An inspection can be used as an assurance that a workplace or even a piece of equipment will be completely inspected. The person doing the inspection should be able to verify that each of the components is in the correct working order. In order for this to become effective, a checklist must be observed. It has to go with the specific type of equipment to be inspected with the other components that are necessary to maintain its proper operation. Checklists must be comprehensive, but they should still be designed simply. The items should be written in a chronological order to the way each type of equipment will be inspected. It should easy to use. In this article, you will be able to know what a safety inspection checklist covers.
10+ Safety Inspection Checklist Samples
1. Site Safety Inspection Checklist Template

2. Construction Safety Inspection Checklist Template

Construction sites are one of the dynamic activities where you can find workers engage in activities that expose themselves to various safety hazards. which includes falling objects, working on scaffolding, using of heavy construction equipment, or using electrical circuits while having to operate an electrical equipment and machineries. Construction involves constructing a new building, renovations, and major repair or alteration of the building systems. Implementation of safety practices is beyond essential in this aspect. You have to provide an inspection checklist that would be able identify, control, or eliminate construction-related hazards.
3. Vehicle Safety Inspection Checklist Template

Safe use of vehicles should be able to adhere with the basic rules. Before you are going to operate a vehicle, make sure that the driver has his or her driver’s license. The driver should be able to observe pre-shift inspection to ensure that safety devices and operational features are highly functioning. He or she must be able to take note of the deficiencies found that should be repaired by a qualified mechanic or technician. Whenever a specific equipment is moved, make sure that it is secured so it may not pose any hazard to other people. Vehicles that have an obstructed view is advised to be equipped with a back-up alarm.
4. Office Safety Inspection Checklist
5. Safety Inspection Checklist for Office
6. Clinical Office Safety Inspection Checklist
7. Workplace Safety Inspection Checklist
Workplace safety covers various things such as emergency procedures, chemical safety, equipment safety, electrical and fire safety, and more. It is very essential to assess the hazards that is contained within your workplace to avoid accidents and harm. Each of the workplace is different. That is why it is very important to tailor your safety efforts in order to fit your needs and of your facilities. Having a good and effective workplace safety strategy includes securing a PPE or a personal protective equipment, using administrative controls, following safety protocols, and offering a safety training.
8. Building Safety Inspection Checklist
9. Health and Safety Inspection Checklist
Health and safety refers to the programs and procedures that enables you to protect the welfare of a person who is engaged in work. The goal is to be able to create a safe working environment and to reduce the possibility of risks and accidents, injuries, and other types of fatalities. It protects the health of customers, generally, and to the general public as well. The procedures needs to be correctly followed. This will also help in reducing the costs such as in sick leave, medical care, and in disability benefits.
10. Restaurant Safety Inspection Checklist
11. Event Safety Inspection Checklist
Inspection checklists has been one of the most valuable tool used by several inspectors across different industries in order to provide an assessment to comply with the certain process and procedure, facility, and equipment with the standards that are being set by the internal, local, and international organizations. Also, it helps in ensuring that the object being inspected goes through a very detailed evaluation that are being documented so that it will be endorsed for its intended use. If you want to see for more safety inspection checklist format, you can check out some of the samples and templates for your guide.