Evaluations are sometimes considered as arduous and time-consuming tasks. However, no matter how difficult evaluations can be, organizations must periodically conduct it. This is so because effective evaluation is the key to any organizational success. If you want to make evaluation an easier process, then you can do so by utilizing an appropriate evaluation form.
Whether you are a manager, a trainer, an employer, or a university administrator who is tasked to evaluate certain individuals, you need to create an evaluation form which targets all the necessary points which need to be gauged. For your convenience, we are providing you with easily downloadable Sample Evaluation Forms which are available in PDF and Word formats. These templates are varied in form and content in order to cater to disparate evaluation needs. Scroll down below to start downloading our templates!
Self Evaluation Template
Performance Evaluation Template
Staff Employee Self-Evaluation Template
Marketing Campaign Evaluation Template
Applicant Appraisal Form Evaluation Template
Checklist Sales Representative Evaluation Template
Checklist Evaluation to Buy a Business Template
Training Evaluation Form Examples
Athletic Training Evaluation Form
Training Evaluation Form Sample
End of Course Training Evaluation Form Sample
Student Evaluation Forms
Student Course Evaluation Form
Student Presentation Evaluation Form
Student Teacher Evaluation Form for Teachers
Graduate Student Annual Evaluation Form
Presentation Evaluation Forms
Poster Presentation Evaluation Form
Oral Presentation Evaluation Form
Presentation Evaluation Form Example
Group Presentation Evaluation Form
Conference Evaluation Forms
Video Conference Training Evaluation Form
Student Leadership Conference Evaluation Form
Conference Evaluation Form Sample
Course Evaluation Forms
High School Course Evaluation Form
Sample Course Evaluation Form
Nurse Course Evaluation Form
Instructor Course Evaluation Form
Evaluation: What Is It?
Organizations run smoothly when its programs and activities produce results which are in consonance with its organizational goals and visions. Positive results are a product of the effective implementation of said programs. In order to ensure that the organizational programs are properly implemented, the organization’s head or manager can and must constantly evaluate the program’s effectiveness. Moreover, he/she must also evaluate the competencies and other salient qualities of the members of the organization which can affect a program’s effectivity.
Evaluation is the periodical process of assessing the results as well as the factors affecting the quality of the results of a particular program, an employee or member’s competency, and/or any organizational activity. There are various methods of evaluation and the most common denominator or factor which sets apart an effective evaluation procedure from a failed one is the utilization of evaluation form.
What Are Evaluation Forms?
Evaluation forms are documents that are used to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular program or endeavor. These forms are tailored in such a way that it consist of elements which directly assess the crucial aspects of a program or a person’s effectivity or competency.
When Are Evaluation Forms Needed?
There are numerous settings that necessitate the utilization of evaluation forms. The following are the most common situations when an evaluation form must be used:
- Use it when a trainer or instructor (e.g. swimming instructor, voice coach, gym instructor, etc) wants to evaluate the progress of his/her trainees after a specific duration of time since his/her trainee has started training under him/her or since his/her trainee’s progress has been assessed.
- Use it when teachers are being evaluated by their students. Usually, university administrators ensure that the teachers they hire are employing teaching methods which are appropriate for the subject they are teaching. Perhaps the more vital reason for teacher evaluation is so that the school administration would gauge the teaching ethics of their teachers and whether or not the teachers have not abused their power and authority in the classrooms.
- Use it when employers or managers evaluate their employees or staff in order to check whether the skills, habits, and competencies of their staff are in line with the ones required for their job position. Moreover, the employee evaluation procedure also allows managers and employers to reassign employees to different job assignments which suits their skills better.
- Use it when a recruiter or hiring manager wants to objectively evaluate the qualifications of each job applicant after their respective job interviews.
- Use it when a human resource staff, human resource manager, or an employer would want to check whether a probationary employee is performing well enough in his/her daily tasks in order for him/her employment to be regularized.
- Use it when a skilled speaker or a specialized facilitator wants to improve the quality of his/her workshops and trainings by asking his/her participants to evaluate him/her right after the workshop or training is done.
Indeed, evaluation procedures are essential to almost any type of organization or partnership between two individuals which involves the implementation of a certain program or activity with goal of achieving certain results. To know more about the various types of evaluation forms, feel free to refer to the templates on this page. You can also check out our collection of Trainer Evaluation Forms which is filled with easily downloadable templates.
