Do you feel terribly unhappy with your internship? Perhaps you found out that your internship position is not as fulfilling as you thought it would be? Or maybe you enjoy your internship functions, however you are being maligned or mistreated by your colleagues? Well, whatever may be the source of your distress, there is a chance that you might be thinking about resigning from your internship at an earlier date. This is a completely human inclination for, after all, who wants to work in a less than satisfying internship environment, right? None of us do. We all want to achieve a sort of growth and learning by the end of our internship and avoid unnecessary conflicts at all costs. If your internship is causing you a lot of stress, then it is worthy of taking note that a resignation is not always the answer. Resignation is not the only solution that you have. Sometimes, resigning from your internship prematurely may cause you a lot more trouble than you might think.
For instance, you may get delayed in your internship program and if the delay goes on any further, it might affect your graduating or any other academic credentials. That is why you should always be wise when making this decision. Since it is not easy to determine when it is the best time to quit your internship, we are here to help you get through your decision-making process with ease. This article articulately discusses the situations when it is appropriate for you to quit your internship and when you should look for a different solution.
Simple Internship Resignation Letter Sample
Internship Resignation Letter Template
Grateful Internship Resignation Letter
How Would You Know It’s Time to Quit Your Internship?
Before you have been submerged in the sea of mental suggestions on resignation, you may have noticed that you were consistently feeling a sense of dread whenever you think about going to your workplace. Perhaps right now, you have just stared at the ceiling (or whatever view may conveniently be in front of you at the moment) lost in deep thought about the incidents that just transpired in your workplace. Are you feeling overwhelmed by the enormity of the workload that has been placed upon you? Do you have to deal with a supervisor who is micromanaging you? If you are stuck in this limbo, you have to find ways to get out of it so that you may be able to take appropriate actions. Below are some helpful tips that can help you determine whether it is the right moment for you to quit your internship or not:
Identify the Problem
Take the time to write down all the negative experiences you’ve had in your internship so far. Examine your list and mark all those experiences or aspects that have caused you a greater degree of unhappiness. From the items you have chosen, identify your problem situation in clear terms. If you are in a hurry, you don’t have to write these down on a piece of paper. All you need to do is ask yourself the right questions like the following:
- Are you stressed because of the work environment?
- Do you have a conflict or misunderstanding with one of your workmates or supervisor?
- Have you tried to talk to your workmate or supervisor in order to work things out?
- Are you merely bored of your work functions?
- Do you feel stagnated with little to no room for growth and learning?
- Have you observed the company practicing unethical or illegal behavior or procedures?
- Perhaps you are experiencing financial problems that make it harder for you to work as an unpaid intern?
- Do you find your internship lacking opportunities for growth in the career of your choice?
Talk to Your Internship Adviser
When your own judgments turn hazy and you are still confused, then you must go call up your internship adviser for a chat. Your internship adviser is the person who is tasked to oversee your entire internship experience (as well as your classmates’), hence, he/she would most definitely want what is best for you. Other than that, he/she is also equipped with enough knowledge regarding the nature of your industry or career choice and how best to wade through difficulties you may have encountered there. This person can provide you with helpful insights on whether or not it’s time for you to hand in your internship resignation letter.
Know the Valid Reasons for Internship Resignation
There are several circumstances that, at face value, are automatically considered as a valid reason for resignation. Some of those are the following:
- Illegal activities. If you have witnessed your manager or employer engaging themselves in illegal activities, then you must remove yourself from such a company right away. It is not wise to stay in any organization that is continuously and intentionally doing illegal actions for you may get in trouble legally in the future if you are not being careful.
- Unethical practices. While there may not always be any legal consequences for all the wrongful actions, there is certainly a set of behavioral standards that must be observed by professionals in your industry. That is why you must be objective enough to determine when your company has already gone beyond what is considered as ethical for your profession or industry. There is a level of moral responsibility that we have to consistently uphold even in the workplace. You must not choose to turn a blind eye on ethical matters as your reaction to an unethical behavior would speak greatly of the kind of professional or worker that you are. You may never know, you would get disqualified for a job or a promotion because your employer has caught wind of your past complicity to such unethical practices.
