Research analysis is every bit as vital to a company as marketing itself. It’s the very reason why some products are very successful and why some products fail. Research analysis delves on researching the market to improve product performance and help companies identify the trend on what kind of product or service is currently in demand and how the company can ride on its benefits.

Our website’s Sample Analysis for research analysis focus on the factors on making a highly successful research analysis. These come with a variety of samples for different uses that users can download on either Word Doc or PDF file formats.

Global Research Analysis Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 423 KB


Marketing Research And Analysis Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 82 KB


Market Research Analysis Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Quantitative Research Analysis in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 69 KB


Aside from research and interpretation of data, research analysis can help in recommending measures for improvement based on several factors like data being gathered in the research. Research analysis can also help in recommending what products are currently marketable based on the needs and wants of consumers. In this regard, being able to recognize market trends and sentiments are essential elements needed for effective research analysis.

Some of the uses of research analysis include the following:

  • Being able to gather data on the competition based on consumer sentiments and competitor products out in the market that are being marketed successfully. Obtaining methods of marketing from competitors and their strategies if they happen to do better than your own product
  • Random sample testing on consumers in different areas to determine the demographics of who will buy the products or services being offered
  • Providing suitable data to determine whether to add or pull out the product in certain areas based on the sales performance of the product
  • Providing recommendations for the effective promotion and distribution of products that can increase sales performance
  • Communicating data to sales and marketing for their awareness on the importance of achieving the company’s sales goals and objectives

These are some of the manner by which an effective research analysis is being conducted. There’s a comprehensive list included in some of the samples being given that users can look up to as guides. These may help in conducting your own research analysis, although a more thorough study conducted by an expert is needed for proper procedure on how research analysis is being done.

For more research-related marketing study, do check out our website for more samples such as Competitive Market Analysis that will help guide users on the how such studies are being conducted. These are all available free for downloading on both Word Doc and PDF file formats.

Market Research Analysis Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 263 KB


General Research Analysis

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 63 KB


For a research analysis to be thoroughly understood by all departments in a company’s organization, a good research analyst must be present to help break down the reports in layman’s terms. Graphs and statistics may help, but these should be broken down to proper and simple explanations so that the message will get through from sales and marketing down to the production line. A company’s goals should be stressed accordingly to emphasize the importance of good sales performance for the company to flourish.

For more guides on analyses, check more on our website or click on the link for Quantitative Analysis samples. These are also free to download and print for users who may want to use them.

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