Just like an interior design business, starting a distributor business can be tough. What’s worse? It gets more complicated as it progresses from the day you start complying with the business requirements to the time you open up the store. However, if you choose to persevere, these obstacles should not discourage you from building it from scratch. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you have to endure the unnecessary struggles in doing business. Start your business journey by creating a distributor business plan, which we are going to discuss in this article.

What is a Distributor Business Plan

A distributor business plan is a document where you can write the goals of your business, the methods or processes that you will use to attain these goals, and a realistic time-frame to achieve them. Basically, it will serve as a roadmap that will direct your business towards its goals. Aside from that, your business plan should include a summary that will describe your business. This overview may include the characteristics of your business, environment, and financial plan. It has a variety of uses, such as serving it as a supporting document of your business loan proposal and attracting potential clients.

Essential Components of a Distributor Business Plan

Now that you know what a distributor business plan is let’s discuss the components that you have to include in your business plan.

1. Executive Summary

Just like a boutique business plan, your distributor business plan should include an executive summary to summarize the goals of your business. It should consist of a short description of our products and services in general. You may also include the mission statement of your business and why you are starting it.

2. Company Description

In this section, you will write a description of your business and how it will stand out among the existing players in the industry. You can also include information about your target market. You can also conduct a target market analysis to obtain more accurate information about the business’ target market. You can also include a separate section to detail your market analysis.

3. Competitive Analysis

By incorporating a competitive analysis, you can enumerate the weaknesses and strengths of the businesses in the industry and the competitive edge your company has.

Other components that you can add in your business plan are a list of the products and services your business will offer, marketing plan, sales plan, and financial plan.

8+ Distributor Business Plan Samples

If you are planning to create a real estate business plan, software business plan, service business plan, or any business plan for a distributor company, you might want to take a look at the following examples. With these downloadable documents, you can use a reference in creating one.

1. Distributor Business Marketing Plan Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 537.4 KB


2. Distributor Business Plan Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 220.7 KB


3. Distribution Service Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 176.1 KB


4. Independent Distributor Business Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 943.1 KB


5. Business Plan for Reclaimed Water Distribution Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3.1 MB


6. Basic Distribution Business Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 12.0 MB


7. Gas Distribution Business Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 696.4 KB


8. Custom Jewelry  Distribution Business Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 114.0 KB


9. Distributor Business Plan in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 248.6 KB


Tips in Creating a Distributor Business Plan

According to (National Association of Wholesaler-Distributors)NAW, the industry has a promising growth in terms of profits. In fact, in 2018, it reached a total of $6.01 trillion, which is 7.5% higher than the 2017’s record. However, you should also take note that the businesses that hold large markets in this industry maintain a solid business plan, which you can achieve by following the tips below.

1. Determine Your Audience

As we have mentioned earlier, there are various reasons why you will create a business plan. It is no different for a distributor business plan. It does not mean that you have to alter the information that you divulge according to your target audience. However, you have to strategically use the information that you hold according to what the target audience needs.

2. Have a Clear and Realistic Objectives

Before doing anything else, you have to determine what you aim in developing a business. Come up with a clear vision that will allow you to elaborate on the steps that you will take to achieve them. Take note, though, that your objectives must be realistic. Meaning, you can attain these goals in a specific timeframe and in a way that your target audience can measure its progress. You can also read our article about smart goals for you to have a guide in setting one.

3. Conduct a Business Analysis

As we have mentioned earlier, you have to use the information that you possess strategically to compel your audience to do or give whatever you want from them. However, what will you use if you don’t have one? Therefore, you have to conduct different business analyses that are relevant to the industry of your business.

4. Review Your Plan

While it is true that a distributor plan should be robust even from the start, it does not mean that you cannot make modifications to its details. In fact, as it becomes more complicated, you will have to update its details from time to time to accord with the current state of the market, which can change anytime due to its affecting factors that also keep on changing. For example, there are new players in the industry. You should also expect that they can make their own solid business plan. Another scenario is the closure of a big competitor of your company. It can allow you to take over the market that they cannot serve anymore.

Indeed, starting a business, such as a milk tea shop, retail store, restaurant business, or any other distributor business, is tough. However, as long as you know what you have to do, the toughness should not stop you. With the information that we have tackled about the distributor business plan, you will not take to a path blindly. However, you should also take note that there are also other things that you need to know if you are going to take the path of becoming a distributor. You can learn it along the way, but you can also start by reading another article, such as the project management plan,