Receiving a letter of resignation from an employee is almost often an inevitable thing to happen. People move on and look for better opportunities or opportunities that allow them to do what they love the most. Whatever the reason and the purpose of their resignation, it is important to provide a resignation acceptance letter to your employee.

A resignation acceptance letter is a letter that proves that you were able to receive the employee’s Letter of resignation. Providing a resignation acceptance letter is not just a means of paper trail or a tangible proof that a letter of resignation was indeed received. It is also a reference for the employee to use or to show that a letter of resignation was given.

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Resignation Acceptance Letter with Notice Period

Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000
[email protected]
May 27, 2024

Jessica Taylor
Math Teacher
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000

Dear Jessica,

I am writing to formally acknowledge and accept your resignation from your position as Math Teacher at Greenwood High School, effective June 10, 2024, as per the notice period stated in your resignation letter dated May 27, 2024.

We appreciate your dedication and contributions during your tenure at our school. Your commitment to providing quality education and support to our students has been greatly valued, and you will be missed by both your colleagues and your students.

As you transition out of your role, we would like to ensure a smooth and efficient handover of your responsibilities. Please work closely with the administration and your fellow teachers to finalize any pending tasks and provide necessary information to facilitate this transition. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

We understand that your decision to resign is based on personal reasons, and we respect your need to move forward. Should you require any assistance or have any questions during this notice period, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to thank you once again for your service and wish you all the best in your future endeavors.


Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School

Resignation Acceptance Letter From Employer

Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000
[email protected]
May 27, 2024

Jessica Taylor
Math Teacher
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000

Dear Jessica,

I am writing to formally acknowledge and accept your resignation from your position as Math Teacher at Greenwood High School, effective June 10, 2024. We understand and respect your decision to move on due to personal reasons.

I want to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for your dedication and contributions to our school community. Your commitment to providing quality education and your positive impact on our students and colleagues have been truly valued.

During your notice period, we would like to ensure a smooth transition of your responsibilities. Please work closely with the administration and your fellow teachers to finalize any pending tasks and provide necessary information to facilitate this handover. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated.

If there is anything we can do to assist you during this transition period, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are committed to supporting you as you complete your tenure with us.

On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to thank you once again for your service and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We hope you stay in touch and share your progress and achievements.


Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School

Resignation Acceptance Letter and Relieving Letter

Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000
[email protected]
May 27, 2024

Jessica Taylor
Math Teacher
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000

Dear Jessica,

I am writing to formally acknowledge and accept your resignation from your position as Math Teacher at Greenwood High School, effective June 10, 2024. We understand and respect your decision to move on due to personal reasons.

We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your dedication and contributions during your tenure at our school. Your commitment to providing quality education and your positive impact on our students and colleagues have been truly valued.

As part of the resignation process, this letter also serves as your official relieving letter. Your last working day will be June 10, 2024, and you will be relieved of your duties and responsibilities as of that date. Please ensure that all necessary handovers are completed and any pending tasks are finalized before your departure.

Your cooperation in ensuring a smooth transition is greatly appreciated. If there are any documents or information that need to be handed over, please coordinate with the administration to complete these tasks.

If there is anything we can do to assist you during this transition period, please do not hesitate to let us know. We are committed to supporting you as you complete your tenure with us.

On behalf of the entire school community, I would like to thank you once again for your service and wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We hope you stay in touch and share your progress and achievements.


Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School

Resignation Acceptance Letter to Employee

Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000
[email protected]
May 27, 2024

Jessica Taylor
Math Teacher
Greenwood High School
456 Elm Street
Hometown, IL 62000

Dear Jessica,

I am writing to formally acknowledge and accept your resignation from your position as Math Teacher at Greenwood High School, effective June 10, 2024. We respect your decision and understand the personal reasons that have led you to this choice.

We deeply appreciate your dedication and the positive contributions you have made during your time with us. Your commitment to excellence in teaching and the care you have shown for your students have significantly enriched our school community.

