For your convenience, we have collected various invoice samples specifically with the intent of catering to your hotel business needs. These invoices are available in Word, PDF, and Excel format, thus making it easier for you to edit it and add your hotel information or details. Scroll freely below and download the one you fancy.

hotel invoice bundle

Download Hotel Invoice Bundle

Hotel Invoice Format

Hotel Name

Address Line 1

Address Line 2

City, State, ZIP Code


Email: [email protected]

Invoice No: [Invoice Number]
Invoice Date: [Date]

Guest Name: [Guest Name]
Guest Address: [Guest Address]
Guest Phone: [Guest Phone]
Guest Email: [Guest Email]

DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceTotal
Room Charge (Room Type – Room No)[Number of Nights][Rate per Night][Total Room Charge]
Additional Services (e.g., Spa, Laundry)[Quantity][Rate per Service][Total Service Charge]
Food and Beverages[Quantity][Rate per Item][Total F&B Charge]
Taxes and Fees[Taxes and Fees]
Other Charges[Other Charges]

| Subtotal | | | [Subtotal Amount] | | Discounts | | | [Discount Amount] | | Total Amount | | | [Total Amount] |

Payment Method: [Payment Method]
Amount Paid: [Amount Paid]
Balance Due: [Balance Due]

Thank you for staying with us!

Terms and Conditions

  1. Please make payment by the due date.
  2. Late payments may incur additional fees.
  3. For any queries, contact our front desk.

Authorized Signature:


Hotel Booking Invoice

Grand Hotel

123 Luxury St.

Pleasantville, CA 90210

Phone: (555) 123-4567

Email: [email protected]

Invoice No: 2024-007
Invoice Date: July 22, 2024

Guest Name: John Doe
Guest Address: 456 Elm Street, Springfield, IL 62701
Guest Phone: (555) 987-6543
Guest Email: [email protected]

Booking Details:

  • Booking ID: GH-12345
  • Check-in Date: July 18, 2024
  • Check-out Date: July 21, 2024
  • Room Type: Deluxe Suite
  • Room Number: 101
  • Number of Guests: 2
DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceTotal
Room Charge (Deluxe Suite – 101)3 Nights$200.00$600.00
Spa Services1 Session$150.00$150.00
Laundry Service5 Items$5.00$25.00
Food and Beverages$80.00
Taxes and Fees$85.00
Other Charges (WiFi)$20.00

| Subtotal | | | $960.00 | | Discounts | | | $50.00 | | Total Amount | | | $910.00 |

Payment Method: Credit Card
Amount Paid: $910.00
Balance Due: $0.00

Thank you for booking with us!

Terms and Conditions

  1. Please make payment by the due date.
  2. Late payments may incur additional fees.
  3. For any queries, contact our front desk.

Authorized Signature:

Hotel Invoice Receipt

Hotel Name: Grand Sunshine Hotel
Address: 123 Sunset Boulevard, Miami, FL 33101
Phone: (305) 123-4567
Email: [email protected]

Guest Information:

  • Name: John Doe
  • Address: 456 Elm Street, Springfield, IL 62701
  • Phone: (217) 555-7890
  • Email: [email protected]

Invoice Number: 2024-INV-00123
Date of Issue: July 20, 2024
Reservation Number: 123456789

Stay Details:

  • Check-in Date: July 15, 2024
  • Check-out Date: July 20, 2024
  • Room Type: Deluxe Suite
  • Room Rate: $200.00 per night


DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceAmount
Room Charges5 nights$200.00$1,000.00
Room Service3 orders$50.00$150.00
Mini Bar5 items$10.00$50.00
Laundry Service2 loads$30.00$60.00
Spa Service1 session$100.00$100.00
Parking Fee5 days$20.00$100.00

Subtotal: $1,460.00
Taxes and Fees (10%): $146.00
Total Amount Due: $1,606.00

Payment Information:

  • Payment Method: Credit Card (Visa)
  • Card Number: **** **** **** 1234
  • Transaction ID: ABCD1234EFGH5678

Notes: Thank you for choosing Grand Sunshine Hotel. We hope you enjoyed your stay and look forward to welcoming you back soon.


