A writing outline is a document that contains the first draft of a composition including each of its paragraph’s topic sentences. This ensures that every paragraph serves its specific purpose in your student paper or research paper and covers all necessary information it must present. With an outline, you can determine which paragraphs can be combined or eliminated as well as identify repetitive ideas or sections that will stand in the way of developing the central idea or argument of the paper. When revising your paper, an outline can also help you determine the strengths and weaknesses of your composition.

FREE 10+ Thesis Outline Samples

1. Thesis Proposal Presentations Outline

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Size: 65 KB


2. Thesis Statement Outline

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Size: 3 KB


3. Masters Thesis Proposal Outline

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Size: 15 KB


4. Thesis Outline Example

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Size: 38 KB


5. Thesis Prospectus Outline

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Size: 170 KB


6. Formal Thesis Outline

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Size: 7 KB


7. Thesis Proposal Outline Template

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Size: 25 KB


8. Thesis Statement and Outline

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Size: 37 KB


9. Thesis Preliminary Outline Form

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Size: 15 KB


10. Masters Thesis Outline Approval

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Size: 40 KB


11. Thesis Outline in PDF

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Size: 221 KB


What Is a Thesis Outline?

A dissertation or thesis outline is one of the most critical parts in the early phases of the writing process. A thesis outline enables you to lay out and arrange your ideas as well as provides you with a guideline when deciding the fine points of your paper’s dissertation topic and presenting its relevance to your field of study. This outline also contains the description of your research process as a part of your thesis as well as your research’s purpose or objectives, research methodology, and the desired and expected results.

How to Create a Thesis Outline

Your thesis outline contains various sections that must be incorporated in your research paper which includes the paper’s anticipated title, its abstract, and the chapters which can be also subdivided into further sections such as literature review, research methods, potential future research, and more. You can also provide your readers with a chapter outline which is a short paragraph at the end of your introductory paragraph to tell readers about the structure of your thesis.

Step 1: Create Your Hypothesis

Place your hypothesis at the top of the page. The succeeding or supporting paragraphs and sections must relate to and address this in one way or another. You do not have to write this page in a detailed manner since you will only use it as your reference. However, you have to make sure that you understand your hypothesis.

Step 2: Organize Your Paper’s Sections

To organize your sections, you can use a thesis outline template so you can cover all necessary sections and sub-sections for your paper. You can use a combination of alpha-numerical dissertation outlines to effectively organize your information. You can also consider utilizing a master outline for outlining the entire work or use it for each chapter of the paper.

Step 3: Review Your Outline and Make the Necessary Changes

After creating your outline, review each of them and create adjustments as you deem necessary before adding the remaining content notes you have gathered for your research. This is method is useful before reorganizing and rethinking your composition on large pieces of text.

Step 4: Filter Out the Details

Once you have reviewed your outline, you can now filter out all information with key terms, phrases, and sentences to direct you on the writing process of your first draft.


What are the components of a thesis outline?

A thesis outline commonly includes basic components or sections such as the introduction, literature overview, thesis statement or problem, method section, results or findings section, and discussion. It also includes a cover or title page, declaration and certification, acknowledgments, abstract, and table of contents.

What is included in the first chapter of a thesis?

The first chapter of a thesis is the introduction which introduces the problem or topic of the paper to the readers. It contains the definition of the problem, the purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, definition of terms, delimitations of the study, assumptions, and organization of the study or thesis.

What is a thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a sentence that informs the reader of your paper’s argument and is commonly written in the first paragraph of an essay outline. In essay writing, a thesis statement tells the reader the topic that the essay will be discussing and what they can take away from it.

A thesis outline is a document that provides a detailed description of the most important parts of a thesis research paper such as the introduction, literature overview, thesis problem, methodology, discussion, and conclusion. This document is used as a guideline when organizing a dissertation or thesis to make sure that the paper is covering all necessary information related to the topic as well as determine and eliminate unnecessary data.