As an author, there is one more important piece you have to write apart from your literary work schedule, and that is your query letter. The query letter is addressed to publishing companies or agents on the subject on representation.

As an author, there is one more important piece you have to write apart from your literary work schedule, and that is your query letter. The query letter is addressed to publishing companies or agents on the subject on representation.

Essentially, you are looking for a publisher that would carry and reproduce your literary piece. It is thus very much like a sales pitch. Of the piles of manuscripts that publishing houses have to go through, not one of their people want to read through 500+ pages of your work only to find out that it is not the type of novel that their company represents. Hence, your first ticket to becoming a published author is a concise and convincing query letter, like these tried and tested Sample Letters. It is thus a very crucial document that could determine your success in the industry.

Response to Query Letter Sample PDF

free freelance query letter template

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Query Letter Sample PDF

free job query letter sample template

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Query Letter Sample to a Staff PDF

official query letter sample template

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Query Letter Template

query letter template

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Official Query Letter Sample

free query letter to employee template

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Query Letter Format PDF

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Size: 5 KB


What is a Query Letter to an Employee?

A sample query letter to an employee serves as a formal communication tool to address concerns, seek clarification, or initiate a discussion regarding specific aspects of their performance or conduct. The tone should be professional and objective, focusing on the facts and maintaining a constructive approach.

Begin the letter by expressing appreciation for the employee’s contributions and dedication. Clearly state the purpose of the query, whether it’s related to a specific incident, performance issue, or a general inquiry. Provide detailed information about the concern, referencing specific dates, incidents, or performance indicators.

Encourage the employee to share their perspective on the matter and provide an opportunity for open communication. Include any relevant policies, procedures, or expectations to support your points. Offer assistance or resources if the query involves performance improvement or specific tasks.

Conclude the formal letter by expressing the expectation for a timely response and the willingness to discuss the matter further. Ensure that the language used is respectful and professional, maintaining a balance between addressing the issue at hand and preserving a positive working relationship. A well-crafted query letter fosters transparency, allowing for a constructive dialogue between employer and employee.

Query Letter Examples

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Size: 7 KB


Reply to Query Letter

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Size: 55 KB


What are the Features of a Query Letter?

  • Introduction:
  • Begin with a professional salutation and a concise introduction, stating your name, background, and the purpose of the letter.
  • Book Information:
  • Clearly mention the title, genre, and word count of your manuscript. Provide a brief and compelling summary of your book to grab the agent or publisher’s attention.
  • Author Bio:
  • Include a brief and relevant author biography, highlighting your writing credentials, publications, and any pertinent experience that establishes your credibility as a writer.
  • Personalization:
  • Tailor each query letter to the specific literary agent or publisher you are addressing. Mention why you’ve chosen them and how your work aligns with their interests.
  • Comp Titles:
  • Include comparable titles (comp titles) to give the agent or publisher a sense of where your work fits in the market. This helps them understand the potential audience for your book.
  • Unique Selling Point (USP):
  • Clearly articulate what makes your book unique and marketable. Identify the elements that set your work apart from others in the same genre.
  • Manuscript Status:
  • Indicate the status of your manuscript, whether it’s complete or still in progress. Agents and publishers want to know if you have a finished, polished product ready for review.
  • Closing:
  • Express your gratitude for the agent or publisher’s time and consideration. Include any additional materials they may require, such as sample chapters or a full manuscript.
  • Contact Information:
  • Provide your contact details, including email and phone number, making it easy for the recipient to reach out to you. Ensure your email address is professional.
  • Politeness and Professionalism:
  • Maintain a respectful and professional tone throughout the letter. Avoid overly casual language and focus on presenting yourself and your work in a positive light.
  • Follow Submission Guidelines:
  • Adhere to any specific submission guidelines provided by the literary agent or publisher. This may include preferred formatting, document length, or additional materials they want to receive.
  • Proofreading:
  • Thoroughly proofread your query letter to eliminate grammatical errors and ensure clarity. A well-polished letter reflects your attention to detail and professionalism.

Response to Query Sample

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Size: 93 KB


Query of Letter

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Size: 523 KB


How to Format a Query Letter

As much as you want to make a lasting impression, steer clear from fancy fonts, colors, scented papers, and what have you. A query letter has to follow the business formatting guidelines, be addressed accordingly, and should therefore be in black text of a professional font family, sized 12, and preferably printed on a letter-sized bond sample paper. Use these Sample Query Letters to guide you with the format.

More importantly, a query letter has to be concise. At most, it should only have 300 words in it.

What to Write in a Query Letter

With that word count in mind, it is thus very important to make the most convincing and compelling query letter. It should contain the following elements:

  • the genre of your work,
  • its title,
  • the number of words,
  • your previous works, and
  • your recognition from major award-giving bodies, if any.

Many writers start their letters by identifying their referrals or relations to the addressed agent or publisher. If you have neither, a neat way to make an introduction is a story hook.

What a Story Hook Is

A story hook should incite interest in the plot chart of your piece, in the same way that the descriptions on the back of books captivate the interest of readers. This time, though, you have to do so with far lesser words. Your story hook should capture what your story is all about, by introducing the lead and his or her conflict, as well as the setting the story is in.

Query Letter Example

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Size: 52 KB


Query Reply Letter Format

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Size: 6 KB


Sample Query Letter in MS Word

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  • MS Word

Size: 4 KB



A Query Letter vs. an Inquiry Letter

Whereas query letters are addressed to publishing houses and agents, inquiry letters are business documents sent to companies by job seekers. These are typically written when an applicant wants to learn about job vacancies in a company that would suit his or her skills and qualifications. To know more, see these Sample Inquiry letters.

What a Query Letter Is

As a writer, your query letter should introduce your article, story, or novel to potential publishers. Remember, it is your marketing tool or sales pitch. How attractive your literary product is to them is all up to your query letter writing it as though you are asking for their representation of yourself as the author and of your work. No publishing house or literary agent still goes through an entire manuscript without a query letter. The query letter decides whether what you’re selling is worth their time and their consideration.

Is Query Letter a Formal Letter?

Yes, a query letter is a formal communication. It is a concise and structured letter typically used in professional settings to make inquiries, request information, or propose ideas.

How Long is a Query Letter?

A query letter is typically one page long, succinctly introducing a writer’s project to literary agents or publishers. It includes a brief synopsis, author bio, and contact information.

Do Query Letters Work?

Yes, query letters can be effective in securing opportunities. A well-crafted query introduces your proposal, showcases your credentials, and generates interest, increasing the likelihood of a positive response from recipients.

What is the Conclusion of a Query Letter?

The conclusion of a query letter should express gratitude, restate the main points, and convey enthusiasm. It should invite further discussion and express readiness to provide additional information if needed.



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