Creating a proper layout for a comprehensive plan for every project, venture, task, or process is very important for all types of businesses and companies worldwide. A layout keeps the management and the whole workplace on track for everything else that they may have issues with during the duration of their work. It is important to have a comprehensive plan in place to prevent wasting time and resources on a venture that might just ultimately fail. A well written action plan just helps bring the idea together and bring the objectives into fruition. Action plans go a long way for the fulfillment of any venture or project that you, and individual, or a multi-million company might be doing.

Having a plan ahead of time just helps you prepare for whatever task you may have set out to during the duration of your work. Keep track of the overall progress and make sure that everyone is in line with your objectives and is working towards it. Compliance to the parameters and standards set by the company is imperative for every management of any corporation worldwide. That is why a compliance action plan is usually drafted to make sure that everybody that is involved or under the management has enough time to prepare and comply with whatever rule or working standards the management may come up with. Writing an action plan may seem fairly easy on paper, but there are a lot of factors that you need to consider to make sure that both the plan and your overall goal is feasible and attainable. To get yourself properly acquainted with the document, check out these compliance action plan samples that we have listed down below. Once you’ve familiarized yourself enough, what it looks like and how it works, feel free to use these samples as guides or  even as templates for your own compliance action plan.

10+ Compliance Action Plan Samples

1. Compliance Action Plan Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


2. Standard Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 347 KB


3. Disproportionality Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 408 KB


4. Compliance Action Plan Format

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 50 KB


5. Compliance Schedule Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 166 KB


6. Ground Water Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


7. Formal Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 666 KB


8. Strategic Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 169 KB


9. Basic Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 438 KB


10. General Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 576 KB


11. Home Care Compliance Action Plan

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


What Is a Compliance Action Plan?

Action plans are documents that contain detailed, strategic, and more specific outlines for project development and implementation of tasks and policies in the workplace. Action plans can be used for a wide variety of purposes as well such as the fulfillment of a project or tasks the company might set itself to. Much of the specifics don’t matter, if you want what you are doing to be a success, then the best step that you can take is to write an action plan. It’s essentially like a checklist for the actions and the tasks that need to be accomplished to ensure the success of your policies and parameters that you have implemented. Make sure that you have full compliance in your workplace. The document is usually comprised of more than just a couple pages, depending on the scale and the scope of your project. For compliance action plans, it covers quite a lot really, since it has to make sure that your company and your employees follow the standards that you have set or the standards that the local and national governments have set for a work environment. The contents such as the steps and tasks have to be as detailed as possible, comprehensive enough that your team members immediately understand what needs to be done. Vagueness will only lead to further confusion rather than clarity. You have to realize that although fairly simple, that’s what makes this document so valuable. There is much power in having you and your whole team know where you intend to go and how you intend to go there.

How to Write a Compliance Action Plan

Developing an action plan is more than just writing a bunch of steps and procedures on a piece of paper.  There is much challenge in having to know what you want to happen, and then explain it properly and effectively for everybody else to understand. There are several important steps that you have to follow when developing an action plan to make sure that all of the information within is not convoluted at all and that the steps are perfectly understandable. These key steps will be discussed in more detail below.

  1. Define your goal
    It is largely important that you have a proper idea of what your goals are what what your criteria for success is. Going in blindly for a project or a task without a proper scope of the situation will only set yourself up for failure. Analyze the situation first and explore the circumstances that you will be working with. Apply certain strategic criteria such as SMART to make sure that your goal is properly assessed.
  2. List down your steps
    Create a checklist of all the steps necessary, especially of all the actions that need to be done and accomplished. Give enough details and parameters to make sure that the task is done exactly as how you want it to be done.
  3. Prioritize tasks and deadlines
    Once you’ve figured out the tasks that you have to do, reorganize the whole checklist by prioritizing the more labor and resource intensive tasks. Some operations might even require some prerequisite requirements to be accomplished first so it is important to take note of those as well. Arrange your checklist in a chronological order so it makes sense.
  4. Set milestones
    Celebrate small victories for you and your employees. Setting milestones along the way gives you and your team motivation by giving them something to look forward to. It’s also just nice to give yourself a pat in the back once in a while.
  5. Identify the resources needed
    Have everything you might need and more already within reach. Make sure that you have adequate resources, well stocked and well equipped, to save yourself a whole lot of trouble from having to gather resources in the middle of implementing your action plan.
  6. Visualize your plan
    The plan should communicate the elements that you have identified clearly and comprehensively. The risks along the way, the tasks that you have listed, the chain of command, assignments, deadlines, and a complete inventory of the resources. These should be present and you should be able to easily visualize these components. Visualizing the overall plan just helps gauge it better, decide if the venture is possible or not.
  7. Monitor, Evaluate, Update
    The writing process simply does not end after putting your plan into paper. An action plan is and should always be a live document. Meaning that it is meant to change and adapt over time. Keep track of how the plan works and evaluate if it is effective or not. Update parameters whenever need be and just keep an eye on your action plan constantly.


What are action steps?

Action steps refer to specific efforts you or the management has taken to reach goals that has initially been set. Action steps are what’s commonly found inside an action plan.

What makes a good action plan?

A well written action plan outlines all the necessary steps needed to achieve the goals that have been set. Also, you can just easily tell if your action plan is good or not depending on the outcome of your project.

What five factors must a compliance plan include?

  • Leadership
  • Risk Assessment
  • Standards and Controls
  • Training and Communications
  • Oversight

A well drafted action plan ensures that whatever you want to achieve for your company, you’ll be able to achieve it. It helps with keeping everything in check, keep you and your team on the right track. It’s like a path that leads you easily to your destination without much issues along the way.

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