Statement letters are used for different kinds of transactions that may be useful sources of information that an establishment, company, or organization may need to verify an individual’s identity or employment. These have all the necessary information needed for tax purposes, business, and even personal statements.

Our website’s sample statements cover several examples for transactions in either business, personal, or academic settings. These are all free to download in both Word Doc and PDF file formats.

statement letter bundle

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Statement Letter From Bank

ABC Bank

1234 Elm Street

Anytown, AN 56789

July 10, 2024

John Doe

5678 Oak Avenue

Anytown, AN 56789

Dear John Doe,

Subject: Account Statement for 123456789

We are pleased to provide you with the account statement for your account held with ABC Bank for the period from January 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024. Please find the summary of your account activities below:

Account Summary:

  • Account Number: 123456789
  • Account Type: Checking
  • Opening Balance (as of January 1, 2024): $5,000.00
  • Closing Balance (as of June 30, 2024): $4,750.00

Transaction Details:

DateDescriptionWithdrawals ($)Deposits ($)Balance ($)
01/05/2024Grocery Store100.004,900.00
01/15/2024Salary Deposit2,000.006,900.00
02/10/2024Utility Bill150.006,750.00
03/20/2024Online Purchase75.005,425.00
04/05/2024Grocery Store120.005,305.00
04/15/2024Salary Deposit2,000.007,305.00
05/02/2024Car Repair300.007,005.00
06/15/2024Grocery Store95.005,650.00
06/25/2024Utility Bill150.005,500.00
06/30/2024Online Purchase50.005,450.00

Please review the statement carefully and let us know if you have any questions or discrepancies. You can contact our customer service department at (123) 456-7890 or visit your nearest branch for assistance.

We appreciate your continued trust and partnership with ABC Bank.


Jane Smith

Customer Service Manager

ABC Bank

Statement Letter For Job

Michael Johnson

5678 Pine Road

Springfield, SP 12345

[email protected]

(987) 654-3210

July 10, 2024

Emily Brown

Human Resources Manager

Innovative Tech Solutions

2345 Cedar Lane

Springfield, SP 12345

Dear Emily Brown,

Subject: Statement of Interest for Data Analyst Position

I am writing to express my interest in the Data Analyst position at Innovative Tech Solutions, as advertised on LinkedIn. With my background in data science and my skills in data analysis and visualization, I am confident that I am a strong candidate for this role.

I hold a Master’s degree in Data Science from Springfield University, and I have 4 years of experience in data analysis. During my time at Data Insights Inc., I developed and implemented data models that improved decision-making processes and increased operational efficiency by 25%. This experience has equipped me with strong analytical skills, proficiency in SQL, Python, and Tableau, and a deep understanding of data-driven decision-making.

I am particularly drawn to this opportunity at Innovative Tech Solutions because of your company’s focus on leveraging data to drive innovation and business growth. I am excited about the prospect of contributing to your data analytics projects and bringing my analytical and technical skills to your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to discuss how my background, skills, and certifications will be beneficial to Innovative Tech Solutions. Please find my resume attached for further details. I am available at your earliest convenience for an interview and can be reached at (987) 654-3210 or [email protected].

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Michael Johnson

Statement Letter For Court

Sarah Thompson

1234 Oak Street

Riverdale, RD 67890

(321) 654-9870

July 10, 2024

The Honorable Judge David Williams

Riverdale District Court

4567 Maple Avenue

Riverdale, RD 67890

Dear Judge Williams,

Subject: Statement Regarding Case No. 98765432

I am writing this statement to provide information relevant to Case No. 98765432, in which I, Sarah Thompson, am a witness.

On the afternoon of May 20, 2024, at approximately 3:30 PM, I was present at the intersection of Elm Street and Birch Avenue in Riverdale when I witnessed the incident in question. I was sitting at a nearby café when I observed a vehicle, a red SUV, running a red light and colliding with another vehicle, a white sedan, that was making a legal turn at the intersection.

I immediately called 911 to report the accident. While waiting for emergency services to arrive, I approached the scene to offer assistance. The driver of the red SUV, later identified as Mark Davis, seemed disoriented but uninjured. The driver of the white sedan, Emily Clark, appeared to be injured and in need of medical attention. I stayed with her until paramedics arrived and provided the necessary care.

I have provided a detailed account of the incident to the police and am willing to testify in court regarding what I witnessed. I believe that my testimony can provide crucial information about the events that transpired and help ensure that justice is served.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. If there are any further questions or if additional information is needed, please feel free to contact me at (321) 654-9870.


