Most often, occupational therapy and physical therapy are mistaken to be the same. Though there are similarities with their job functions, there are various differences that set them apart. If physical therapy is more focused on the rehabilitation of patients through various activities and physical exercises, occupational therapy on the other hand provides assistance and support to patients for the improvement of their self-care and motor skills needed for daily life.
Occupational therapists heal the mind, more so the body. They are not only focused on physical rehabilitation but also on giving motivation to patients so they can continue the process of their everyday improvement. They also suggest equipments that may help in the adaptability of patients to their conditions.
You can go through our Job Description Samples to know more about job functions like what this article has.
Sample Paediatric Occupational Therapist Job Description
Occupational Therapist Job Description in PDF
Occupational Therapist Job Description Summary
Free School Occupational Therapist Job Description
Assistant Occupational Therapist Job Description to Download
Occupational therapy, unlike physical therapy, are not solely focused on providing direct programs to help treat a patient’s injury. They also treat injuries but are not focused on it alone. They help patients through the following:
- Motivation for independence toward doing the works that the patient need to do every day
- Assistance to make patients accomplish the tasks and activities that they want to do
- Provide help needed by patients after an injury or such terms of physical impairment
- Assess the improvement of a patient’s life skills
- Give a list of adaptive tools that may be used by patients
- Recommend solutions for improvement based on on-site, work and home environment assessments.
If you have an injury, it is advisable to go to a physical therapist first as they are more likely to focus on treating the injury that you got. Then, go to an occupational therapist as they help you to recover faster through guidance as they help you with the basic functions that you need to do after an injury and a therapy.
Since there are a lot of jobs related to therapies, you can browse Respiratory Therapist Job Description Samples so that you will know the job differences of occupational therapists and respiratory therapists.
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Job Description
Senior Occupational Therapist Job Description Sample
Basic Pre Occupational Therapist Job Description
Occupational Therapist Job Description in Word
Printable Director of Occupational Therapy Job Description
If you know that you need the help of an occupational therapist, do not hesitate to give them a visit. There are times when people just tend to overlook at what they are feeling and pretend that it is okay for them to not be able to do the things that they usually can do.
Occupational therapists are always willing to help and they will guide you not only during assessments, examinations, the therapy sessions but also after those. They are employed for a reason and that is to assure that you are getting the improvement that you are supposed to have.
There is no better feeling than the assurance that you can do all your functions and there are no injuries nor pain that hinders you in trying to do what you want.
To know better of what is commonly mistaken as the same with occupational therapy and since you have already read this article about the latter, you may look at Physical Therapist Job Description Samples for the clarity of their differences.
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