An investigation report is a document written to let know a concerned party about a particular incident that has occurred and the actions that might be taken regarding the situation. This kind of report is kept in archives, while not in use, and are recovered in case some details or clarifications and summary of all the critical details are needed. Check out the various investigative summary report templates and choose the one that best suits your purpose.

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HR Investigation Summary Report

Investigation ID: [Investigation ID]
Date: [Date]

1. Introduction

  • Complainant: [Complainant’s Name]
  • Respondent: [Respondent’s Name]
  • Department: [Department Name]
  • Date of Complaint: [Date of Complaint]
  • HR Investigator: [Investigator’s Name]

2. Allegation(s)

  • Summary of Allegation(s):
    [Provide a brief summary of the allegations made by the complainant.]

3. Investigation Process

  • Investigation Start Date: [Start Date]
  • Investigation End Date: [End Date]
  • Methods Used:
    • [Interviews: List names of interviewees and dates of interviews]
    • [Document Review: List documents reviewed]
    • [Other Methods: Describe any additional methods used]

4. Findings

  • Summary of Findings:
    [Provide a detailed summary of the findings from the investigation. Include evidence that supports or refutes the allegations.]
  • Supporting Evidence:
    [List and describe the evidence gathered during the investigation.]

5. Conclusion

  • Conclusion of the Investigation:
    [Provide a conclusion based on the findings. Indicate whether the allegations were substantiated, unsubstantiated, or inconclusive.]

6. Recommendations

  • Recommended Actions:
    [List any recommended actions to be taken as a result of the investigation, such as disciplinary action, policy changes, or additional training.]

7. Signatures

  • HR Investigator Signature: ____________________________ Date: _____________
  • HR Manager Signature: ________________________________ Date: _____________


  • Appendix A: [Attach relevant documents, interview transcripts, evidence, etc.]
  • Appendix B: [Additional appendices as needed]

Investigation Summary Report For Insurance

Claim Information:

  • Claim Number: [Insert Claim Number]
  • Policyholder Name: [Insert Policyholder Name]
  • Policy Number: [Insert Policy Number]
  • Date of Loss: [Insert Date of Loss]
  • Claim Type: [Insert Claim Type (e.g., auto, home, health)]

Investigation Details:

  • Investigation Start Date: [Insert Date]
  • Investigator Name: [Insert Investigator Name]
  • Contact Information: [Insert Investigator Contact Information]

Summary of Incident:

  • Description of Incident: [Provide a detailed description of the incident leading to the claim]
  • Location of Incident: [Insert Location]
  • Time of Incident: [Insert Time]

Investigation Findings:

  • Witness Statements:
    • Witness 1: [Name, Contact Information, Summary of Statement]
    • Witness 2: [Name, Contact Information, Summary of Statement]
  • Photographs and Videos:
    • [Description of photos/videos, including dates and relevance]
  • Expert Opinions:
    • [Details of any expert opinions obtained, including names and conclusions]
  • Police Report: [Summary of the police report, if applicable]
  • Medical Reports: [Summary of any medical reports, if applicable]

Document Review:

  • Policy Documentation: [Summary of relevant policy terms and conditions]
  • Previous Claims History: [Summary of the policyholder’s previous claims, if relevant]


  • Findings Summary: [Summarize the key findings of the investigation]
  • Liability Determination: [State whether the policyholder is found liable or not liable based on the investigation]
  • Recommendations: [Any recommendations for claim approval, denial, or further investigation]

Investigation Costs:

  • Total Costs: [Insert total cost of the investigation]
  • Breakdown of Costs:
    • Labor: [Insert cost]
    • Materials: [Insert cost]
    • Other Expenses: [Insert cost]


  • Investigator Signature: _______________________
  • Date: [Insert Date]

Background Investigation Summary Report

Subject Information

  • Name: John Doe
  • Date of Birth: January 1, 1980
  • Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, USA
  • Phone Number: (123) 456-7890
  • Email: [email protected]

Investigation Details

  • Date of Investigation: July 31, 2024
  • Investigator: Jane Smith
  • Agency: XYZ Investigations