Sarah Thompson

Statement Letter to HR

Jane Smith

1234 Maple Street

Anytown, AN 56789

[email protected]

(123) 456-7890

July 10, 2024

Robert Johnson

Human Resources Manager

XYZ Corporation

7890 Oak Avenue

Anytown, AN 56789

Dear Mr. Johnson,

Subject: Statement Regarding [Subject/Issue, e.g., Workplace Harassment Incident]

I am writing to formally bring to your attention a matter that has recently arisen in the workplace. On [date of the incident], I experienced an incident that I believe constitutes [subject/issue, e.g., workplace harassment].

The incident occurred at approximately [time] in [location, e.g., the office cafeteria]. [Briefly describe the incident in a clear and concise manner. Include any relevant details such as what happened, who was involved, and any witnesses.]

For example: On July 5, 2024, at around 1:00 PM in the office cafeteria, I was approached by my colleague, John Doe, who made inappropriate comments about my appearance. Despite my attempts to deflect the conversation, he persisted, making me feel uncomfortable and demeaned. Several colleagues, including Emily Brown and Mark Davis, were present at the time and may have witnessed the exchange.

I believe that this behavior is not in line with the professional standards and code of conduct upheld by XYZ Corporation. I am requesting that this matter be investigated and appropriate action be taken to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter and am available to discuss it further if needed. Please let me know if you require any additional information or if there are specific steps I should follow in this process.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Jane Smith

Browse More Templates On Statement Letter

Statement Letter Template

free statement letter

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Official Statement Letter Template

official statement lette

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Free Witness Statement Letter Template

free witness statement letter

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Free Billing Statement Letter Template

billing statement letter

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How to Write a Statement Letter?

how to write a statement letter

  1. Start with a Clear Introduction:
    • Begin with a formal greeting.
    • State the purpose of your simple letter clearly in the opening paragraph.
    • Provide any necessary context or background information.
  2. Be Concise and Specific:
    • Get straight to the point without unnecessary elaboration.
    • Use clear and straightforward language.
    • Focus on the main message or statement you need to convey.
  3. Provide Supporting Details:
    • Include relevant facts, data, or examples to back up your statement.
    • Be honest and transparent about the information you are presenting.
    • Avoid including irrelevant details that might confuse the reader.
  4. Maintain a Professional Tone:
    • Use formal language and maintain a respectful tone throughout the letter.
    • Avoid slang, jargon, or overly casual language.
    • Be polite and considerate, even if the letter addresses a sensitive or contentious issue.
  5. Conclude Effectively:
    • Summarize the key points of your statement.
    • Clearly state any expected actions, responses, or next steps.
    • Provide your contact information for any follow-up and close with a formal sign-off (e.g., Sincerely, Best regards).

By following these points, you can ensure your statement letter is clear, professional, and effective in conveying your message. You can also see more on Witness Letter Format.

Company Statement Letter Template

company statement letter

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Statement of Service Letter in PDF

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Size: 32 KB


Billing Statement Letter Example

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Size: 37 KB


Statement of Purchase Request Letter Template

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Size: 13 KB


There are several examples of statement letters that users may find helpful as guides for making their own. Depending on the kind of transaction you need the sample letters for, we present a couple of samples that may come in handy and useful like the following:

1. Bank Statement Letter

When you have money deposited at a bank, you can request through writing, a summary of your transactions over a given period of time. The letter may be addressed to the bank manager for certain reasons such tracing your deposits and withdrawals and other transactions. You may also see written statement samples

2. Statement of Service

A statement of service letter is usually provided by an employer for a departing employee to be used for application to another company or whatever purpose it may serve to the employee. It usually provides brief details about his or her employment and the period of service, the position, and summary of duties and responsibilities.

3. Billing Statement

This is a monthly statement usually given by credit card and utility companies that show your transaction, recent balance, monthly payable, and other detailed information of your account. A billing statement may be used together with other supporting documents when you apply for other services that usually ask for supporting documents. Billing statements may be sent either by mail or online depending on the subscriber’s option.

For other kinds of letters, we also offer personal business letters and application letter examples for users who may find these helpful when drafting their own letters for their individual transactions for such purposes.

