Training evaluation can be a hectic job if you have to create the forms and then put in all the info. It takes up a lot of useful time and leaves a lot of room for mistakes. Instead of wasting your precious time you should simply check out our collection of training evaluation forms. You can also use one of our employee and course evaluation templates.

Download Training Evaluation Form Bundle
Training Evaluation Form for Employees
Employee Details:
- Name: __________________________
- Department: _____________________
- Date: ___________________________
- Trainer: _________________________
Training Details:
- Training Topic: ___________________
- Training Date: ___________________
- Duration: ________________________
Please rate the following aspects of the training:
- Content
- Relevance to your job:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Clarity of information:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Depth of content:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Relevance to your job:
- Trainer
- Knowledge of the subject:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Ability to answer questions:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Presentation skills:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Knowledge of the subject:
- Materials and Tools
- Quality of training materials:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Accessibility of tools:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Quality of training materials:
- Overall Experience
- How would you rate your overall experience?
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- How would you rate your overall experience?
- What did you like most about the training?
- What aspects of the training could be improved?
- Additional comments:
- Employee Signature: ______________________ Date: ____________

Training Evaluation Form for Trainees
Trainee Information:
- Name: ________________________________
- Training Session: ______________________
- Date: _________________________________
- Trainer: _______________________________
Session Details:
- Topic Covered: _________________________
- Duration: ______________________________
- Location: ______________________________
Please evaluate the following aspects of the training session:
- Training Content
- Relevance to your needs:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Understandability of the material:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Coverage of topics:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Relevance to your needs:
- Trainer Performance
- Knowledge of the subject matter:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Clarity of explanation:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Interaction with participants:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Knowledge of the subject matter:
- Training Methodology
- Effectiveness of teaching methods:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Use of practical examples:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Pace of training:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Effectiveness of teaching methods:
- Materials and Resources
- Quality of training materials (handouts, tools):
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Availability of resources:
- Excellent
- Good
- Average
- Poor
- Quality of training materials (handouts, tools):
- Overall Satisfaction
- How satisfied were you with the training?
- Very Satisfied
- Satisfied
- Neutral
- Dissatisfied
- Very Dissatisfied
- How satisfied were you with the training?
Open Feedback:
- What was the most useful aspect of the training?
- What could be improved in future sessions?
- Any other comments or suggestions?
- Trainee Signature: _______________________ Date: _______________

Training Effectiveness Evaluation Form
Participant Information:
- Name: ________________________________
- Position: _____________________________
- Department: ___________________________
- Training Session: ______________________
- Date: _________________________________
- Trainer: _______________________________
Training Details:
- Topic Covered: ________________________
- Duration: _____________________________
- Location: _____________________________
Please rate the following statements from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree):
- Content Relevance
- The training content was relevant to my job responsibilities.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- The training content was relevant to my job responsibilities.
- Knowledge Gained
- I have acquired new skills and knowledge.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- I have acquired new skills and knowledge.
- Skill Application
- I am able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in my job.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- I am able to apply the knowledge and skills learned in my job.
- Trainer Effectiveness
- The trainer was effective in presenting the subject matter.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- The trainer was engaging and maintained my interest.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- The trainer was effective in presenting the subject matter.
- Training Methods
- The methods and materials used in the training were effective.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- The methods and materials used in the training were effective.
- Overall Satisfaction
- Overall, I am satisfied with the effectiveness of the training.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- Overall, I am satisfied with the effectiveness of the training.
- Impact on Performance
- This training will improve my job performance.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- This training will improve my job performance.
- Future Application
- I feel confident in my ability to apply what I’ve learned to improve my work.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- I feel confident in my ability to apply what I’ve learned to improve my work.
Feedback Section:
- What are the key strengths of the training?
- What aspects of the training could be improved?
- Please provide any additional comments or suggestions:
- Participant Signature: _______________________ Date: _______________

