Every project or business that you manage has its stakeholders that you need to account as part of the project management plan or business management plan. Why? It is because the stakeholders can be the people who can affect the business or project that you are handling. You can also consider the people that your project affects as stakeholders. Board members, investors, manufacturers, and the employees are a few of the stakeholders that you have to consider in your management plan. To do that, you have to create a stakeholder management plan.
If you are looking for a stakeholder management plan example for your project or if you are trying to create one, you are in the right place. In this article, we have gathered examples and templates that you can use as a reference in creating one for your business. We have also included the important points that you have to know to create a stakeholder management plan.
What is a Stakeholder Management Plan
First of all, you should know what stakeholder management is. It is a notion of maintaining the stakeholders that are involved in a project or business. It is necessary because these people can make your project either easier or more challenging, depending on how you will manage them. As a project manager, it is your job to manage the requirements that they ask. To do that, you will need a stakeholder management plan.
A stakeholder management plan is an outline of how you will manage the people who have a vital interest in the outcome of a project. It includes processes, such as the stakeholder identification and stakeholder analysis of a project or business and their impact on it. Once you have accomplished these processes, you will, then, have to develop the right strategies to involve these people to the project throughout its lifespan effectively.
The Dangers of Not Having a Stakeholder Management Plan
Among other people in the business, stakeholders have essential contacts to the people or departments across the areas that your project may affect. By not having their engagement, you will risk the project to proceed without a proper aim. These people know the factors revolving around your project. Thus, communicating with these people will allow you to assess these factors. These factors may include their requirements and resources, which your project needs to complete efficiently.
10+ Stakeholder Management Plan Samples in PDF | DOC
In the previous sections, we have discussed what a stakeholder management plan is and its importance to the project. Now, let’s take a look at the following stakeholder management plan templates and samples. You can download these zipped documents in PDF(.pdf) and MS Word(.doc) formats.
1. Stakeholder Management Plan Sample
2. Draft Stakeholder Management Plan Template
3. Stakeholder Management Plan Example
4. Stakeholder Management Plan Template
5. Project Stakeholder Management Plan Sample
6. Stakeholder Management Plan in PDF
7. Basic Stakeholder Management Plan Sample
8. Formal Stakeholder Management Plan Template
9. Local Stakeholder Management Plan Sample
10. Leap Stakeholder Management Plan Template
11. Stakeholder Management Plan in DOC
How to Create a Stakeholder Management Plan
To create a reliable stakeholder management plan, we have included a set of steps that you can use as a reference below.
1. Determine the Stakeholders
Before you do anything else, you have to identify the stakeholders of the project. There are two types of stakeholders that you can include in your list, which are the internal and external stakeholders. You can quickly identify the internal stakeholders since you can find them within the organization. You can start by looking at the company organization chart. Usually, these people are operation members, IT specialists, etc. At the same time, the external stakeholders can be the investors, customers, media, competitors, government agencies, and other people that are not part of the company. For a smoother implementation of this process, you can use a stakeholder register template.
2. Outline the Stakeholder Management Plan
In this process, you will develop the appropriate strategy that will effectively maintain the stakeholders’ engagement to the project throughout its life cycle. To do it, you have to create a communication management plan. You have to take note, however, that each stakeholder may have a distinct influence level on the project. For example, there are stakeholders that you have to require their constant engagement in the first few phases of the project. Meanwhile, you will need other stakeholders in the later part. Accounting this factor would be beneficial to your stakeholder management plan.
3. Manage Stakeholder Engagement
To ensure that the project will generate the desired results, you have to determine the needs and expectations of these people. You will also have to involve how you will address the issues if they occur. You will discuss these factors by creating a stakeholder management engagement. For example, part of your strategy for managing the problems is to use an issue log.
4. Monitor the Engagement of the Stakeholders
It can be hard to account for all the stakeholders, especially the external ones, during its early stages. However, by monitoring the stakeholder engagement, you can identify these misses along the way. Aside from that, it will also allow you to determine the defects of the strategies you use. With that, you can mitigate this flaw by updating the plan.
Whether you are creating a construction business plan or consulting project plan, you will need a stakeholder management plan to ensure its success. With the information that we have discussed in this article, you now have an idea on how to create a productive stakeholder management plan that you can rely on. However, you should also know that it just a part of the business plan that you have to develop and maintain. To expand your knowledge about it, you can read our article about the asset management plan and crisis management plan.
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