Personal Information

  • Marital Status: Married
  • Spouse’s Name: Jane Doe
  • Children: 2 (Emily Doe, Michael Doe)

Employment History

  1. Company: ABC Corporation
    • Position: Senior Manager
    • Duration: January 2015 – Present
    • Responsibilities: Overseeing project management, leading a team of 10 employees, strategic planning.
    • Supervisor: Mark Johnson
    • Contact Information: (987) 654-3210
  2. Company: DEF Inc.
    • Position: Project Coordinator
    • Duration: June 2010 – December 2014
    • Responsibilities: Coordinating projects, client communication, managing schedules.
    • Supervisor: Lisa Brown
    • Contact Information: (555) 123-4567


  • University: State University
    • Degree: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
    • Graduation Year: 2008
  • High School: Anytown High School
    • Graduation Year: 2004

Criminal Record

  • Check Completed: Yes
  • Findings: No criminal records found.

Credit History

  • Check Completed: Yes
  • Findings: Good credit score, no significant issues.


  1. Name: Michael Thompson
    • Relationship: Former Supervisor
    • Contact Information: (321) 654-0987
  2. Name: Sarah Williams
    • Relationship: Colleague
    • Contact Information: (789) 012-3456

Social Media Presence

  • Platforms Checked: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter
  • Findings: Professional and appropriate content, no red flags.

Summary and Conclusion

John Doe has a stable employment history with positive references from previous employers. His education background aligns with his professional experience. No criminal records or significant financial issues were found. Social media presence is professional. Overall, John Doe is a reliable candidate with a solid background.

Investigator’s Notes

John Doe was cooperative throughout the investigation. All information provided by the subject was verified and found to be accurate. No discrepancies or concerns were noted.

Investigator’s Signature

Jane Smith XYZ Investigations


July 31, 2024

Investigation Summary Report For Hospital

Hospital Name: Green Valley Hospital

Report Date: August 1, 2024

1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose: The purpose of this investigation is to identify and analyze the issues surrounding the recent increase in post-operative infections within the surgical ward and to recommend appropriate actions for resolution and improvement.

1.2 Background: On June 15, 2024, Green Valley Hospital experienced a noticeable rise in post-operative infection rates among patients in the surgical ward. This investigation aims to understand the root causes, examine current practices, and propose solutions to mitigate the issue and enhance patient safety.

2. Investigation Team

Lead Investigator: Dr. Emily Roberts, Chief of Quality Assurance

Team Members:

  • Dr. John Smith, Infectious Disease Specialist
  • Nurse Lisa Taylor, Surgical Ward Supervisor
  • Mr. Mark Johnson, Hospital Administration Representative

3. Methodology

3.1 Data Collection: Data was collected through interviews with surgical staff, reviews of patient records from June 1 to July 15, 2024, observations of surgical procedures, and analysis of infection control protocols. Interviews were conducted with 15 surgeons, 20 nurses, and 10 administrative staff. Patient records for 50 post-operative cases were reviewed in detail.

3.2 Data Analysis: The collected data was analyzed using qualitative methods to identify common themes and quantitative methods to assess infection rates and trends. Comparative analysis was conducted against best practices and standards in infection control.

4. Findings

4.1 Summary of Findings: The investigation revealed several key issues contributing to the rise in post-operative infections, including staffing shortages, lapses in sterilization procedures, and inadequate hand hygiene practices among staff.

4.2 Detailed Findings:

  • Staffing Issues:
    • Description: Chronic understaffing in the surgical ward leading to increased workload and fatigue among staff.
    • Specific instances: Instances of single nurses attending to multiple patients simultaneously.
    • Impact: Reduced attention to detail and compromised patient care.
  • Procedural Deficiencies:
    • Description: Lapses in the sterilization of surgical instruments and operating rooms.
    • Specific instances: Reports of insufficient sterilization cycles and missed steps in sterilization protocols.
    • Impact: Increased risk of infection transmission during and after surgery.
  • Hand Hygiene Practices:
    • Description: Inadequate adherence to hand hygiene protocols by medical staff.
    • Specific instances: Observations of staff failing to wash hands before and after patient interactions.
    • Impact: Direct contribution to the spread of infections.

