If you happen to run a particular business, you should be always used to creating an invoice. As a subcontractor, you must focus on your expertise in supplying a specialized service including the act of invoicing. This article has a great selection of customized templates that you can choose from just to make sure that you will get paid properly and with the exact amount you agreed with. It is available in MS Word, MS Excel, Google Docs, Google Sheets, and in PDF. Each of the subcontractors have their own field of expertise and their own style of handling their work. Aside from that, they are mostly doing with the same work that their client does which means that their expectations are pretty high. With this, you must have an outline that would work best in terms of the prices you have charged them.
Invoicing is considered to be one of the most important skill for every contractors and subcontractors. It would be very difficult for you to monitor the payments if you do not provide an invoice to your clients. You are probably experiencing dealing with a lot of projects that have different billing terms and timelines. That is why you have to secure an invoice to track time and complete the process of the project. Also, observing a proper way of invoicing is an essential aspect in financial accounting especially when it comes to small businesses.
10+ Subcontractor Invoice Samples
1. Subcontractor Invoice Template

2. Construction Subcontractor Invoice Template

3. Individual Subcontractor Invoice
4. Sample Subcontractor Invoice
5. Subcontractor Consultant Invoice Approval Form
6. Subcontractor Payment Invoice
7. Subcontractor Travel Services Invoice
8. Subcontractor Invoice Approval Form
9. Standard Subcontractor Invoice
10. Subcontractor Invoice Approval
11. Subcontractor Supplier Invoice
What is Inside a Subcontractor’s Invoice?
It is essential to tailor your requirements needed for a job. That is why you have to ensure that you have an accurate invoice and organized template so you will be paid promptly and properly. Below are the steps that you should follow:
- Look for various subcontractor invoice templates available. They are usually offered in different designs and colors. Make sure that you select the one that you know would fit into your business or subcontracting work.
- Download online the invoice template that you chose and with the format that you want to use. It can be in MS Word, MS Excel, PDF, Google Docs, and Google Sheets.
- Make sure to put your name, contact number, email address, and the services that you offer.
- Put your logo, website address, and any other information that is related to your business.
- Put your client’s name, contact number, and email address.
- Generate an invoice number.
- Put the invoice date.
- List down all your services and its individual costs.
- List all the materials you need for the project.
- Include in the list all the miscellaneous charges you incurred.
- You may consider adding o subtracting lines to make sure that the invoice will be able to cover all the costs.
- Include the discount if applicable.
- Calculate the total price that you are charging.
- Include the payment terms on the list.
- Keep your own copy and give the invoice to your client.
When is the best time to send an invoice to your subcontracting clients?
It usually depends on the type of service you give them. You may give them the invoice upon completion. You can also ask for partial or full payment ahead.
What are some of the invoicing tips for subcontractors?
You have to personalize your own invoice, accept a variety of payment methods, prepare a proposal, and keep a record of your work with the numbered invoices.
How are you going to provide an invoice as a contractor or a subcotractor?
You have to identify the document as an invoice, include the needed business information, add the client’s details or information, assign the invoices with a unique number, add the invoice date, provide specific details about the services you offer, include your payment terms, list down the total amount, and state the deadline of your payment.
If you are going to use a template, you will definitely save more of your time. Plus, you would be free to customize everything. If you want to see more samples and format, try checking out some subcontractor invoice samples and templates provided in the article for your reference.
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