Pre Training Evaluation Form
Participant Information:
- Name: ________________________________
- Position: _____________________________
- Department: ___________________________
- Date: _________________________________
- Scheduled Training Session: ____________
Training Objectives:
- What are your current roles and responsibilities within the organization?
- Please describe any previous training you have had related to this topic.
Assessment of Current Skills and Knowledge:
- On a scale of 1 (no knowledge) to 5 (expert knowledge), rate your current understanding of the training topic.
- 1 [ ] 2 [ ] 3 [ ] 4 [ ] 5
- What specific skills or knowledge do you hope to gain from this training?
Learning Preferences:
- What is your preferred learning style? (e.g., visual, auditory, hands-on)
- Are there any particular teaching methods or tools that you find most effective?
Training Needs:
- What challenges are you currently facing that you hope this training will address?
- Are there specific topics or areas you would like the training to focus on?
- What are your expectations for this training?
- How do you plan to apply what you learn in this training to your job?
Additional Comments:
- Please provide any other comments or information that might help us tailor the training to your needs.
- Signature: _________________________ Date: _______________

Browse More Templates On Training Evaluation Forms
Training Course Evaluation Form
Training Evaluation Form Format
Leadership Training Evaluation Form Template
Follow-Up Training Evaluation Form
How Can I Create a Training Evaluation Form?

- Define Objectives: Before you start designing the evaluation form, clearly define what you want to achieve with the training and the evaluation itself. Determine the specific aspects of the training you wish to evaluate, such as the content, delivery, applicability, and outcomes. You can also see more on Trainer Evaluation Forms.
- Identify Key Areas of Evaluation: Break down the training into key components that need feedback. Typical areas include training content, trainer effectiveness, training methods, material quality, participant engagement, and the training environment.
- Choose the Right Type of Questions: Use a mix of question types to gather varied data:
- Rating Scales (Likert scales) for measuring the degree of agreement or satisfaction.
- Open-ended questions to capture detailed feedback and suggestions.
- Multiple-choice questions for quick and clear responses.
- Yes/No questions for straightforward aspects.
- Design for Clarity: Ensure the form is easy to understand and fill out. Use clear, concise language and avoid jargon. Questions should be direct and designed to prevent bias.
- Plan the Timing of Distribution: Decide when to distribute the evaluation form for optimal response rates. Common timings include immediately after the training session, a few days later, or as a follow-up after a few weeks to assess long-term impact. You can also see more on Evaluation Forms.
- Pilot Test the Form: Before the actual training, pilot test your form with a small group similar to your training audience. This test can help identify any ambiguous questions or issues with the layout of the form.
- Administer the Form: Distribute the form efficiently using either paper format or digital tools, depending on your audience’s access and comfort with technology. Ensure anonymity if required to encourage honest feedback.
- Analyze and Act on Feedback: After collecting the responses, analyze the data to identify trends and insights. Use this information to make informed decisions about future training improvements. Share the findings with relevant stakeholders and discuss potential changes to enhance training effectiveness.
Sample Training Evaluation Form PDF
Training Workshop Evaluation Form
Training Program Evaluation Form
Uses of Training Evaluation Forms
- Feedback on Training Content: They help gather feedback on the relevance and quality of the training content, ensuring it meets the learning objectives and is aligned with job roles.
- Assess Trainer Performance: Evaluation forms are used to assess the performance of trainers, including their ability to communicate clearly, engage learners, and effectively convey the subject matter.
- Measure Training Effectiveness: By capturing participant responses, these forms measure the overall effectiveness of the training in terms of knowledge gained, skills improved, and attitudes altered.
- Identify Areas for Improvement: They provide critical insights into what aspects of the training could be improved, such as pacing, materials, and the physical or virtual environment.
- Determine Return on Investment (ROI): Evaluation forms can help calculate the return on investment in training by measuring changes in performance and productivity linked to the training.
- Support Professional Development: They aid in identifying further training needs, helping organizations plan and implement ongoing professional development for their staff.
- Enhance Learning Experience: Feedback collected can be used to tailor future training sessions to better suit the learning styles and preferences of participants, thereby enhancing the overall learning experience.
- Compliance and Accreditation: For some industries, training evaluation is a part of regulatory compliance. Evaluation forms can provide documented evidence that training was effective and met prescribed standards, which is crucial for audits and accreditations.
Training Evaluation Survey Template
Training Evaluation Questionnaire
Workshop Evaluation Form Template Free
Did you know that all these sample forms are also absolutely free? You can download one template a hundred times or download a hundred templates; we will not charge a penny. Even the subsequent editing and usage is free. They come in print ready formats.
Types of Evaluation Forms