John Doe

If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hotel Manager: Jane Smith

Hotel GST Invoice

Hotel Name: Grand Sunshine Hotel
Address: 123 Sunset Boulevard, Miami, FL 33101
Phone: (305) 123-4567
Email: [email protected]

Guest Information:

  • Name: John Doe
  • Address: 456 Elm Street, Springfield, IL 62701
  • Phone: (217) 555-7890
  • Email: [email protected]

Invoice Number: GST-2024-00123
Date of Issue: July 20, 2024
Reservation Number: 123456789

Stay Details:

  • Check-in Date: July 15, 2024
  • Check-out Date: July 20, 2024
  • Room Type: Deluxe Suite
  • Room Rate: $200.00 per night


DescriptionQuantityUnit PriceAmount
Room Charges5 nights$200.00$1,000.00
Room Service3 orders$50.00$150.00
Mini Bar5 items$10.00$50.00
Laundry Service2 loads$30.00$60.00
Spa Service1 session$100.00$100.00
Parking Fee5 days$20.00$100.00

Total (A): $1,460.00

GST Details:

CGST (Central)5%$73.00
SGST (State)5%$73.00

Total GST (B): $146.00

Grand Total (A + B): $1,606.00

Payment Information:

  • Payment Method: Credit Card (Visa)
  • Card Number: **** **** **** 1234
  • Transaction ID: ABCD1234EFGH5678

Notes: Thank you for choosing Grand Sunshine Hotel. We hope you enjoyed your stay and look forward to welcoming you back soon.


John Doe

If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Hotel Manager: Jane Smith

Browse More Templates On Hotel Invoice

Hotel Invoice Sample

hotel invoice template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Grand Hotel Invoice Example

grand hotel invoice template

File Format
  • Illustrator
  • InDesign
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages
  • Photoshop
  • Publisher

Size: A4, US


Hotels, just like all business establishments, must comply with standard procedures and implement the utilization of standard forms in their daily business transactions. Otherwise, they would fail to attract clients or lose existing ones. The reason why businesses must subjugate their procedures to standard forms and methods is because standardization gives it an air of professionalism and accountability. Hence, it encourages good will among potential and existing clients and customers.

How to Make a Hotel Invoice?

how to make a hotel invoice

  • Header Information:
    • Include the hotel’s name, address, contact details, and logo.
    • Add the guest’s information such as name, address, phone number, and email.
    • Provide the invoice number, date of issue, and reservation number.
  • Stay Details:
    • List the check-in and check-out dates.
    • Specify the room type and the nightly room rate.
    • Mention any additional services availed by the guest (e.g., room service, mini bar, spa services).
  • Charges Breakdown:
    • Create a detailed table with descriptions, quantities, unit prices, and amounts for each service or product.
    • Calculate the subtotal of all charges.
  • Tax Details:
    • Add applicable taxes such as GST, VAT, or any other local taxes.
    • Show the tax rate and the corresponding amount.
    • Provide the total amount including taxes.
  • Payment Information and Notes:
    • Specify the payment method and transaction details.
    • Include any additional notes or thank-you messages.
    • Provide a space for signatures if needed, though many invoices are digitally generated and do not require physical signatures.

Hotel Stay Invoice Template

hotel stay invoice template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Hotel Room Invoice Template

hotel room invoice template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • Google Sheets
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Hotel Invoice Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 99KB


Tips For Creating a Hotel Invoice

tips for creating a hotel invoice

  • Use a Standard Template:
    • Utilize a consistent and professional template for all invoices. This ensures uniformity and makes it easier to fill out the required details.
  • Ensure Accuracy:
    • Double-check all guest details, stay dates, and service charges to avoid errors. Accurate information helps prevent disputes and ensures smooth transactions.
  • Itemize Services and Charges:
    • Break down all charges into individual line items. Clearly list room rates, taxes, additional services (like room service, mini bar, spa, etc.), and any other fees. You can also see more on Hotel Receipt.
  • Include Tax Information:
    • Clearly state the applicable taxes (e.g., GST, VAT) along with the rates and amounts. Include your hotel’s tax identification number if required by local regulations.
  • Provide Clear Payment Instructions:
    • Detail the accepted payment methods (credit card, cash, bank transfer) and provide necessary information for each method. Include any terms related to payment deadlines or late fees.
  • Highlight Contact Information:
    • Ensure that both the hotel’s and guest’s contact information are prominently displayed. This makes it easy for guests to reach out if they have questions or concerns.
  • Add a Personal Touch:
    • Include a thank-you note or a personalized message to make guests feel valued. A small gesture can enhance the overall guest experience and encourage repeat business.
  • Review and Proofread:
    • Before sending the invoice, review all the details for accuracy and completeness. Proofread to correct any typographical errors or mistakes in the information provided. You can also see more on Legal Invoice.