Event Evaluation Form Examples
Post-Event Evaluation Form
Ministry Event Evaluation Form
Event Planning and Evaluation Form
Student Event Evaluation Form
Interview Evaluation Forms
Candidate Interview Evaluation Form
Job Interview Evaluation Form
Member Screening/Interview Evaluation Form
Applicant Interview Evaluation Form
Meeting Evaluation Forms
Board Meeting Evaluation Form
Parent Involvement Meeting Evaluation Form
Community Meeting Evaluation Form
Performance Evaluation Forms
Employee Performance Evaluation Form
6-Month Probationary Employee Performance Evaluation Form
Probationary Employee Performance Evaluation Form
Administrative Staff Performance Evaluation Form
Workshop Evaluation Forms
Workshop Evaluation Form Sample
Parent Workshop Evaluation Form
Coaching Workshop Evaluation Form
Workshop Evaluation Form Example
Types of Evaluation Forms
Evaluation forms can have varying contents depending on what is being assessed. If you are preparing one, you need to incorporate in your evaluation form all he necessary points or aspect which must essentially be assessed. In order to do so, make a comprehensive list beforehand of the possible factors and aspects which you must include. Examine this list through intensive analysis. Only after you have done so, can you start creating your evaluation form.
Employee Evaluation Forms
Businesses prosper when their employees are performing their job functions with the utmost of their abilities. The surefire way to manage an employee’s job performance is through evaluation. In the process of evaluation, employees are either:
- asked to perform a particular task while the manager or employer observes his/her performance; or
- an employee is asked to fill out an evaluation form which contains questions which are pertinent to his/her job functions
If you are a manager, and you have chosen the first method of employee evaluation, then you would still need to use an employee evaluation form. The version of the employee evaluation form that you will use must contain a categorized list of the salient points which you need to assess. Such points can be the characteristics, workplace habits, time-management strategies, skills, and other pertinent factor or aspect which affects your employees’ job performance. This evaluation form would serve as your guide as you observe your employee while he/she is doing his/her tasks. To make your job easier, include a well-organized points-system for each aspect which you are assessing. This way you would generate a more objective result for your employee evaluation. In turn, this objective result would enable you to make appropriate decisions regarding your employees and how to manage them.
On the other hand, if you want to evaluate your employees by simply making them answer questions in an employee evaluation form, then you need to ensure that you have meticulously crafted questions which cover all the essential points of assessment.
If you want to know more about employee evaluation forms, you may check out our collection of Employee Evaluation Forms. The templates in such collection can also provide you with various format and layouts which you can use as guides when you make your own employee evaluation form. Simply click on the link provided.
Self Evaluation Forms
Annual Self-Evaluation Form
Physical Fitness Test Self-Evaluation Form
Nanny Self-Evaluation Form
Contractor Evaluation Forms
Contractor Performance Evaluation
Standard Contractor Evaluation Forms
Contractor Evaluation Form in PDF
Supplier Evaluation Forms
Supplier Evaluation Questionnaire Form
Basic Supplier Evaluation Form
Supplier Quality Evaluation Form
Supplier Performance Evaluation Form
Teacher Evaluation Forms
Teacher Evaluation Form Example
Teacher Evaluation Form for Students
Student Teacher Evaluation Form
University Teacher Evaluation Form
Benefits of Using Employee Evaluation Forms
The following are the advantages of using evaluation forms:
- Job Assignments – Good managers know that the key to organizational success is to ensure that each employee is assigned to do tasks which fits his/her unique capabilities, skills, and even temperament. In this juncture of organizational leadership, managers must take the effort to get to know their employees on a personal level in order to understand their personalities, skills, and habits. When managers have a relatively deep understanding of what motivates their employee to work, it would be easier for managers to detect whether or not an employee is demotivated because he/she does not find his/her job interesting or fit to his/her capabilities. For example, a creative employee would work better if he/she is assigned to do more creative tasks than routinary ones.
- Training and Development – Another benefit of employee evaluation forms is that it can provide the managers with an objective assessment of which part of an employee’s functions he/she finds difficult to perform. This way, the results of the employee evaluation would serve as the basis for the analysis of employee training needs. After such analysis, the manager can then formulate a training program for his/her employee which will then be implemented conscientiously in order for such training to produce positive results on employee productivity.
- Employee Regularization – Newly hired employees are usually probationary employees for the first three to six months. After the probationary period, managers assess the performance of each probationary employee in order to gauge whether or not such employee is ripe for regularization. When you evaluate your probationary employees, you need to examine the following points:
- your employee’s attendance;
- your employee’s time-management;
- your employee’s productivity level; and
- your employee’s level of professionality in dealing with colleagues, superiors, and administrators;
- your employee’s level of motivation to complete his/her tasks in a timely manner without compromising its quality
- Employee Job Promotion – Evaluation forms can also serve as basis for deciding whether or not an employee deserves a job promotion. The process of job promotion can be a difficult process. Proper employee evaluation is the key to making things easier for managers or executive officers to decide on an employee’s eligibility for a higher-ranking position.
Aside from employee evaluation forms, you may also check out other types of evaluation form which we are available on this page. If you may, you can also check out our Conference Evaluation Forms which you may access easily by clicking on the link provided.
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