How long do you think it takes for a plan to get completed and implemented. Well, it all depends if it is a long-term or a short-term plan, or what the purpose of the plan is. Different plans are created and completed differently that is why the time it will take to finish them varies.
In this article we will be discussing about five year plans. We will find out what it is, when it was first used and the advantages from using five year plan templates. We have also included five year plan templates to serve both as your reference or for your personal use. You may check them out below.
5-Year Development Plan Template

5-Year Action Plan Template

5 Year Sales Plan Template

5 Year Plan Template

5 Year Business Plan Template

Five-Year Career Plan Template
Family Five Year Plan Template
Editable Five Year Plan Template
5 Year IT Strategic Plan Template
Five Year Business Plan
What Is a Five Year Plan?
A five year plan refers to a continuous series of plans and government programs that must be achieved by a country in a span of five years. The plan is mostly used by the government of different countries to help make improvements in their economy and industry so that they can stand on their won. The plan is so designed that specific goals and objectives that has been planned and coordinated will help in the development and improvement of the economy of that country.
Individuals also make use of five year plans to help them create a map or timeline of their lives for a span of five years. It may seem pretty difficult if used on matters involving a large population or an entire country. But if you are to create a five year plan for yourself, you would find it easy as you have control over what you want to do and what you want done over that period of time.
Why Was the Five Year Plan Introduced?
The first five year plan was a plan created for the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or USSR, by Communist Party General Secretary Joseph Stalin. It was based on his policy of Socialism in One Country and was implemented between the years 1928 and 1932. The reasons why Stalin created a five year plan is as follows.
- Stalin believed that the Soviet Union needs to build up its industry. His aim is by building up their industry they will be able to defend themselves from the countries in the west that may try to attack them.
- Stalin also want modernization in the factories that are within the Soviet Union. This is so that they can increase the amount of goods that they can produce. This is also part of his plan to build the industry of the Soviet Union.
- The USA, Germany and Britain were modern industrial countries and Stalin wanted the Soviet Union to be modernized and industrialized like them.
The first five year plan was able to help the Soviet Union in the development of their industries, like the coal industry, the transport industry and the iron industry. As a result, there was a great increase in the production steel, coal, oil and electricity. Food production also increased in the countryside and there were huge improvements made in their water and rail transport systems. These targets were met within four years of the plan’s implementation.
The plan brought a lot of good things and great success to the Soviet Union, but not everything about it was good. In order for the plan to become effective, people were forced to work long hours with low wages. Managers and workers who to fail in hitting their targets may be arrested and executed.
You may also find other plan related topics interesting, like 100 Day Plan Templates, Personal Development Plan Templates, and Work Plan Templates.
What Should Be Included in a Five Year Plan?
The contents of a five year plan depends on the type of plan you want to create and its purpose. Certain factors affect how a five year plan should be written as well as its contents. For examples, a five year plan intended for use in a locality or country may need specific objectives or goals that can either help the economy or increase awareness within that locality. A personal five year plan may be all about one’s own personal development, work and life balance or personal motivation.
The type of five year plan that we have here is a personal five year plan that is good for fresh graduates and ambitious seniors. Here are the things that you would want to be included in this type of five year plan.
Why should you include your career in your five year plan? It’s because almost all of your goals and aspirations in life are based on the career you will be having in the future. Creating a timeline of the career or position you want to achieve within a five year period will greatly motivate and guide you on where you want to be and what you want to do.
What do you want to do with your lief aside from the career that you want? You may think it’s not necessary, but it is very necessary. If you do not plan about your life five years from now then you might find yourself lost without a purpose sometime in the middle. What kind of life do you want to pursue and why do want it that way? Answer all that in your five year plan.
Include in your plan when you want yourself to get involved in a relationship, when do you see yourself get married and build a family. A lot of things can happen with the five year period and you need to be prepared for them that is why you are creating this plan. Love happens but you make the final decision. Include this in your plan so that you will know what to do when you get to the mentioned situations.
Who wouldn’t want to travel? Where do you want to travel and when do you plan to do so? Ask yourself when you will be emotionally and financially ready to travel an set this on your timeline of activities.
Personal Development
What about yourself that you want to change or improve and when do want to make these improvements. Personal development takes time and you need to plan when you want to start and how long it will take you to accomplish them.
The contents of a five year plan is not limited to the list above. It all depends on the purpose of the plan and who is going to use it and benefit from it. you may also want to check out other related articles, like Meal Plan Templates, Business Plan Templates, and Strategic Plan Samples & Templates.
Personal 5 Year Plan Template
Sample Five Year Operating Plan
Five Year Strategic Plan Template
Five Year Family Ministry Plan Template
Human Resources Department Five Year Plan
Advantages of Five Year Plan Templates
The following are the advantages of five year plan templates.
- Using the templates allows the user to easily and conveniently create a five year plan without having to go through formatting it and thinking of the things to include.
- It eliminates the need to recreate the same document to create a new five year plan to be used for the same or different purpose. This allows the user to save time and energy.
- There are different varieties of five year plan templates available online and almost all of them are offered for free download.
- A five year plan template can be edited and they are also printable.
Those are just some of the advantages of a five year plan template. You can get different types of templates if you drop by our website. We have articles providing template, like Diet Plan Templates, Project Operational Plan Samples, and Financial Plan Samples & Templates.