When you have a formal declaration that you want to say, you may consider putting them in an official document. Having an official record of your statement is necessary so that keeping track of it is easy. Documenting these statements come easy with statement forms. By using them, you have a platform to making your statement in a structured, organized manner.
Statement forms come in many forms, shapes, and sizes. They could be a statement on your financial condition or a statement recounting your account of an event. If you are looking for statement forms to use for your own, you have come to the right place as we have sample forms that you can easily download for free.
Financial Statement Forms
Personal Financial Form
Financial Position Form
Individual Financial Form
Financial Short Form
What Is a Financial Statement Form?
One very common type of statement form is a financial statement form. A financial statement is a formal documentation of the financial activities of a person or business. Using these financial statements, companies can see the effects of their business transactions on their financial liquidity and strength. These statements then are vital parts of any organization as they are often used as basis for important company decisions. Check out some Statement Forms in Doc for other examples of financial statement forms. Financial statements can be classified into four types.
- Statement of Financial Position
- Income Statement
- Cash Flow Statement
- Statement of Changes in Equity
What Is a Profit and Loss Statement Form?
A type of financial statement you can find in our Sample Statement Forms is a profit and loss statement form. It is also oftentimes referred to as an income statement. A profit and loss statement is a formal record outlining the revenues as well as expenses of a company during a specific time period. By having a profit and loss statement form, companies are able to see whether they have gained or lost money during a particular period. Regularly doing a profit and loss statement for various periods will give the company an idea of the changes in revenues, cost, etc., therefore giving a bigger picture of their whole financial situation.
Profit and Loss Statement Forms
Self Employment Profit and Loss Form
Profit and Loss Statement Form
Affidavit Statement Forms
General Affidavit Member Form
Signature Affidavit Form
Affidavit Sworn Form
Witness Statement Forms
Compensation Witness Form
Witness Statement Form
Student Witness Form
Victim/Witness Form
Writing an Effective Witness Statement Form
Another very common type of statement forms are witness statement forms. Witness statement forms are documents that record the account of a person who was present when an incident happened. The statements included in the form, therefore, have to be based on facts and complete. These forms are often used as evidence to validate a statement in a court of law. Use our Printable Statement Forms as guide when tasked with writing one. We will also give you steps you need to do to write a good witness statement form.
- Write down a field where they could write the case name and case number.
- Designate a field for the witness’ name and address.
- Formulate the body of the form for the witness’ personal account of the incident.
- End the body of the witness statement with a paragraph stating that all facts in the form are true and correct.
- Leave a field for witness signature and date.
What Is a Non-Filing Statement Form?
When you are not filing for income tax return, it is important to also make a statement verifying that you are a non-filer. In this case, you would need to fill out a non-filing statement form. This form is used as your official statement that you are a non-filing person. You do not want to get in trouble with the IRS, so it is important to make it clear that you are a non-filer and that you qualify as a non-filer. There is a growing number of non-filers right now and so the IRS is regularly conducting investigations to determine a person’s claim. They would often gather information such as a person’s source of income, bank balance, taxes paid on their last return, and so on. When looking for statement forms such as these, take a look at our Statement Form Examples. The sample statement letters could provide a useful guide for you too.
Billing Statement Forms
Billing Statement and Verification Form
Monthly Billing Form
Billing Request Form
Statement of Fact Forms
DMV Statement of Fact Form
Statement of Fact/Proposal Form
Statement of Fact Form Example
Statement of Account Forms
Securities’ Account Form
Request for Account Form
Closing Statement Forms
Real Estate Closing Form
Meeting Closing Form
Landlord Tenant Closing Form
How to Create a Statement Form
A statement form is an important document every organization needs to have. When given the task of making one for your organization, there are several guidelines that you need to follow in order to create a form that effectively serves its intended purpose. Statement forms come in a variety of formats. For example, financial statements such as these Profit and Loss Statement Form contain very technical fields about finance. For an easier time in creating statement forms, try downloading samples you see on the internet and customizing them to meet your needs. Our samples in particular have all the necessary elements that make a good statement form.
Tips in Filling an Income Tax Statement Form
When it comes to Financial Statement Forms, you need to be careful in filling out each detail as one mistake could lead to an error in the overall statement. The same could be said when filling out an income tax statement form. You need to make sure that all the necessary details are provided and that they are accurate. Here are some tips you may find useful when filling your income tax statement the next time.
- Gather beforehand your social security number, your spouse’s, and your dependents’.
- Refer to your income returns from the previous year so it is easier to fill.
- Determine your marital status as that will also be your filing status.
- List beforehand your deductible expenses.
- Disclose all your income.
Earnings Statement Forms
Social Security Earnings Information Form
Statement of Earnings Form to Download
Earnings Enquiry Form from Employer
Income Statement Forms
Income Tax Form
Zero Income Form
Method Statement Forms
Blank Method Form
Safe Work Method Form
Construction Method Form
Sworn Statement Forms
Sworn Parent Form
Sworn Statement of Expenditures Form
Sworn Financial Form
Settlement Statement Forms
Settlement Form
Settlement Cost Form
Blank Statement Forms
Blank Witness Form
Blank Income Form
Blank Claimant Form Example
What Is an Army Sworn Statement Form?
When doing a court litigation, an individual often presents himself in court personally and makes a testimony of what exactly happened in a particular incident. The opposing party then questions the individual’s testimony. During the whole time, a record is being made by a court reporter. This process, however, is time-consuming and costly. A sworn statement given by the individual is often a more convenient way of getting an individual’s account of the incident. This way, the witness can make a statement without physically being in court and it is less time-consuming and expensive.
The United States Army has created their own version of this form that they use as official documents for making sworn statements—the DA Form 2823. These forms are much less complicated than Personal Financial Statement Forms but are equally useful. People in the army use these forms as evidence or documentation for any unusual or informal incidents that happened. Having this form as a uniform document for them to record incidents allow for a more structured and organized incident recording.
Statement forms are very valuable tools in every organization. We have statement forms that you can download for free. You can either use them as guide or customize them to fit your needs.
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