The most important thing to look for in any business or company on the planet is quality. In any type of business, the owner or manager strives to achieve a certain level of quality. It could be anything from the quality of the products and services to the resources used to make them. Everyone ensures that everything they produce meets the expectations of their investors, stakeholders, and, most importantly, their customers. With the demand for high-quality goods and services comes the responsibility to ensure that those standards are met. They do a lot of important things to ensure that what they produce is marketable. There are many things that must be in place for these stages to run smoothly and consistently achieve the best possible quality of their product. And it is the responsibility of good control plans to set these parameters.

When it comes to ensuring that the final product meets quality standards, planning is critical. It saves time and money by lowering the likelihood that items will be defective after they are manufactured. High-quality action plans are also excellent at this. It not only paints a clear picture of the high level of quality that the company or firm is attempting to achieve, but it also lays out actions and rules that, when followed correctly, ensure that the end result is of the highest possible quality. If you want to learn more about how a quality assurance mission statement, take a look at the examples below. They will help you understand what it is and how to use it. You can also use them as a guide to creating your own control strategy.

10+ Quality Assurance Mission Statement Samples

1. Quality Assurance Mission Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 14 KB


2. Quality Assurance Manual Mission Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 410 KB


3. Quality Assurance Strategic Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 370 KB


4. Quality Control Assurance Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


5. Quality Assurance Improvement Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 165 KB


6. Quality Assurance Policy Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 766 KB


7. Sample Quality Assurance Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 69 KB


8. Administrative Quality Assurance Mission Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 359 KB


9. Monitoring Quality Assurance Mission Statement

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  • PDF

Size: 75 KB


10. Quality Assurance Commission Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 683 KB


11. Quality Assurance Program Mission Statement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 673 KB


What Is a Quality Assurance Mission Statement?

It is usually the last thing a company does before releasing something to the public. At this point in the process, producers perform a variety of tasks, such as quality checks and corrections, to ensure that the goods meet quality standards.

This is a critical step if the product is ready to be shipped to the customer. If you don’t deliver high-quality goods, you risk a bad reputation, lower customer retention, and more returns.
Furthermore, quality control examines how a product is manufactured, stored, and distributed. When something isn’t good enough or is broken, it’s referred to as “defective.” As a result, businesses must develop efficient systems to ensure the safety of their products at all stages of the supply chain.

If a company operates in a specific industry and sells specific products, it may be necessary to implement internal and external quality control measures to ensure that the products are safe. Businesses that have their own rules are an example of internal control. This could include anything from fixing the equipment to assessing how well employees are performing and everything in between. Upper-level managers are in charge of ensuring that quality assurance procedures are carried out correctly and on time.

External quality control, on the other hand, is essential for products sold to third parties. For example, after food is made and distributed, outside businesses must inspect it to ensure that it is safe and has not gone bad before it can be sold in the market.

QCP stands for Quality Control Plan, and it is a written list of procedures and actions designed to ensure that the goods produced for a project meet the quality standards specified in the contract, as well as in other procedures and manuals and other guidance.

How To Write a Quality Assurance Mission Statement

  1. Create an organization chart
    The first step that management should take to ensure that everything is set up correctly is to create a chart of jobs, qualifications, and training for each quality assurance method. These standards must be documented in order to demonstrate that the people performing inspections are properly trained and competent. If there is a problem or an error, this document should be kept on file and shown to senior management. They’ll be able to see what happened this way.
  2. Define responsibilities
    Following that, management must ensure that everyone understands their roles both inside and outside of the company. Each partner should understand what they are responsible for and who will be in charge of ensuring the quality of their work. While some small businesses allow employees to check the quality of their own work, the majority of businesses require these procedures to be performed by a separate group of people. This means that separate documents must be created to ensure that each project is given adequate time, as multitasking may result in more human errors. Large corporations, on the other hand, prefer that different people in the same department review their coworkers’ work. These quality assurance specifications should be very clear in order to avoid confusion and ensure that each step is completed as thoroughly as possible.
  3. Purchase and receive materials
    Management should ensure that they understand the specifications before ordering materials. This way, they can be certain that the parts they purchase meet the quality standards they require. To save money, some businesses seek out vendors who charge the lowest prices. This may cause them to fall short of their quality assurance standards in the long run. As a result, before you begin the ordering process, you should determine what the important qualities of the materials are. After receiving notification that the materials have been delivered, staff should inspect the shipment to ensure that all of the products meet the standards. If the items do not meet the company’s standards, it is up to the company to return them to the supplier.
  4. Verify supplier’s qualifications
    While basic materials are simple to inspect, more complicated parts and equipment can take a long time and be difficult to inspect for quality. Before issuing a bid request, businesses should be clear about what they expect from vendors. Businesses, for example, could request a third-party audit of a vendor to ensure that their internal processes are in compliance. As a result, before entering into a contract, businesses should investigate the reputation of the supplier. They should also double-check their brand and qualifications.
  5. Evaluate quality feedback
    It is the responsibility of quality assurance to ensure that the products are of high quality before they are sold to customers. However, feedback is an excellent way to enhance a product’s performance as well as its overall quality. Companies can determine how good or bad a product is by reviewing online reviews, user complaints, and suggestions from other customers. If you own a business, you should have a customer service team that examines evaluations and compliance records to determine whether noncompliance caused problems. If an employee discovers that a procedure is not in accordance with the law, they must report it.
  6. Develop a process for corrective action
    Finally, businesses must devise a strategy to address quality issues, such as breaking the law or failing to follow the rules. When a non-compliant process is reported, the person in charge of quality control must investigate. It could be due to a blunder or because an employee failed to perform their duties. After the root cause of the problem has been identified, a preventative measure must be implemented. This will prevent the same thing from happening in the future. Extra quality checks or automated tools, such as inventory ordering systems, could be included in this package. Quality control plans can be used by businesses to ensure that all of their products meet expected standards and that corrective actions are in place in the event of a product recall or other customer complaints. This demonstrates to customers that a company cares about them and strives to produce the best products on the market.


What are the three types of quality?

Many professionals classify quality flaws into three categories: minor flaws, major flaws, and critical flaws. Minor flaws are those that account for less than 1% of the total. Defects are classified into groups based on their nature and severity.

What are the four types of quality control?

Process Control. Control Charts. Product Quality Control. Process Control.

What are the action steps?

Action steps are specific actions taken in order to achieve the goals outlined in your action plan. In essence, the content of your action plan is what it is all about.

Well-written action plans ensure that your company’s or corporation’s, or even your own, goals are met, if not exceeded, by the end of the day. It makes your ideas come to life. It can assist you in keeping your project on track and avoiding any problems that may arise during the process. It is essentially the same process for developing a good action plan. It assists you in maintaining a certain level of quality in your products and services while also ensuring that you can always improve.