To ensure a smooth transition, we kindly ask you to complete all pending tasks and assist in the handover process. Please work with your colleagues and the administration to make this transition as seamless as possible. Your cooperation in this matter is greatly valued.

If there is any assistance you require during your notice period or if you need any support in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are here to help in any way we can.

On behalf of the entire Greenwood High School community, I want to thank you for your service and dedication. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors and hope you remain in touch.


Michael Anderson
Greenwood High School

Browse More Templates On Resignation Acceptance Letter

1. Resignation Acceptance Letter

resignation acceptance letter template

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  • Pages


2. Resignation Acceptance Letter From Manager Template

free resignation acceptance letter from manager template

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3. Request For Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

free request for resignation acceptance letter template

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  • Outlook
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How To Write a Resignation Acceptance Letter?

how to write a resignation acceptance letter

Writing a resignation acceptance letter involves formally acknowledging an employee’s resignation, expressing gratitude for their service, and providing details about the transition period. Here are the steps to write an effective resignation acceptance letter:

1. Start with the Employee’s and Your Information

Include the date, the employee’s name and position, and your own details (name, position, and organization).

2. Acknowledge the Resignation

Clearly state that you have received and accepted the employee’s resignation letter.

3. Mention the Last Working Day

Confirm the employee’s last working day, based on their notice period or the date mentioned in their resignation letter.

4. Express Gratitude

Thank the employee for their contributions and service to the organization.

5. Discuss Transition Details

Outline any steps that need to be taken for a smooth transition. This might include completing pending tasks, handing over responsibilities, or training a replacement.

6. Offer Assistance

Offer your support and assistance during the transition period and beyond, if applicable.

7. Conclude Professionally

End the letter on a positive note, wishing the employee success in their future endeavors.

4. Resignation Acceptance Letter With Immediate Effect

free resignation acceptance letter with immediate effect template

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  • PDF


How do you accept a letter of resignation?

Accepting a letter of resignation involves a thoughtful and professional response that acknowledges the employee’s decision to leave the company. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to handle this situation:

  1. Prompt Response: Begin by acknowledging the receipt of the resignation letter format promptly. A quick response demonstrates respect for the employee’s decision and helps set a positive tone for the transition.
  2. Express Understanding: Express understanding and appreciation for the employee’s contributions to the company. Acknowledge the reasons they provided for resigning and show empathy towards their decision.
  3. Acknowledge Contributions: Take a moment to highlight the employee’s achievements and contributions to the organization. This sample acknowledgment not only reinforces their value but also helps maintain a positive relationship.
  4. Offer Support: Extend your support during the transition period. Assure the employee that you are available to address any concerns or questions they may have and that you are committed to making the transition as smooth as possible.
  5. Discuss Transition Plan: Initiate a discussion about the transition plan. This includes outlining the notice period, if applicable, and discussing the handover of responsibilities. Clarify expectations for the remaining time and ensure a clear understanding of the employee’s role during this period.
  6. Exit Interview: If your company conducts exit interviews, offer the opportunity for the resigning employee to participate. This can provide valuable insights into the reasons for their departure and help identify areas for improvement within the organization.
  7. Provide Information: Offer information about the company’s policies regarding the return of company property, the settlement of outstanding dues, and any other administrative details that need to be addressed before the departure.
  8. Maintain Professionalism: Throughout the entire process, maintain a professional and positive demeanor. Avoid expressing negative sentiments or attempting to dissuade the employee from resigning. Instead, focus on a constructive and supportive approach.
  9. Confirm in Writing: Follow up the verbal conversation with a written acceptance of the resignation. This documentation ensures clarity and can serve as a sample reference point for both parties.
  10. Prepare for Transition: As the employee begins their notice period, work collaboratively to ensure a smooth transition. This involves facilitating knowledge transfer, updating documentation, and arranging for a suitable handover to the person who will assume the departing employee’s responsibilities.
  11. Farewell: Organize a farewell gathering or send-off to celebrate the employee’s time with the company. This can help create a positive and memorable departure experience.

