Absenteeism in school is known to have a lot of negative effects to a student’s performance. According to the United States Department of Education, one out of six students are absent from school for a span of three weeks or more. This was for the school year 2015-2016. Chronic abseentism has become a hidden national crisis and for schools to counter it, they need a strictly implemented school attendance policy. Learn more about school attendance policies through the samples provided below. We have also included basic information about attendance policies that you will surely find useful.
FREE 10+ School Attendance Policy Samples
1. Primary School Attendance Policy
2. School Attendance Policy Template
3. Formal School Attendance Policy
4. Sample Student Attendance Policy
5. School Attendance & Truancy Policy
6. Simple School Attendance Policy
7. School Attendance Policy Sample
8. Printable School Attendance Policy
9. Basic School Attendance Policy
10. Sample Attendance Policy Template
11. Sample High School Attendance Policy
What Is a School Attendance Policy?
A school attendance policy is a set of rules and guidelines that is strictly implemented in different schools. It is aimed at improving the student’s attitude toward attendance and punctuality as well as decreasing the instances of chronic absenteeism in school. Another goal of having an attendance policy is to ensure the safety of the students and know their whereabouts. Elementary school and high school students follow a compulsory attendance policy where they must commit to perfect attendance. Some colleges or universities, on the other hand, have an optional attendance policy, which gives their students more freedom with their school schedule. The policy also includes a definition of unexcused absences and excessive absences, an attendance improvement plan, the effects of missing school, school policies on tardiness, and the right procedure to follow when a student is absent.
How To Make a School Attendance Policy
Chronic absenteeism in the United States is a big deal. To increase student attendance, a lot of schools are improving their school attendance policies. They are finding ways on how they can encourage students to attend classes regularly. Well, here are things that you can do to help improve school attendance.
1. Promote and Maintain Perfect Attendance
Promoting and maintaining perfect attendance is really not that difficult. What’s difficult is convincing the students to believe you. So instead of telling them what to do, you show them what to do. Give them examples or show them a role model. Other schools encourage perfect attendance by giving award certificates to recognize the student’s efforts. For this to be effective, it must be done regularly without fail.
2. Identify Attendance Influencing Factors
Conduct a root cause analysis to help you identify the factors that influence the students to be absent from school. You can make a list of these factors and determine which factor contributes to the student’s absences the most. This information will help you create the best action plan to mitigate or completely eliminate the factors that significantly contribute to absenteeism.
3. Use Strategies and Tools to Improve Attendance
What strategies should you use? Coming up with a unique approach is good, but simple yet effective school strategies are the best. Examples of these strategies include creating a positive school culture, providing intervention and support, monitoring absences, keeping an eye on school bullying, etc. When you have exhausted all the strategies available to you, then you move on to using relevant tools. The tools include a return to school action plan, an attendance support group, a student engagement plan, etc.
4. Meet the Parents
Why should you meet the parents? Some parents have no idea that their child is missing a lot of school days already. So you make them aware of the absences and explain the negative effects on their child. Together, you can work on strategies that will encourage the student to report to school.
5. Learn to Listen
Sometimes, a conversation with the student is all you need to address their attendance issues. What will make your conversation effective is listening to what the student has to say. Allow them to express how they feel and think, without judging them. Sometimes, it’s the best solution to the problem.
What happens if your school attendance is low?
A low school attendance means that the absenteeism rate is high. Students who are absent even just for a day are at a disadvantage. That is why attendance policies are a big deal. Examples of the effects of poor school attendance include reading difficulties in young children and overall slow academic learning ability. In later years, these students exhibit poor attendance patterns both in school and work.
What counts as good attendance?
A school attendance rating of 95 percent and higher counts as good attendance. It means that students miss only 9.5 days for the entire school year. If your school achieves this attendance rating, it shows that your students are not struggling with getting themselves to school. However, if your attendance rating drops to 90 percent, it means that the students are missing more than ten days in a given school year.
Can the cops make my child go to school?
The cops have no authority to send your child to school if they refuse to go. But they can take students who are hanging out in public places during school days and bring them back to school. An exemption to this rule is when a child is educated at home or homeschooled.
Although an absence is highly discouraged, many students still find it hard to commit to perfect attendance, especially those coming from low-income families. Working with the student’s family can help address the problem. It’s a difficult task, but it’s the best thing that you can do.
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