Making use of a recommendation letter to back you up with your job application is a way for one to gain an advantage to get the job that they have applied for. They have proven to be useful in any field they are used for, including the military.
This article focuses on sample letters of recommendation for those who wish to get admitted to the military. Attached are 8 of the best sample recommendation letters that you can get your hands on. These samples are available for download online. Edit them and use as your own or use them as reference to make your own recommendation letter.
Military Recommendation Letter Sample
Military Recommendation Letter for Promotion
Military Officer Recommendation Letter Format
Military Award Recommendation Letter
How to Write a Recommendation Letter
One day you are asked to write a recommendation letter and out of the blue you just said yes. After some time you find yourself in trouble because you don’t know how to make one and you have never tried making one before, and you should have refused but you said yes. Well, put your worries away as we are here to help you write a recommendation letter.
- Ask for the details of the type of recommendation letter you will be making. Find out if this is a promotion recommendation letter or a personal recommendation letter. If this recommendation letter is for a job application, it is best if you ask for a copy of the duties and responsibilities of the said position.
- Prepare a clean and legal size sheet for your letter. Set the margin size and the layout.
- Use a formal letter style in writing the recommendation letter.
- Know the name and designation of the person to whom the letter will be addressed to.
- Start your letter with a formal greeting.
- For the rest of the body of the letter, introduce yourself and the person to whom you are writing for. Include their skills, qualifications, and the reason why you are recommending this person.
- Write a conclusion before closing your letter.
- Say thank you, and write your full name and signature at the bottom.
- Spell-check and proofread.
Sample Letter of Recommendation for Military Service
Military Officer Recommendation Letter
Military Academy Recommendation Letter
Military Recommendation Letter Example
Types of Recommendation Letter
The three types of recommendation letters, namely employment recommendation letters, academic recommendation letters, and personal recommendation letters. They are also discussed below.
- Employment Recommendation Letters – An employment recommendation letter, also a job recommendation letter, is used by people who are applying for a job who needs backup or help. For employers, a recommendation letter serves as a proof that the said applicant has the skills and characteristics that they claim to have. One’s previous employer or university professors may write an employment letter, but never any relatives or family members.
- Academic Recommendation Letters – There are certain universities or courses that require the support recommendation letters to be able to get admitted. People who want to pursue law school or medical school need recommendation written by their previous professors or the people in the same industry to help them convince the dean of the said college to admit them.
- Personal Recommendation Letters – If there is one recommendation letter that can be written by close friends and family members, that is definitely going to be personal recommendation letters. A personal recommendation letter is used to apply for a personal loan and serves as proof of the good character of the individual, aside from the other requirements they ask.
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