By following these steps, you can navigate the process of accepting a letter of resignation with professionalism, empathy, and efficiency.

5. Employee Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

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  • Docx

Size: 4 KB


6. Sample Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

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  • PDF

Size: 115 KB


Why is it important to respond to employee resignation letters?

Responding to employee resignation letters is crucial for several reasons:

1. Professionalism and Respect

  • Acknowledgment: Recognizing the employee’s decision to leave shows respect for their choice and maintains a professional relationship.
  • Courtesy: Acknowledging their resignation formally is a standard courtesy and reflects well on the organization’s culture.

2. Clear Communication

  • Confirmation: It confirms receipt of the resignation and ensures there is no confusion about the employee’s intentions and last working day.
  • Details: It provides an opportunity to discuss important details such as notice period, final paycheck, and the transition process.

3. Smooth Transition

  • Planning: Helps plan for a smooth transition by outlining what needs to be done before the employee leaves, such as handing over responsibilities or training a replacement.
  • Minimize Disruption: Ensures that the departure does not disrupt operations and that there is continuity in the employee’s duties.

4. Maintaining Morale

  • Closure: Provides closure to the resigning employee and their colleagues, reducing speculation and uncertainty within the team.
  • Support: Shows that the organization values its employees and supports them, even when they decide to leave.

5. Legal and Documentation Purposes

  • Record Keeping: Creates an official record of the resignation, which is important for human resources and legal documentation.
  • Compliance: Ensures that the organization complies with any legal or contractual obligations related to employee resignation.

6. Feedback Opportunity

  • Insights: Allows the employer to gather feedback from the departing employee, which can be useful for improving workplace conditions and retention strategies.

7. Future Relationships

  • Networking: Leaves the door open for future networking and professional relationships, which can be beneficial for both parties.
  • Rehire Potential: If the employee leaves on good terms, they may consider returning to the organization in the future.

7. Manager Resignation Acceptance Letter Template

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Size: 18 KB


The management and handling of employees includes a broad and varying range of aspects that starts from an employee’s hiring date until his last employment date. Although it is usually overlooked, dealing with a leaving employee is also an important aspect in employee management. Having an established policy pertaining to an employee’s resignation will help you to handle his exit in a positive and respectful way.You may also see formal acceptance letters.

A lot of companies typically have a set program intended for leaving information to aid them through the different steps of transition. A company’s human resource department or the employer’s supervisor should offer professional separation services and should properly explain important details that need to be ironed out for his resignation such as notice requirements, his last day of employment, severance pay, etc.You may also see membership resignation letters

Once an employee submits a letter of resignation, an employer should send a reply letter or a resignation acceptance letter to the separating employee. The letter should express your regret about having to lose the employee but that you understand and respect the difficult decision that he had to make as well your acknowledgement of receiving the letter and the employee’s last day of work. You may also see resignation letter formats

8. Resignation Acknowledgement Acceptance Letter Template

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  • PDF

Size: 20 KB


How do you write a resignation acceptance?

Subject: Acceptance of Resignation

Dear [Employee’s Name],

I am writing to formally acknowledge and accept your resignation, which was submitted on [Date of Resignation Letter]. While we are saddened to see you go, we respect your decision and appreciate the notice you have provided.

Your contributions to [Your Company Name] have been invaluable, and we want to express our gratitude for your hard work and dedication during your time here. We understand that career decisions are personal, and we wish you the very best in your future endeavors.

We will work together to ensure a smooth transition during your notice period. Please feel free to discuss any outstanding tasks or project work that require attention. Our HR department will reach out to you regarding the necessary administrative processes.

Thank you once again for your service to [Your Company Name]. If you ever find yourself back in our industry, we would welcome the opportunity to work with you again.

Wishing you success and fulfillment in your future endeavors.