5. Conclusions

The investigation concludes that the increase in post-operative infections is primarily due to staffing shortages, procedural deficiencies in sterilization, and poor hand hygiene practices. Addressing these issues is crucial to improving patient outcomes and safety in the surgical ward.

6. Recommendations

  • Recommendation 1:
    • Description: Increase staffing levels in the surgical ward.
    • Rationale: Adequate staffing will reduce workload, fatigue, and errors, leading to improved patient care.
    • Steps to Implement: Conduct a staffing needs assessment, hire additional nurses and support staff, and adjust shift schedules.
  • Recommendation 2:
    • Description: Strengthen sterilization procedures.
    • Rationale: Ensuring proper sterilization of instruments and operating rooms will minimize infection risks.
    • Steps to Implement: Review and update sterilization protocols, provide additional training for staff, and implement regular audits.
  • Recommendation 3:
    • Description: Enhance hand hygiene practices.
    • Rationale: Strict adherence to hand hygiene protocols is essential to prevent the spread of infections.
    • Steps to Implement: Conduct hand hygiene training sessions, install additional hand sanitizer stations, and monitor compliance through regular observations.

7. Action Plan

7.1 Timeline:

  • Immediate (within 1 month): Conduct staffing assessment, review sterilization protocols, start hand hygiene training.
  • Short-term (1-3 months): Hire additional staff, implement updated sterilization protocols, install hand sanitizer stations.
  • Long-term (3-6 months): Regular audits of sterilization procedures, continuous hand hygiene compliance monitoring.

7.2 Responsible Parties:

  • Staffing Assessment: Hospital Administration
  • Sterilization Protocols: Infection Control Department
  • Hand Hygiene Training: Nursing Education Department

7.3 Resources Required:

  • Financial: Budget for hiring additional staff, purchasing hand hygiene supplies.
  • Personnel: Infection control specialists, training facilitators.
  • Equipment: Additional sterilization machines, hand sanitizer stations.

8. Appendices

Include any additional documents, data, or information that supports the investigation and its findings.

Approved By:
Dr. Emily Roberts, Chief of Quality Assurance
August 1, 2024

Browse More Templates On Investigation Summary Report

1. Workplace Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 233.1 KB


Get the complete well-constructed form of violent incident investigation summary report in this template. It will enable you to list down the particulars, description of a violent incident, evidence, incidence causation, corrective action, and report review. Download this template to create one similar type for your use.

2. Sample Compliance Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 130.5 KB


This sample will provide you complete reference on how to construct a Complaints Investigation Summary Report. It includes separate sections on the Summary of the allegations, The Investigation Process, Findings of Investigation, and Findings of Investigating Officer. Download the investigation report sample now to make your task hasslefree.

How To Write an Investigation Report?

how to write an investigation report

  • Introduction and Background:
    • Clearly state the purpose of the investigation.
    • Provide a brief background of the incident or issue being investigated.
    • Include relevant dates, locations, and any prior incidents if applicable.
  • Methodology:
    • Describe the methods used for data collection, such as interviews, surveys, observations, and document reviews. You can also see more on
    • Mention the sources of information and the process of data analysis.
  • Findings:
    • Summarize the key findings from the investigation.
    • Provide detailed descriptions and examples for each finding.
    • Organize the findings into relevant categories or themes for clarity.
  • Conclusions:
    • Draw conclusions based on the findings. You can also see more on Workplace Investigation Report.
    • Link the conclusions back to the purpose and background of the investigation.
    • Highlight the main issues and their implications.
  • Recommendations:
    • Provide actionable recommendations to address the issues identified.
    • Ensure each recommendation is clear, specific, and achievable.
    • Outline an action plan for implementing the recommendations, including a timeline, responsible parties, and required resources.

3. Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 577.8 KB


An example of an investigation summary report has been provided here which you can refer to. Check out the different sections which consist of details like introduction, system/project description, data in the system/project, data access & sharing, data integrity & security, data maintenance & retention, and business processes & technology. This formal report template will definitely help you constructing a proper investigation summary report.