- Training Evaluation Forms: Used to assess the effectiveness of training sessions. These forms typically ask participants to rate the content, delivery, and applicability of training. They help determine whether the training objectives were met and what improvements can be made for future sessions. You can also see more on Training Feedback Forms.
- Employee Performance Evaluation Forms: These are used in workplace settings to evaluate an employee’s job performance over a specific period. They typically include criteria based on job responsibilities, goals achieved, competencies, and overall contribution to the organization.
- Event Evaluation Forms: Utilized to gather feedback from attendees after an event. These forms can cover aspects like the quality of speakers, the relevance of the content presented, venue arrangements, overall satisfaction, and suggestions for future events. You can also see more on Trainer Evaluation Form.
- Course Evaluation Forms: Common in educational settings, these forms collect feedback from students regarding their experiences with a particular course. They may ask about the instructor’s effectiveness, course materials, classroom environment, and the perceived value of the course content.
- Project Evaluation Forms: Used to review the success of a project upon its completion. These forms assess various aspects of the project management process, including adherence to timelines, budget management, achievement of project goals, and team collaboration.
Training Evaluation Template
All of these premium Training evaluation form templates contain multiple editable fields. They are downloadable in the forms of excel sheets or word documents. This makes them extremely easy to use and edit. Any version of MS Office can be used while using these employee evaluation forms.
Trainee Evaluation Form Template
If your firm believes in Employee Review Templates , you can also download from our collection of employee self evaluation forms and mail them directly to the respective employees. Not only are these templates meticulously made, they also contain demo content and examples to guide you through the form building process.
Training Effectiveness Evaluation Form
Participant Post-training Evaluation Form Template
Key Components to Include in an Evaluation Form
- Purpose Statement: Clearly state the purpose of the evaluation at the beginning of the form. This helps participants understand why their feedback is important and how it will be used.
- Demographic Information: Collect basic demographic information such as age, job position, or department, if relevant. This helps in analyzing data across different groups and tailoring future initiatives.
- Clear, Specific Questions: Design questions that are direct and unambiguous. Use both closed-ended (such as multiple choice or Likert scales) and open-ended questions to get quantitative and qualitative feedback.
- Rating Scales: Implement rating scales (e.g., 1-5 or 1-10) for assessing satisfaction, effectiveness, or agreement. These provide measurable data that are easy to analyze and compare over time.
- Qualitative Feedback Sections: Include sections for open-ended responses where participants can provide detailed feedback, suggestions, and descriptions of their experiences. This can reveal insights not captured by quantitative questions.
- Section on Expectations and Outcomes: Ask participants whether the event, course, or session met their expectations and what they gained from it. This helps measure the perceived value and immediate impact.
- Actionable Follow-Up Questions: Include questions that ask for specific suggestions on how to improve the process, content, or training. This directly engages participants in the improvement process.
- Confidentiality and Anonymity Assurance: If applicable, assure participants that their responses are confidential or anonymous. This encourages honesty and increases the reliability of the data collected.
Leadership Training Evaluation Form
Training Evaluation Form Template
All you need to do is change page dimensions, if you wish and set them for direct printing. We also have color coded forms which make it easier for collective evaluation of all the forms. Best suited for corporate purposes, these training evaluation forms are frill-less and extremely easy to manipulate. You may also see program evaluation forms.
How do you write an evaluation report for training?
Summarize objectives, describe methodology, present data, discuss findings, offer recommendations, and conclude with improvements for future training based on participant feedback and performance measures.
How do you evaluate training?
Assess against objectives, use participant feedback, test knowledge retention, observe application of skills in the workplace, and analyze changes in performance metrics to determine training effectiveness.
How to write a good report after training?
Start with objectives, detail execution, use collected data, highlight successes and challenges, offer constructive feedback, and end with actionable recommendations for future sessions. You can also see more on Leadership Evaluation Forms.
How do you start a written evaluation?
Begin with a clear introduction stating the purpose, scope, and objectives of the evaluation, followed by an overview of the methodology used to gather and analyze data.
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