Consumers prefer unequivocal assurances that software services would be managed, but contractors did not want to give the consumers duplicates of the software source code for various reasons, such as proprietary progression and IP rights relevant factors. This led to the need for source code escrow. A useful solution that takes care of the vendor’s need to ensure that the source code doesn’t become available is the usage of a source code escrow mechanism. Similar to how a contract of guarantee or other surety bond is a protection for investment in specific projects, source code escrow is seen from the clients’ viewpoint as a kind of security for their investment in a software system.

10+ Source Code Escrow Agreement Samples

How about source code escrow? Many companies have a firm policy that calls for software developers to safeguard the source code of the goods the company is licensing without even thinking about it. The economic case for source code escrow agreements would almost always be found wanting if businesses thoroughly analyzed the risk vs. return on investment. Dealmakers and attorneys negotiate escrow terms and conditions for days on end and pay escrow companies like Iron Mountain thousands of dollars to keep the escrow account active. As the potential rewards are little, investing this time and money is frequently a waste. Customers should be wary of investing their hard-earned time and money in a plan that mostly fails to achieve the goal for which it was designed.

1. Source Code Escrow Agreement Template

source code escrow agreement template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Pages


2. Source Code Escrow Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 99 KB


3. Software Source Code Escrow Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 18 KB


4. Sample Source Code Escrow Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 57 KB


5. Source Code Escrow Form Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 358 KB


6. Standard Source Code Escrow Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 981 KB


7. Source Code Escrow License Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 557 KB


8. SAAS Source Code Escrow Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 303 KB


9. Escrow of Source Code Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 100 KB


10. Company Source Code Escrow Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 455 KB


11. Editable Source Code Escrow Agreement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 13 KB


Why Software Escrows are Needed?

When obtaining a software license, a savvy licensee will at some point inquire, “What occurs if the software provider shuts down?,” which is frequently followed by a request for rights to the software’s source code and any other vital documentation.

Providing the licensee access to the code and other private information creates a threat to the software vendor’s operations. How can the software provider be sure that the licensee will maintain the source code secure and confidential and won’t utilize it before it’s time? What happens if many licensees ask for the source code?

The licensee perceives a vulnerability to its organization in not obtaining permissions and other resources required to access and manage the program. If the software provider goes out of business, is unable to fulfill its obligations, or experiences any other unforeseeable circumstance, how will the licensee be able to continue using and maintaining the program?

Software escrows are necessary because of this distinction in viewpoints and worries.


How to execute an escrow agreement with a reputable software escrow agent?

The following aspects should be taken into consideration when choosing a software escrow vendor: the vendor’s experience, the location where your materials are stored, its legal and technical knowledge, and the ease with which you can administer the escrow.

Why Escrow is an ineffective and costly mechanism?

Escrowing the source code of essential company software appears to be a wise financial move for clients. But for a variety of reasons, the time, money spent on legal costs, and other resources need to set up and maintain escrow accounts don’t offer much protection for the client.

Every day, organizations all around the nation license and put into use unique software programs that are essential to the running of their enterprises. Millions of dollars may be spent on planning and application. Due to the importance of these applications, software design and support contracts frequently include that the “source code” of the software and supporting materials must be kept in escrow. The collection of logical instructions and assertions expressed in a human-readable computer programming language known as “source code” governs how data is processed and how software functions.