Receipts are staples to business transactions. You cannot run a business without these. So if what you have is a budding business that is still on its preparatory stages, learn how to format the type of receipt you will soon be using with these samples.

The Sample Receipts on this post should show you the basic elements. And for your convenience, if any of these suits your specific needs, then you can easily download, edit, print, and use. Learn more on creating receipts below.

Free Printable Rent Receipt

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 83 KB


Printable Sales Receipt

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


Taxi Receipt Printable

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 13 KB


Printable Invoice Receipt

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 132 KB


Service Receipt Printable

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 56 KB


Why Are Receipts Important?

Say you recently purchased a bag. When you get home and unload it from its carrier, however, you notice that the zipper is faulty or you realize that you wanted it in another color. Store policy tells you that it can be replaced or exchanged, so what you have to do now is to bring the bag back to the store along with its receipt. Always with the receipt.

There is a reason why receipts are synonymous with and are also referred to as “proofs of purchase,” or “invoices.” They attest to the sale of a product or a service, formally acknowledging the transaction. So for this instance, the receipt acknowledges the purchase of the bag with the faulty zipper, and that the buyer has the right to request for a replacement or even a refund, depending on your store policy.

What Is a Receipt?

A receipt then is a document that records the sale or purchase of goods, both for the seller and the buyer. It states that money has been given in exchange for a product or service, as with these Sample Payment Receipts.

What Is on a Receipt?

Receipts may be written or printed. Receipt sheets should always come with carbon paper, to easily duplicate the document for the buyer as well. To save on time and effort, though, you can choose to invest more on a receipt printing machine. Either way, receipts should always contain more or less the following details:

  • seller’s information, including address and contact details;
  • buyer’s name and contact information;
  • the purchased product;
  • the amount paid;
  • the mode of payment, whether in cash, card, or check; and
  • the date of purchase.

Choose the specific details that you want reflected on your receipts. Let these samples guide you. For your convenience, you can easily fill out and edit these Blank Receipt Templates according to your business needs.

Printable Receipt Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 235 KB


Cash Receipt Printable

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 255 KB


Printable Blank Dock Receipt

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 20 KB


Donation Receipt Printable

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 185 KB


Printable Security Deposit Receipt

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 5 KB


Payment Receipt Printable

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


Tracking Taxes with Receipts

Tax requirements can be very tedious for businesses. Other than recording transactions between yourself as a seller and your buyers, receipts help you track the taxes that should concern your business. For small businesses, always file and organize your copy of receipts. Bigger ones like larger establishments will have a recording database or system.

Types of Receipts

Receipts are used for all transactions in various types of trade: from warehouses, schools to Service Receipt Templates, which are issued by service providers like contractors and technicians.

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