4. Incident Investigation Summary Report Example

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Size: 181.0 KB


The objective of the incident report is to record the exact details of the occurrence while they are fresh in the minds of those who witnessed the event. This detail may be useful in the future when dealing with liability problems caused by the incident. Take a look at the example of the incident investigation summary report provided here and make use of it.

How to Use an Investigation Report?

  • Review and Understand the Findings:
    • Carefully read through the entire report to understand the findings and conclusions.
    • Pay attention to the detailed findings and the evidence supporting them. You can also see more on Complaint Investigation Report.
    • Ensure you grasp the root causes and contributing factors of the investigated issue.
  • Communicate the Results:
    • Share the report with relevant stakeholders, including management, staff, and any involved parties.
    • Summarize the key points and findings in presentations or meetings to ensure everyone is informed.
    • Use clear, concise language and visual aids (charts, graphs) to make the information accessible.
  • Develop an Action Plan:
    • Based on the recommendations, create a detailed action plan to address the identified issues.
    • Assign responsibilities to specific individuals or teams for each action item. You can also see more on Business Investigation Report.
    • Establish a timeline for implementing the recommendations, setting short-term and long-term goals.
  • Implement Changes:
    • Begin the implementation process according to the action plan.
    • Monitor progress regularly to ensure that the changes are being carried out effectively.
    • Address any obstacles or resistance to change that may arise during implementation.
  • Evaluate and Monitor:
    • Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the implemented changes.
    • Use metrics and benchmarks to measure improvements and identify any ongoing issues.
    • Update stakeholders on the progress and make adjustments to the action plan as needed.
    • Conduct follow-up investigations if necessary to ensure sustained improvement and compliance.

5. Investigation Summary Report in PDF

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Size: 295.5 KB


Get a whole manual of the example of the investigation summary report assigned here. Read it and get an ample amount of ideas and knowledge so that while creating a report outline you don’t face any kind of issues.

6. Basic Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 112.4 KB


Are you looking for a basic investigation summary report? You can consider this template as your solution. Check it out once and if you think it is essential for your use then download it without any further delay.

Importance of an Investigative Report

importance of an investigative report

  • Documentation of Facts:
    • Provides a clear and detailed account of the incident or issue, ensuring that all relevant facts are accurately recorded for future reference. You can also see more on Confidential Investigation Report.
  • Basis for Decision-Making:
    • Offers a solid foundation for making informed decisions, allowing stakeholders to take appropriate actions based on comprehensive and objective analysis.
  • Accountability and Transparency:
    • Promotes accountability by identifying the individuals or processes responsible for the issue.
    • Enhances transparency within the organization by openly addressing and documenting problems and solutions.
  • Risk Management:
    • Helps identify potential risks and vulnerabilities, allowing the organization to implement measures to mitigate future occurrences. You can also see more on Research Investigation Report.
    • Supports the development of proactive strategies to prevent similar incidents.
  • Compliance and Legal Protection:
    • Ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements by documenting adherence to investigative procedures and protocols.
    • Provides evidence that can be used in legal proceedings or audits, protecting the organization from potential liabilities.
  • Improvement of Processes:
    • Identifies weaknesses and areas for improvement in existing processes and procedures.
    • Facilitates continuous improvement by recommending actionable changes and best practices.
  • Communication and Learning:
    • Serves as a communication tool to inform and educate employees and stakeholders about the incident and the corrective actions taken.
    • Promotes a learning culture by sharing lessons learned and preventing the recurrence of similar issues.
  • Building Trust:
    • Demonstrates the organization’s commitment to addressing issues promptly and effectively.
    • Builds trust with employees, customers, and other stakeholders by showing that the organization takes accountability seriously and strives for improvement. You can also see more on Career Investigation Report.

7. Formal Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 39.2 KB


Do you know the perfect procedure on how to build a complaint investigation summary report? The sample here will provide you with proper guidance about it. Follow the steps and procedure and create a better version of your needs.

8. Site Investigation Summary Report Template

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Size: 71.5 KB


Here is a professionally created example of a site investigation summary report. Download it and go through the components like its introduction, field program, analytical review, and summary, conclusions & recommendations sample. This will benefit you in creating a well constructive report for your own usage.

