Whenever you find yourself applying for new work or higher job positions, it is always considered a plus point if you’ve got reliable recommendations from others. Some school administrations even require recommendations before admitting a student into their schools. By completing a recommendation form, this document can serve as additional validation for admittance for a student or for consideration of employing an applicant. To learn more about this, let us discuss this further below. And if you need to start working on this particular form, we’ve got a list of recommendation form samples that are downloadable for free on this page.
10+ Recommendation Form Samples
1. Release for Recommendation Form
2. Scholarship Recommendation Form
3. MBA & MS Program Recommendation Form
4. Consent for Recommendation Form
5. Recommendation Form for Journals
6. Faculty Recommendation Form
7. Letter of Recommendation Submission Form
8. Recommendation for Undergraduate Admission Form
9. Graduate Admission Recommendation Form
10. Recommendation for Admission to Graduate School Form
11. Sample Recommendation Form
What Is a Recommendation Form?
Recommendations or referrals are one way of finding potential candidates for a job position, or students who want to get into the school or university of their choice. A recommendation form is a document that could be requested and is completed by an individual who is ideally associated with the person concerned. This is important because they will be able to provide the right information needed. Depending on the purpose of which the form is needed, the details you will find in a recommendation form differ from another.
The reason why recommendations are sometimes needed is that this would increase the credibility of the applicant. Recommendations often provide an overview of a person’s character, skills, and knowledge which is one of the requirements to hire or admit an applicant.
How To Complete a Recommendation Form
Recommendations can be of big help to recruiters since this will lessen their job of fully screening their applicants. Especially if the recommendations provided come from a reputable or trusted individual or organization. But overall, when you find yourself applying for a job or a school, you have a higher chance of being selected if you are able to present a recommendation form and reliable references.
Asking for a recommendation can be tricky sometimes, so the best thing you can provide is to give a recommendation form that is easy to fill up. As mentioned, a recommendation form may compromise of different components, depending on how this is used. But it should more or less have the following details below.
I. Applicant’s Details
To identify who the applicant is, it is essential to provide basic information such as the name, address, and gender. If applying for work, provide the previous or current job designation and name of the organization. For those applying for a school or scholarship, their previous school name and address should be included.
II. Feedback and Assessment
To identify the level of knowledge, and skills and gauge the applicant’s character, the recommender can provide a free follow list based on his or her experience. Or that the form could have a built-in list of choices in which ratings can be readily selected based on given choices in the form.
III. Recommender’s Information
It is important to know who has completed the form, that said, the recommender should include their basic details such as name, designation, relationship to the applicant, and the name of the organization they are connected to.
IV. Signature
The signature and the date should be added at the last portion of the document.
Why is recommendation needed for salary increase?
Companies often want proof of how well you are doing with your job, so recommendations from a manager would add to the chances of approval for the salary increase.
What is a referral incentive?
A referral incentive is a method of awarding an individual for referring or promoting a brand. This can be also used for employees who refer new job candidates and are successfully hired.
Are recommendations reliable?
Now, this will depend on the evaluator. But in most cases recommendations coming from individuals with respectable background or designation are often considered. Since they may have better judgement than others. Then again, recommendations should not only be the basis for admitting an applicable, but it can be an added requirement.
A recommendation form is a valuable document that may help you land on the job of your dreams or get into the university program of your choice. Just make that every detail is covered that may help your application. To make it easier for you to prepare this form, download our free templates now!
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