Sample Personal Statement Letter Template

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Size: 305 KB


Transaction Statement Request Letter Template

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Size: 738 KB


Statement of New Employment Letter Template

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  • PDF

Size: 175 KB


Importance of Statement Letter

importance of statement letter

  • Clarity of Communication:
    • Provides a clear and concise way to convey important information.
    • Helps prevent misunderstandings by explicitly stating facts and intentions.
  • Official Documentation:
    • Serves as an official record of communication between parties.
    • Can be used for legal, professional, or personal purposes as evidence of statements made.
  • Professionalism:
    • Demonstrates professionalism and attention to detail.
    • Reflects positively on the sender’s credibility and reliability.
  • Transparency:
    • Promotes transparency by clearly laying out facts and positions.
    • Helps build trust between parties by being open and honest.
  • Conflict Resolution:
    • Can be used to address and resolve disputes or misunderstandings.
    • Provides a formal means to present one’s side of an issue. You can also see more on Official Letter.
  • Decision Making:
    • Assists in the decision-making process by providing necessary information.
    • Helps stakeholders understand the context and rationale behind decisions.
  • Accountability:
    • Holds the sender accountable for the information and statements made.
    • Ensures that there is a written record that can be referred back to if needed.
  • Record Keeping:
    • Acts as a permanent record for future reference.
    • Useful for maintaining accurate records in personal, legal, or business matters. You can also see more on Legal Statement.

Sample Account Statement Letter Template

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Size: 17 KB


Sworn Statement Letter of Commitment Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 19 KB


Tips For Writing Statement Letter

  • Know Your Audience:
    • Tailor the tone and content of your formal letter to suit the audience.
    • Consider what information is most relevant and important to the reader.
  • Be Clear and Concise:
    • Avoid unnecessary jargon and complex sentences.
    • Stick to the main points to ensure your message is easily understood.
  • Stay Professional:
    • Use formal language and maintain a respectful tone throughout.
    • Proofread for grammar and spelling errors to ensure professionalism.
  • Include All Necessary Information:
    • Ensure that all relevant facts, dates, and details are included.
    • Avoid leaving out important information that could lead to misunderstandings.
  • Use a Logical Structure:
    • Begin with an introduction that outlines the purpose of the letter.
    • Follow with the body of the letter, presenting information in a logical sequence.
    • Conclude with a summary and any call to action or next steps.
  • Be Honest and Transparent:
    • Present information truthfully and avoid exaggeration.
    • If there are uncertainties or unknowns, be upfront about them.
  • Provide Evidence or Examples:
    • Support your statements with relevant data, examples, or evidence.
    • This adds credibility to your letter and helps substantiate your claims.
  • Review and Revise:
    • Take time to review and revise your letter before sending it.
    • Consider having someone else read it to catch any mistakes or areas of confusion. You can also see more on Declaration Statement.

Statement Letter for College Template

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  • PDF

Size: 84 KB


Not everyone can afford college since higher education is very expensive, especially in the United States. For this reason, a letter for college, otherwise known as statement of financial need, is necessary for applicants who may want to enroll in college but do not have the necessary financial capacity to do so. Since most scholarships and grants require personal statements, one of our samples being offered shows how a letter for college is being drafted that may be effective for a financial aid application. You may also see example of statements.

The sample shows a proper letter with a brief introduction that explains how you would benefit from the aid. You should also explain how you’re currently paying for college like a part-time job to help offset your expenses but that your’e having difficulties making ends meet. Make sure you do not sound like you’re begging, otherwise the acceptance committee will reject your sample application. Explain instead how you would benefit from the financial aid and how you intend to make good use of the funding. Finally close your letter in a polite and professional manner. You may also see statement formats 

For even more samples, please check out our formal business letter examples that are all free for downloading and can be edited, modified, or used as draft for making your own formal business letter.

What is a statement letter?

A statement letter is a formal document used to clearly communicate specific information, intentions, or positions on a particular matter, often serving as an official record or to provide necessary details in a professional context. You can also see more on Sworn Statement.

How do I start off a statement letter?

Begin a statement letter with a formal greeting, followed by a clear introduction that states the purpose of the letter and any relevant context or background information to set the stage for the main content. You can also see more on Personal Mission Statement.

Can a personal statement be a letter?

Yes, a personal statement can be structured as a letter, especially when applying for academic programs, jobs, or other opportunities, where it serves to introduce yourself and highlight your qualifications and motivations.

How long should a statement letter be?

A statement letter should be concise, typically one to two pages, ensuring that all relevant information is included without unnecessary details, maintaining the reader’s interest and making the key points clear and memorable.

Do personal statements need a title?

Personal statements generally do not require a title. Instead, they often begin with a heading that includes your name and other relevant information, followed by the body of the statement without an additional title. You can also see more on High School Statement.

In conclusion, a statement letter serves as a formal means to communicate specific information or intent. Whether for legal, professional, or personal purposes, it should be clear, concise, and tailored to its audience to effectively convey the intended message and achieve the desired outcome.

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