Not everyone is given the chance to go out and see the world. But talk to any person lucky enough to have tattooed their passports with stamps from different countries and they will all tell you the same thing: that hopping on a train, plane, boat, or bus and flitting to another place is an experience unlike any other.

The feeling of wanderlust is expensive to quench, but giving in to it is all too addictive. Have you a yearning to truly experience the world? It’s time to dust up your old passport and book a ticket. The world is waiting.

See these Sample Forms that could guide you through passport renewal.

Sample Adult Passport Renewal Application Form

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  • PDF

Size: 613KB


Passport Renewal Application Form Example

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Size: 203KB


Why Should You Have a Valid Passport?

A passport is your key to the world. While it may not be the only document you need to enter and exit a country, it is definitely the most basic. If there’s even a tiny chance that you might have to board a plane and take a trip—whether for business or pleasure—already having a passport locked away in your drawer somewhere will prove very convenient. Traveler or not, there are some reasons why you should have a valid, working passport on hand:

  • You can’t go anywhere without it. As a general rule, international travel requires that the traveler has a passport to both enter and exit a country, especially when traveling by air.

  • It serves as a valid government-issued ID. Even if you don’t plan on traveling anytime soon, you still should have a passport, as a passport can serve as an identification card. Having a valid government ID can make a lot of transactions faster and easier and, most of the time, it is a requirement when opening a bank account or undergoing any government-related transactions.

  • It keeps you from being in a time crunch. Applying for a passport takes a lot longer than some people anticipate. Gathering the requirements alone might already take you a couple of weeks.

  • It saves you a ton of money. Have your passport ready in case of a spontaneous trip. Having your passport rushed would cost a lot more extra on top of the already relatively hefty fee of applying for it.

  • Be ready. There are situations that happen in life that we cannot control nor predict. Be sure that when emergencies happen, you have the means to pack and go. Have your travel documents in order in case a loved one has an emergency abroad and needs you.

No passport? Not a problem! Download these Passport Application Forms for new applicants or these Lost Passport Forms to get a new passport if you lost an old one. Remember that each country has their own requirements for the passports of their citizens.

Passport Renewal Application Form in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 519KB


Official Passport Renewal Application Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 55KB


Documents to Gather

Ready to have an old passport renewed? Go ahead and check out these Passport Renewal Forms. Also, make sure to gather the following documents:

  • Original and authenticated birth certificate
  • Passport-sized photos of you. Make sure you look decent and are looking straight to the camera
  • Your old passport


Each country has their own set of requirements for passport renewal. You can check yours at the appropriate government website of your country.

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