[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information]

9. Resignation Acceptance Letter in PDF

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Size: 139 KB


Tips For Writing a Resignation Acceptance Letter

tips for writing a resignation acceptance letter

Writing a resignation acceptance letter is an important part of maintaining professionalism and ensuring a smooth transition. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective resignation acceptance letter:

1. Acknowledge the Resignation Promptly

  • Timeliness: Respond to the resignation letter as soon as possible to acknowledge receipt and acceptance.
  • Clear Confirmation: Clearly state that you have received and accepted the resignation.

2. Use a Professional Tone

  • Respectful: Maintain a respectful and positive tone throughout the letter.
  • Professional Language: Use formal language and avoid casual or informal expressions.

3. Express Gratitude

  • Thank the Employee: Express your appreciation for the employee’s contributions and dedication to the organization.
  • Acknowledge Achievements: Highlight any notable achievements or positive impacts they have made.

4. Confirm the Last Working Day

  • Specific Date: Confirm the employee’s last working day based on their notice period or the date specified in their resignation letter.

5. Discuss Transition Details

  • Handover Process: Outline the process for handing over responsibilities and completing any pending tasks.
  • Collaboration: Encourage the employee to work with colleagues and management to ensure a smooth transition.

6. Offer Assistance

  • Support: Offer your assistance and support during the transition period and beyond.
  • Open Communication: Encourage the employee to reach out if they need any help or have any questions.

7. Wish Them Well

  • Future Endeavors: Wish the employee success in their future endeavors and express a desire to stay in touch.
  • Positive Closure: End on a positive note, reinforcing a sense of goodwill.

8. Proofread Carefully

  • Check for Errors: Ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors in the letter.
  • Polish the Language: Make sure the letter is clear, concise, and professionally written.

10. Resignation Acceptance Letter in DOC

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  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Below are some tips to help you construct a resignation acceptance letter for your employee:

1. Provide an acknowledgement of your acceptance to the employee’s decision of resigning from the company.

2. Advise the employee of any requirements or formalities needed to be accomplished prior to his last day of work.

3. Maintain formality and professionalism in your letter. You may also see offer acceptance letters.

4. Commend the employee for any achievements that he has done throughout his tenure that has positively impacted the company. You may also see employment resignation letters

Although bidding adieu to an employee can be a hard and difficult process, establishing policies pertaining to an employee’s resignation can help make the transition smoother. It can also be helpful to provide information packets to give to resigning employees. If employees will approach you, they will probably want to discuss or ask questions about making the steps required to make the transition out of your company go as smoothly as possible.

Offer them professional advice and make sure to provide a structured outline for details such as severance packages, leave notice requirements, provision of a forwarding address for final pay, and final dates of employment. You may also  see membership resignation letters.

Creating a resignation acceptance letter is not a complicated thing to do. For as long as the letter provides an acknowledgement of the receipt of the letter of resignation. You can also view our other sample letters, Resignation Letter Format Samples, retirement resignation letters, and letter of resignation examples for more templates that you can use.


Is resignation acceptance letter enough?

Yes, a resignation acceptance letter is generally sufficient to acknowledge and confirm the employee’s decision to resign and express the employer’s acceptance of the resignation.

What happens if resignation is not accepted?

If a resignation is not accepted, the employee remains employed. The employer may choose to negotiate, address concerns, or follow company policies to resolve the situation.

Can I rejoin same company after resignation?

Yes, it’s possible to rejoin the same company after resignation, depending on company policies, the circumstances of the resignation, and mutual agreement between the employer and the employee.

Is relieving letter and resignation acceptance letter same?

No, a relieving letter and a resignation acceptance letter are not the same. A relieving letter is issued by the employer to formally accept an employee’s resignation and confirm the end of their employment, while a resignation acceptance letter is written by the employer to acknowledge the resignation.

Who approves resignation acceptance letter?

The resignation acceptance letter is typically approved and issued by the relevant authority within the organization, often by the HR department or the immediate supervisor of the resigning employee.

In conclusion, the resignation acceptance letter marks the acknowledgment of an employee’s decision to resign. It serves as a formal and courteous response, closing the chapter on their tenure.

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