A school is not only a place for teachers to teach lessons, but also for students to communicate their ideas and needs. As part of communicating effectively, students who have concerns about a decision made by the school should follow a proper appeal process. And, the best document to use for an appeal procedure is a school appeal letter. So, read on to know what it is and to view samples that we have for you!

FREE 10+ School Appeal Letter Samples & Templates

1. Sample School Appeal Letter Template

sample school appeal letter template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs


2. School Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 8 KB


3. Sample Correspondence School Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


4. School Declaration Appeal  Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 119 KB


5. Sample School Transport Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 262 KB


6. Admission Parent Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


7. School Second Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 119 KB


8. School Nutrition Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


9. Printable School Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 420 KB


10. Sample Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 123 KB


11. Appeal Letter for Admission Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 62 KB


12. Sample Admissions Appeal Letter Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 9 KB


What Is a School Appeal Letter?

A school appeal letter is a document that students, parents, teachers, and any individual can use to state the details of an appeal addressed to a school. In the sample letter, the appellant discloses the reasons and justifications for the document, as well as the nature of the incident. Other information to include would be the names of the involved parties and the appeal date.

How To Make a School Appeal Letter Template

One of the most common types of school appeals revolves around college admissions. And each has varying guidelines on the college admission appeal process that students must follow. Of course, one of them is to create and submit an appeal letter. So, if you want your school or college to use a standard template format that anyone (current or incoming students) may use, the tips below will help you:

1. Add the School or Organization Brand

Schools have personalized or customized sample letterheads, so add that to the letter to make it an exclusive document. You can also include footers or other design elements, such as the school’s official logo and colors if you want. 

Note that you should only add your school’s branding symbols if you want to create a standard appeal letter template format that your current or incoming students may use. On the other hand, if you have not been admitted to a college or university yet, you must not use the school’s official logos or letterhead designs review.

2. Use a Standard Font Style

There are many font styles available today, but you should choose one that’s easy to read. Also, don’t forget to use the right font size, making sure that it’s not too small or too huge for the appellants. You can choose between the basic 11 to 12 pt for your font sizes and Times New Roman for the standardized font style.

3. Allocate and Measure Lines

When putting lines for the entries of the appellant, you should allocate enough. And, if you will be collecting several details consecutively in the school appeal letter, you should make sure that the lines for the entries or answers end at the same length. For instance, if you will be collecting the name tag, address, and phone number of the student for the information section, then you consider which piece of information needs more than one line for the answers, and which can be placed in a single short line.

4. Add Instructions

There are several pieces of information to be collected in a school appeal letter template, and one of which is the background of the appeal. Your appeal letter should provide information and an explanation of the appeal. An area for the user’s suggestions for the appeal resolution is also necessary, as well as one intended for indicating what the school already did before the submission of the appeal letter.

5. Use the Right File Format

If your school prefers to transact online or electronically, then what’s the point of printing out a school appeal letter for students to use? On the one hand, if your school hasn’t embraced technology yet, then why would you make a template that’s only suitable for online use? That’s why you should decide what file format best suits the needs of your school. Use a school appeal letter in PDF format for electronic methods, and print out a DOC formatted appeal letter to have a physical write up appeal document.


When can I use a school appeal letter?

A school appeal letter can be used for all sorts of appeals to a school, college, or university. You can use it for filing an appeal for financial aid sponsorship, or for questioning the admission decision of the school. The letter can also be for requesting a change in the school procedures, and in requesting for a reconsideration about a sanction.

What are the benefits of using school appeal letter templates?

The benefits of using school appeal letter templates would include bridging communication gaps between the school administration and the the appellant. Also, the letter will document the details of the appeal which will then be used as a sample reference for future related concerns.

Can I write my own letter instead of using the school appeal letter template?

It depends on the school administration if they will accept an appeal letter written by you on behalf of a completed school appeal letter template. However, there is a huge difference between the two. A written formal letter

School appeals should not be taken by schools as a negative notion, instead it should be treated as a positive note that an appellant, often a student, is willing to provide suggestions for a concern. So, what are you waiting for? Start making your school appeal letter templates now with the help of our free sample forms and templates, and the tips listed above. Just choose, download, edit, and you have the form that your school will surely benefit from!

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