Hotel Reimbursement Invoice

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 255KB


Hotel Invoice in Excel

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 3KB


Sales Invoice

A sales invoice is a document sent by a sales person or business staff to a client denoting an obligation to pay for the goods or services provided. This usually indicates the type of product or service that is involved in the business transaction, the price, and other credit details. This specific document is essential in business transactions since it is one of the two documents that serve as proofs of an existing transaction.

Sales Invoice vs. Receipt

While both the invoice and the receipt are primary proofs of the transaction since neither may be done without in the context of business transactions. However, these two are distinctly different in terms of form, content, and purpose. A sales invoice is a billing statement that serves as a formal request toward customers indicating how much they need to pay. Naturally, this is given before a customer’s payment. You can also see more on Professional Invoice.

The receipt, on the other hand, is given after a customer has made his or her payment. This document shows that payment has already been made to finalize a sale or transaction. It also serves as proof of ownership, on the part of the customer who is buying a product.

Indeed, creating your hotel’s sales invoice can be quite tricky since if you are not careful, you might create a different document. Hence, if you need guidance, you might find our collection of Excel Invoice Samples and Catering Invoice Samples. Simply click on the link provided.

Hotel Bill Invoice Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 211KB


Importance of Hotel Invoice

  • Legal and Financial Record:
    • Invoices serve as official records of transactions between the hotel and the guest. They are essential for accounting, auditing, and tax purposes.
  • Transparency:
    • A detailed blank invoice provides transparency about the charges incurred during the stay. It helps guests understand the breakdown of costs, reducing the likelihood of disputes.
  • Proof of Payment:
    • Invoices act as proof of payment for guests. This is particularly important for business travelers who need to submit expense reports for reimbursement.
  • Customer Trust:
    • Providing clear and accurate invoices enhances the hotel’s credibility and fosters trust with guests. It shows professionalism and attention to detail. You can also see more on Small Business Invoice.
  • Feedback and Improvement:
    • Analyzing invoices can help hotels identify trends in guest spending and preferences. This data can be used to improve services and tailor offerings to better meet guest needs.
  • Legal Compliance:
    • In many jurisdictions, issuing invoices is a legal requirement. Properly documented invoices ensure compliance with local regulations and avoid potential legal issues.
  • Communication:
    • Invoices format often include important information such as hotel contact details, payment terms, and policies. This facilitates better communication and ensures guests have all necessary information at their fingertips.
  • Revenue Management:
    • Invoices help hotels keep track of revenue and manage cash flow effectively. They provide insights into financial performance and assist in budgeting and forecasting.

Hotel Invoice Sample in Excel

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 103KB


Sample Hotel Accommodation Invoice

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 40KB


General FAQs

1. What is a Hotel Invoice?

A hotel invoice is a commercial document that is issued to a hotel guest by a hotel. It specifies information relating to reservations, amenities, prices, total cost, payment information, and much more. It records all of the important information to keep the hotel’s finances in line. You can also see more on Bill To Invoice.

2. What Information is Included in a Hotel Invoice?

A hotel invoice includes the following details:

  • A unique invoice number, invoice date, and due date
  • Charges and total cost
  • Your hotel’s name and contact information
  • Your customer’s name and contact information
  • Your hotel branding and logo
  • Terms of the invoice and payment

3. What is the Purpose of a Hotel Invoice?

A hotel invoice has many purposes. Here are some:

  • It helps records all customer purchases
  • It helps organizes all payments
  • It helps manages dates of reservations
  • It creates a log of outstanding debts
  • It includes services and amenities

4. What are the Different Types of Hotel Invoices?

Following are the different types of hotel invoices:

  • Standard Invoice
  • Recurring Invoice
  • Prepayment Invoice
  • Time-Based Invoice
  • Credit Invoice
  • Debit Invoice
  • Mixed Invoice

5. When Should You Give an Invoice to Your Hotel Guests?

You can give the hotel invoice to your guests when they are checking out. You can also check with your client to confirm when they would prefer to receive their invoice, i.e., either by the end of the month or once the guests/clients have stopped engaging the hotel’s services.

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