I think we can all agree that communication is key going from the workers on the lowest tier all the way up to the board of directors. Among the several ways to communicate, one method that hasn’t been too affected by the increasing dependence on technology is the board report. Sample board reports are found practically anywhere, including this article. As you read on, you’ll learn more about what this document is and why people make great use of them. You may even decide to download a board report template or two.

18+ Sample Board Reports

Board Report Template

board report template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Basic Board Report Template

basic board report

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US, A4


Board Meeting Report Template

board meeting report

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Board of Trustees Report Template

board of trustees report

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Non Profit Board Report Template

non profit board report

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Board Rescue Report Template

board rescue report template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Board of Directors Report Template

board of directors report template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Management Report to Board of Directors Template

management report to board

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US


Board Compliance Report Template

board compliance report template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Free Monthly Board Report Template

free monthly board report template

File Format

Size: A4, US

Free Download

Free Committee Board Report Template

free committee board report template

File Format
  • PDF
  • Word
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US

Free Download

Free Board Meeting Report Template

free board meeting report template

File Format
  • Word
  • PDF
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US

Free Download

Free School Board Report Template

free school board report template

File Format
  • Word
  • PDF
  • Apple Pages

Size: A4, US

Free Download

HR Board Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 51 KB


Management Board Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Health and Safety Board Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 MB


Compliance Board Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Budget Board Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Committee Report to the Board

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


What Is a Board Report?

A board report is a document prepared for the purpose of communicating important information or data to a company’s board of directors. The information involves past and present performances of the company, as well as forecasts for the future. Financial audit reports can also be among the board report contents. This kind of document can be annual or on a month-by-month basis, with the difference being how concise a monthly board report variation is. As you can also see in the selection above, there are numerous variants available for anybody. A CEO report to board template can be just as useful as board of director report templates, although it will also depend on what you need.

How to Write Up a Board Report

Even if you’d rather get a template that you can just edit, it still pays to know what’s in a board report format. Take note of the following steps and you should be able to create your own board report without too much of a hassle.

Step 1: Write the Date and the Names

You must not forget to specify when the date for documentation purposes. Also, among the details you must include would be the specific names of those who are part of the board. Take care to specify the committee’s name, who its chair is, and who the members are.

Step 2: Specify the Objective

Every board meeting comes together due to a specific objective or board agenda. Include what those objectives are in your board report. Again, this is primarily for documentation purposes. It can also allow readers of the report to know what the board was aiming for in the first place.

Step 3: Note Down Any Recent Activities

Think of this part as a recap of sorts. Any recent activities must be written down, although not too extensively. You may also include an accomplishment report for the company. Related to this would be the inclusion of planned activities in the near future, which may deserve mention as well.

Step 4: Discuss Finances and Recommendations

One of the most important parts of any board report is the financial impact of what the company has been doing recently. Full figures, spreadsheets, and financial reports are expected. Once you’ve included those, the last thing to write would be any recommendations to the CEO and to the board of directors.


What are the five important components of any memo board report?

A board report may contain memo samples, which itself has the following important components: the heading, the overview, tasks and resolutions, attachments, and conclusion.

What makes a board report a good one?

Among the details that make up a good board report would be relevant supporting research data that backs up any significant claim made. The contents should not be too long either; brief but clear explanations work best for board reports.

Who needs to write board meeting reports?

A board meeting report is generally created by the HR manager of a company. However, many small scale businesses do not have a separate post for the HR manager. They generally outsource their HR management tasks. The tied-up HR company may send an executive to prepare the report on the latest board meeting.

Who would have thought that a document as simple as a board report would be so significant? In learning about what this is for, you open the floodgates for greater success for your company. Take the knowledge you’ve gained here today and put it to good use. Either make one for yourself or download fanciful templates like the board of directors report examples or a nonprofit executive director report sample.

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