Purchases that amount to a very large sum of money might seem impossible to pay all at once. This is particularly true for purchases that involve vehicles, real estate, and lots among others. For these kinds of purchases, a down payment is usually given by the buyer. The amount to be given as down payment depends on the agreement between the seller and buyer. Down payment receipts also serve as a legally binding contract once both parties sign the receipt.
There are nine Sample Receipts that can be used as a guide in making a personalized down payment receipt sample. Check out all of the samples that we have and pick the one that best suits your preference.
Simple Cash Receipt Template
Simple Escrow Check Receipt
General Receipt Excel Template
Sample Sales Receipt Template
School Fee Receipt Template
Deposit Receipt Excel Template
Sample Receipt Excel Template
Salary Receipt Template
Down Payment Receipt Format
Cash Down Payment Receipt Form
Real Estate Down Payment Receipt Sample
Generic Down Payment Receipt Example
Down Payment Receipt Format
A generic down payment receipt has a very straightforward and simple format. It basically includes the following:
- Amount paid refers to the down payment that was made.
- Paid to refers to the individual or business that the payer is paying the down payment to.
- Paid by refers to the person who made the down payment.
- For refers to the purpose why the down payment was made.
- Signature and printed name of the payer
- Signature and printed name of the payee
- Date of transaction
The mentioned fields are the common ones that are usually found in a down payment receipt. However, the fields that are included may vary for different types of down payment receipts. For example, a contractor receipt may include the timeline and the breakdown of the finances that will be used by the contractor, the services that will be rendered, and specific people that a certain service/material will be billed to. You may see Contractor Receipt Samples for more information on contractor receipts.
Another example would be for house down payment receipts wherein the specific details about the house will be asked such as the deed of the house, insurance, location of the house, payment terms, and details about the house such as measurements.
Refundable Down Payment Receipt Form
Down Payment Receipt for House
Down Payment Receipt for Boat in PDF
Down Payment Acknowledgement Receipt
Down Payment Receipt for Car
Why Use Down Payment Receipt Samples?
- There’s a wide variety of receipt samples to choose from, which all come in different designs, formats, and purposes.
- The sample receipts can all be downloaded for free directly from the article. There are two file formats available: (1) PDF and (2) Word Document. Best of all, the samples are all available at no cost so you can download as many samples as you can.
- You may opt to either use these samples as a guide or edit the file directly and supplement it with the details of your transaction. You can easily edit the samples using the correct office applications available on your computer or portable device.
- You need not make one from scratch since the samples will give you a good idea about what to incorporate in your receipt. This will help save you a ton of time.
- These samples are very easy to store in your devices as they are light in size.
You may also check out the Acknowledgement Receipt samples available, which can be used to acknowledge the down payment that was made by the payer.
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