Taking the right kind and amount of food is essential for our survival. But with a lot of food and snacks so convenient and accessible for us to buy, most of us lost track of what is truly healthy for our diet. So if you want to remain fit and live a longer life, it is vital to be able to track the food you take on a regular basis. With this, you will be able to identify your good and bad eating habits and determine if this is what you genuinely need or should there be changes made. To learn more about this, let us discuss this further below. And if you need to start recording your daily food intake, we’ve got a list of food tracker samples that you can download for free on this page.

10+ Food Tracker Samples

1. Food Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 302 KB


2. Food and Activity Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 35 KB


3. Weekly Food Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


4. Household Food Waste Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 152 KB


5. Food Intake Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 348 KB


6. Daily Food and Exercise Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 195 KB


7. Food Elimination Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 7 MB


8. Pregnancy Food Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 17 KB


9. Baby Food Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 KB


10. Detailed Daily Food Tracker

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 15 KB


11. Printable Food Tracker

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 16 KB


What Is a Food Tracker?

The purpose of tracking the food you take is basically to give you a proper insight into your eating habits. As you regularly record what kind of food you eat every breakfast, lunch, and dinner including snacks you will begin to notice a pattern that may allow you to determine other underlying illnesses due to the food you are eating. Also, if you wish to lose or gain weight, a food tracker may be the key to helping you reach those goals since this may affect your eating behavior. To make sure you successfully track the food you eat, you need to be consistent and accurate as possible. As you will be able to use all the information you have recorded for future use.

How To Track Your Food Intake

As much as we want to eat anything we love on a daily basis, there must be a limit to it since our body should receive the right kind of food at the proper time. Meaning you cannot keep eating steak for breakfast or cereals for dinner. A balanced diet is what we need to have a longer life, and achieve a healthy lifestyle. To work towards this goal, you will need to start tracking your food and we’ve got several tips to help you accomplish that.

I. Tracking the Food You Eat

There are several ways to record and track your food. You may opt to go the simpler way by using a paper/notebook and a pen, a computer or digital device, or use a diet tracking website or app. With this you will be able to track the times you eat, the foods you eat, portion sizes, and take down notes about what you were doing or feeling at the time when using these different methods.

II. Identifying Your Goals

If you decide it’s high time to track the food you eat, then you must have set your sights on something. Perhaps you need to lose weight or gain some. Maybe you finally want to live a healthy lifestyle or are recovering from an illness that requires you to have a specific diet. Whatever the reason may be, recording what you eat on a regular basis will help ensure that you are on the right track and slowly achieving your goals.

III. Start Recording

To help you organize what you need to record, you may want to include the following details:

  • What kind of food are you eating, make sure to be specific as possible
  • The quantity, estimate the amount
  • What time have you eaten, and the location
  • You can include the mood or what you were currently feeling during that time and who you were with

Make sure you record this as soon as possible so you won’t miss out on any details in the process. Also, try to be consistent as possible to keep up with the pace.

IV. Update and Monitor

As you regularly monitor your food tracking activity, you may start to notice a pattern in your eating habits that you may want to change. If you start to feel ill or uncomfortable, then make sure to see a health professional right away.

IV. Consult Your Doctor

If you get the chance to see a doctor or a dietician, you can relay what you have recorded to check if you are on the right track. These professionals can offer advice to help you properly change your diet so you are able to reach your goals.


Can Tracking Food Fix Health Issues?

No, it cannot directly fix any health-related issues. But it can give you an insight into your eating habits and help you create all those necessary changes so you may start living a healthy lifestyle.

What Is a Dietician?

A dietician is a health professional who is an expert on diet and nutrition. They can give advice on how to create a meal plan that is applicable to each individual based on their assessment.

How many calories should I take regularly?

The right amount of calories will depend on your age, size, lifestyle, gender, and weight. If you want to be as accurate as possible it is recommended to see a health professional.

Food tracking does not instantly solve any health issues, but this will guide you on the right path to living a healthier lifestyle. To make it easier for you to do, download our free templates now!


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