Tips For Writing an Investigation Report

tips for writing an investigation report

  • Be Objective and Impartial:
    • Ensure that your report is free from bias and presents facts objectively.
    • Avoid making assumptions or drawing conclusions without evidence. You can also see more on Outbreak Investigation Report.
  • Be Clear and Concise:
    • Use clear and straightforward language.
    • Avoid jargon or technical terms that may not be understood by all readers.
    • Keep sentences and paragraphs short to improve readability.
  • Structure Your Report:
    • Follow a logical structure with a clear introduction, methodology, findings, conclusions, and recommendations.
    • Use headings and subheadings to organize the content and make it easier to navigate.
  • Provide Detailed Findings:
    • Include specific details, examples, and evidence to support your findings. You can also see more on Security Incident Investigation Report.
    • Use direct quotes from interviews or excerpts from documents to provide context and credibility.
  • Use Visual Aids:
    • Incorporate charts, graphs, tables, and images to illustrate key points and data.
    • Ensure that visual aids are clearly labeled and easy to understand.
  • Be Accurate:
    • Double-check all facts, figures, and dates for accuracy.
    • Ensure that all information is correctly referenced and sourced.
  • Maintain Confidentiality:
    • Respect the confidentiality of individuals involved in the investigation.
    • Anonymize sensitive information where necessary to protect identities.
  • Edit and Proofread:
    • Review your report for grammatical errors, typos, and inconsistencies.
    • Ensure that the report flows logically and that there are no gaps in the information presented.
  • Include an Executive Summary:
    • Provide a brief overview of the key points, findings, and recommendations at the beginning of the report.
    • This helps busy stakeholders quickly understand the main takeaways.
  • Follow Guidelines and Formats:
    • Adhere to any specific guidelines or formats required by your organization.
    • Ensure that the report meets any legal or regulatory requirements relevant to the investigation.
  • Be Timely:
    • Complete and submit the report promptly after the investigation concludes.
    • Timely reporting ensures that the findings and recommendations are still relevant and can be acted upon swiftly.
  • Seek Feedback:
    • Before finalizing the report, seek feedback from colleagues or supervisors to ensure clarity and completeness. You can also see more on Site Investigation Report.
    • Consider any constructive feedback and make necessary revisions.

9. Environmental Investigation Summary Report Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 13.6 KB


We have provided a sample of an environmental investigation summary report here in the doc file. You will now have the advantage of editing or modifying the entire file as you want to. Avoid the struggle of creating a new one from scratch by downloading and utilizing this sample.
What is the objective of an investigation report?

The objective of the investigation is to survey in detail the allegations, to inspect the evidence in-depth, and to determine specifically whether academic research analysis misconduct has been committed, and if so, the accountable person and therefore the seriousness of the misconduct.

Types of Criminal Investigation are as follows:

  • Sexual crime investigations.
  • Crime scene investigations.
  • Fraud investigations.
  • Theft investigations.
  • Kidnapping investigations.
  • Criminal defense investigations.
  • Homicide investigations.
  • Assault investigations.

What is the main aim of the accident investigation?

When incidents are investigated, the importance should be concentrated on finding the depth cause of the incident so you can prevent the event plan from happening again. The purpose is to find facts that can lead to corrective actions, and not to find fault.

Why is it important to investigate incidents?

Incident investigations report are meant to determine the cause of an incident, to point out unsafe conditions or acts and to recommend corrective actions so that such types of incidents don’t occur in the future. The purpose must be prevention, not blame.

How to write a workplace investigation summary?

Summarize key findings, evidence, and conclusions. Outline the issue investigated, steps taken, participants interviewed, and summarize the evidence supporting the final determination.

How to start a summary report?

Begin with a clear statement of the report’s purpose. Briefly outline the main points, methodology, and scope of the document you are summarizing, setting the stage for the details to follow.

How to write a report after investigation?

Start with the investigation’s purpose and methods. Detail the findings, supported by evidence. Discuss implications, and conclude with well-founded conclusions and recommendations based on the evidence.

How to end an investigation report?

Conclude with a summary of findings and their implications. Clearly state any recommendations for action or changes. End with a statement on the necessity for further monitoring or additional investigation, if applicable.

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