on being appointed at a much lower position than what he already has. In spite of the disappointment the letter appreciates the time and effort made by the company to conduct his interview and expresses his sincere desire to be a part of the company at a latter date.
Job Rejection Thank You Letter
General Job Rejection Letter
This job rejection thank you letter is a very polite letter from a candidate where he makes it a point to details his good experience with the company staff before proceeding to explain his inability of joining the joining the company. This Interview Rejection Letters has a professional façade with a personal undertone and is a very good example of job rejection thank you letter format.
In order to save time and effort, lot of companies choose standard rejection letter templates. Standard templates help the HR personnel achieve this task in a faster and more efficient manner.
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