Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point or HACCP is an internationally recognized system used in the reduction of safety hazards in food. The main focus of the analysis is to keep food safe from known biological, chemical and physical hazards that may take place during the production process. A different analysis process is used for different types of food with different ways of preparation. In this, article are a number of HACCP samples that are used for different types of food and food preparations. You may check out the sample analysis below for your reference.

HACCP Hazard Analysis Template

1. Hazard Analysis and HACCP Plan Worksheet Template

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You will need to gather all the information that you need when conducting an analysis. The data gathering part may be a daunting task to do because these information are essential to the analysis, not to mention that the accuracy of the results highly rely on the gathered information. However daunting it may be, the task can be made simpler and easier with a hazard analysis and HACCP plan worksheet template. It is indeed a convenient way to get things done quickly. You may also use planning worksheet templates for your needs.

2. Food Safety Hazard Analysis Template

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The main purpose of the analysis is food safety. This customizable food safety hazard analysis template will help you have that done. It includes a table where you can record your observations or findings with instructions on how you can correctly use the template. You may also ad, remove or change any parts of the template as you please to make it appropriate for your needs. It is not only customizable, but it is also a print-ready template. You surely wouldn’t want to miss something this good. Check it out, now!

3. Sample Hazard Analysis Worksheet for Chicken Salad

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There are different ways of preparing chicken salad sandwich and this analysis worksheet sample is one way to make sure that food preparation is done right. You can see in this sample that the details of the analysis is written in a table so that it can be easily read and understood. The table also makes the sample look neat, organized and easy to navigate. If you are looking for a good reference for your own work, this sample is surely a good one. You may also check out product competitive analysis samples.

4. Generic HACCP Analysis Sample

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If you want a sample that you can easily read through, then you will need to look for a generic HACCP analysis sample just like the one you are seeing above. It is  actually good for beginners or those who are just starting to know about how the analysis is done and how data is recorded and presented. That is because generic analysis samples mostly use the standard format for analysis writing, instead of the customized formats required by other institutions. Other useful analysis samples you may check out are simple SWOT analysis templates and risk analysis templates.

5. Sample HACCP Guideline

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The best tool that can help you come up with an effective and well-written analysis report is a document that provides you with guidelines on how you can have the analysis done right. Here is a sample HACCP guideline that can you cans surely check out and use. The sample is detailed and comprehensive where you can get a lot of ideas on how to write an effective HACCP analysis of your own. Use this sample to your advantage.

6. Hazard-Analysis and HACCP Plan Worksheets

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This sample includes a flow chart on how a HACCP is done on salmon fillets to ensure that they are safe from any forms of food hazard. Including a diagram or flow chart in your analysis document adds visuals to your work and will make the explanation process easy to understand and follow. You can use this sample as a reference for your own work, and with the appropriate resources you can also use this as your own template that will make your task easier.

7. HACCP Plan Template

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A hazard vulnerability analysis template is used for checking any possible hazards in a particular location or premises. Food safety hazards on the other hand can be easily conducted with the use of an HACCP plan template. This sample template will help you make the most of your task, and allows you to quickly and conveniently record the findings of your analysis in an organized sheet. This sample template will make your life definitely easier so that you can hve more time doing other more important stuff.

8. Food Safety Risk Analysis Sample

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This food safety sample risk analysis is packed with information that you can definitely use for your own, whether you are getting ideas or gathering research information from it. It uses a simple layout and has all sorts of visuals that will aid in the presentation of data to make it easier to understand. Checking out this sample will surely be worthwhile.

9. Canning Sample HACCP Plan Form

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The sample form shown above is used in gathering and recording the details of the analysis done in a canning process. Use this sample if you are writing about something similar or as a guide to help you prepare on what you need to do when conducting an analysis on this kind of food preparation.

10. Sample Fish HACCP Model

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Here is a sample analysis guideline on the safe and allowable preparation of fish that sold in large amount or wholesale. The sample is modifiable so you can freely make changes to the document however you want to. Simply download your own a copy of this sample so that you can start making changes to it.

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