- Overt harassment. Workplaces, just like all the environment we went through in the past such as playgrounds and high schools, are a perfect habitat for human pettiness to rear its ugly head. It should not come to you as a shocking event if you would find your workmates gossipping about you. You have to be prepared to circumvent office politics in a professional way. You must not be driven to resign due to mere office politics unless you have been harassed continually to the point of emotional torment. In such case, then you have to leave your internship workplace right as soon as you can. You do not want to write it all off as nothing when in fact, you find yourself huddled up on your bed every night crying over the overtly degrading remarks that your coworkers are throwing your way. Leave your workplace. A company that can’t keep its employees and interns in check is not the best company for you to learn how to be a professional.
- Inhumane demands. Some companies may take advantage of interns by expecting them to perform a multitude of job functions that are no longer congruent to their job functions. If you have already made your complaint to the proper head or manager and they have not relieved you of such pressure, then your resignation would be a justifiable one.
- Threatened security. On top of overt harassment that is harmful to your emotional and mental well-being, if your physical security is already threatened, you must leave your company immediately. If you have actual evidence of the threat, it is advisable for you to report it to the proper authorities. Otherwise, simply leave your company if the source of the threat comes from your workplace.
- Unpaid internship. Most companies would give a certain sum as the allowance for interns while others may not. If you are an unpaid intern and you have offers from other companies that are willing to give you an allowance, then it is completely understandable that you should leave your current internship workplace.
Student Internship Resignation Letter
E-mail Internship Resignation Letter
When Resignation Is Probably Not the Best Solution
We all have experienced a boring day at work. Indeed, if you think about it, you can come up with a lot of reasons to quit your internships—but you must have enough sense to set a line between a justifiable reason for resignation and an unjustifiable one. Below are some uncomfortable workplace situations wherein a resignation may not necessarily be the appropriate course of action:
- If you have a conflict or misunderstanding with one of your workmates or superiors, then your first move must not be resignation. You have to talk to the person you have issues with first, then try to diffuse the source of the breach. After you have conversed with them and your conflict still won’t be resolved, then your next move is to take the matter to your immediate head. This is not only professional but it is a perfect strategy for you to avoid any further ill-will between you and the person you are in conflict with. A workplace conflict tends to blow up if you take it to the human resource manager right away because it shows that you did not observe the proper decorum of confronting the person first so that he/she may have the choice to resolve the conflict with you or not. As tempting as it may seem to simply write an internship resignation letter, however, it is not the proper way to deal with workplace conflicts.
- When you have a superior or manager who is micromanaging you, don’t take it the wrong way. There are a lot of micromanagers out there and in the future, you would encounter more of these control freaks in workplaces. That is why you must give them the benefit of the doubt by communicating with your superior why you don’t feel comfortable or effective due to their hovering attitude. If you are able to lay out to them some convincing arguments as to why it is better that you do things your way, then there is a chance that they would see some sense in it.
- If you are merely bored of the routinary tasks of your internship, then you have to suck it up. Working is not a joyride. You must learn how to bear the ennui and meaninglessness that naturally comes with having to do routinary tasks. Remember that internship is your testing ground and you don’t want to fail the test by quitting your internship for the mere reason of boredom, right?
- When you are experiencing heavy stress from performing your job functions. As long as your responsibilities are still in line with the ones agreed upon in your internship agreement, then it is your duty to live up to what is expected of you. Your internship is your training ground for time management, task and pressure management. That is why you have to find it in yourself to rise above the weariness that you feel at the end of each workday. Remember that if you persevere through all these hardships, you would be toughened at the end of your internship. In line with this, if you gain recognition from being a competent intern, you would find it easier to ask for spectacular recommendations for your future job applications.
Two Weeks Notice Internship Resignation Letter
Internship Resignation Letter
Basic Internship Resignation Letter
Now that you have a clear idea of when you can appropriately quit your internship, we hope that your decision-making process would be an easier thing for you. If you have already examined your problem and you have come to the logical decision of quitting your internship, then you must know how to properly resign from your internship. Do you want more information on resignation? You may browse our website for articles that can provide you with an outline of the things you need to do when resigning from your internship.
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