Contractual transactions involve two or more parties that negotiates about the fused workforce and the project timeline. With such undertakings, all the parties involved should be responsible in making a reverence with it. However, for such an arrangement to take place, all of them should come up with a contract.

A contract is a kind of document that states the terms and conditions of a certain project. This enables all parties to be on bond and respect the rules that has been written on it. Failure to comply with the agreement will lead to serious legal procedures. Aside from the contract form, Receipt Samples for contractors are also important, especially before starting the project, as this may involve with monetary transactions. Hence, with this document, the transaction will be easily recorded and tracked down.

These 6+ contractor receipt samples are guidelines that could help you give ideas on your next contractual deal drafts. The templates can be downloaded for free and it can be edited or customized through a Word format.

Sample Contractor Payment Receipt form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 27 KB


Final Contractor Payment Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 4 KB


Contractor Final Payment Receipt PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


A contractor receipt form is used when either of the party involved will be making a payment. This could either be a payment for the services or it could be a payment for the loss and damages caused within the project. This type of form is usually handed before or after the transaction takes place, such as an initial payment or a final payment.

Types of Transactions That Need Contractor Receipt

  • New Contractual Projects

Every time you start with a new project, regardless of what kind, you will be obliged to sign a contract and after that, a contractor receipt will be given after the first initial payment is released.

  • New Contractual Employees

Aside from the regular employees, there are the contractual employees. These are the types of employees that are only given a limited timeline to work within a certain project or company. Before these employees start working, they will be signing the contractor receipt, as an acknowledgment to the compliance of an agreement.

  • Leasing

Any rental facilities that leases its property to a potential tenant, they hand out a contractor receipt, especially when the first term payment of the rent had been received.

These marketing-related templates are going to help you with your next file drafts. If you want more receipt samples for your retail business and rental dealings, you can also check out these awesome Sales Receipt Samples and Rental Receipt Samples.

Contractor Receipt Sample pdf

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 53 KB


Contractor Account Payment Receipt

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 3 KB



Using the Contractor Receipt Templates

  • Editable Receipt Templates

All the files in here can be downloaded for free. You can edit and customized the file in Word format.

  • Print Samples Receipts

These templates are all print-ready and can be printed in all types of paper. Choose your own preference.

  • Save in PDF Format

All of the downloads can be saved in PDF file.

If you liked our sample templates, we have more samples and ideas to help you with your next business paper needs. If you want another set of receipt samples that can be customized, you can check out Receipt Samples in Word.

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