While we could sometimes guess the worth of a particular item based on the way it looks, it is never a guarantee that we get the price right. There are even luxurious pens that would cost you around $2000, like the Graf von Faber-Castell. For most people, it is imperative to know the price of an item before going to the cash register to pay for it. That is why businesses should also do their part in informing these customers how much they would pay if they will avail of a product or service. And they can do this effectively with the help of price lists. Know more about it as you read this article.
FREE 17+ Sample Price Lists
Wine Price List Template
Window Cleaning Price List Template
Nail Studio Shop Price List Template
Wholesale Price List Template
Sports Photography Price List Template
Spa Price List Template
Graphic Design Price List Template
Furniture Price List Template
Food Price List Template
Drinks Price List Template
Photography Price List
Product Price List
Service Price List
Salon Price List
IT Shop Price List
Rental Price List
Carpet Cleaning Price List
Sample Price List
What Is a Price List?
To put it simply, a price list is a document that enumerates every product or service a business offers and their corresponding prices. Business owners should make sure that the amounts listed on their photography price list, food price list, makeup price list, cleaning price list, and other types of price lists are accurate and current. Failure to do so would confuse the customers and discourage them to avail of a product or service, instead of attracting them. You can see this document in grocery stores, salons, spas, and even restaurants.
How Do You Create a Price List?
Whether you are going to create a product price list or a service price list, a little background in graphic design would do. But if you want to come up with a price list design in an instant, then take a look at these price list templates we’ve compiled for you. On another note, bear these things in mind if you opt to make the document from scratch.
1. Calculate the Price
Before you open an editing software to start working on your price list, the first thing you have to do is to calculate the selling price of the products or services you offer. See to it that you have designated a price for each item. Moreover, aside from making sure that the amounts the customers will pay are affordable, you also have to take into account the costs incurred for the manufacturing of a particular good.
2. Visualize
When you take a look at sample price lists, not all of them are black and white. That said, you should consider incorporating your business’ specifics in your design to increase company visibility. Choose the correct fonts and colors you will use in creating the document and think about how you will organize the details you will input on the material.
3. Introduce Your Company
As you start designing your price list, the first thing that should appear on the material is a brief overview of your company. If you want to save space, the tagline and the business logo would do. This section is important so that your customers will have a clearer picture of your business.
4. List Down the Products
The actual price listing process starts with enumerating everything your business offers. Leave no item unwritten and make sure to indicate the actual price the customers will pay for it. Just like a menu or a food price list, it would greatly help if you categorize your items logically. You may take a look at these service price list templates, wholesale price list templates, and bar price list templates for design ideas.
5. Include a Call to Action
Lastly, you must persuade your customers to avail of your products or services by adding a call to action statement on the bottom part of the material. A short yet powerful call to action is your key to establishing a customer base.
What is the difference between list price and net price?
The difference between the two is the discounts. While the list price is the amount the customers have to pay without any discounts, the net price is the amount offered after the deduction of discounts. Companies usually offer discounts to wholesalers and bulk buyers.
How do I send a price to the customer?
Sending your customers an email of the prices of your business offers would not much help. Doing so will keep you wondering whether or not the recipient has already opened your email. That is why if you can’t communicate with your clients in person, it would be best to give them a phone call and then send an email of your price list thereafter. You can also post the price of your services on your website and social media accounts.
How do I quote my client?
When you quote a client, remember that it is important to include essential details of your company. This information includes your name, contact details, and location. This way, it will be easy for the customers to reach out to you when needed. Then, on the main content of your quote, provide a breakdown of the individual charges for the services to render. Also, don’t forget to specify the validity of the prices reflected on the document.
As a business owner, it is your responsibility to inform your customers how much would it cost them to avail of the goods or services you offer. And you don’t have all the time in the world to answer all their queries regarding the price of what your business provides. Therefore, it would be best to create a price list and post it in a place where it can be accessible to everyone. What are you waiting for? Design one today with the help of our templates and sample documents!
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