The value of tolerance of a resistor can be determined by the color bands marked on its body. While there are some basic colors whose values can be simply remembered as they are very commonly used, there are also differences in various color coding schemes and their use of colors. You can use our general Color Chart Templates to decode the value tolerance of these resistors in any standard accepted system.

The value of tolerance of a resistor can be determined by the color bands marked on its body. While there are some basic colors whose values can be simply remembered as they are very commonly used, there are also differences in various color coding schemes and their use of colors. You can use our general Color Chart Templates to decode the value tolerance of these resistors in any standard accepted system.

Resistor Color Code Chart Pdf

resistor color code chart pdf

Resistor Color Code Chart PDF template comes with clear, instructions to decode values of 3, 4 or 5 band resistors. One can use this template to learn the different systems of coding, in resistors or can download them to get a quick reference while they work with resistors.

Resistor Color Code Chart Download

resistor color code chart download

Resistors have been color coded for being readable easily. To know the value of a particular resistor, one must look for the silver or gold tolerance band and rotate the resistor.

Resistor Color Code Chart to Print

resistor color code chart to print

In the Resistor Color Code Guide, it can be seen that the tolerance band is usually not separated from the others .The common tolerances for resistors are marked as 5% and 10% and the gold and silver bands can be nothing other than a tolerance, hence no ambiguity exists.

Resistor Color Code Chart to Download

simple resistor color code chart

The Resistor Color Code Chart to Download can be used to get the understanding of how to use a color code system. When one looks at the chart, they must take note of the illustration of the three round resistors having various color code bands.

Resistor Color Code Table

resistor color code table

Resistor Color Code Chart Printable

resistor color code chart printable

4 Band Resistor Color Code Chart

4 band resistor color code chart

Resistor Color and Tolerance Codes

resistor color code chart printable

Resistor Color Code Chart Poster

resistor color code chart poster

Resistor Color Code Chart to Download

resistor color code chart to download

Resistor Color Code Chart in MS Word

resistor color code chart in ms word

Why Resistor Color Code Chart Templates Are Needed?

It can be determined by looking for the silver or gold tolerance band and rotating the resistor. First one should look at the 1st color band and see what color it is, which might be tough to do on small resistors or for resistors having strange colors. Then seeing the chart and they should match the “1st & 2nd color band” colors to the “Digit it represents”. That number should be written down. You can also see Sample HTML Color Code Charts

Then looking at the 2nd color band, the color is to be matched to that same chart. That number is to be written next to the 1st digit. The last color band is to be multiplied with the result. The 3rd color band is to be matched with the chart under the multiplier. This number has to be multiplied with the other 2 numbers. It is to be written next to the other two numbers with a multiplication sign in between.

Benefits of Resistor Color Code Chart Templates

Resistors are nothing but devices which restrict the current flow and give a drop in voltage to electrical circuits. Since carbon resistors are small physically, they come color-coded for the identification of the resistance value (in ohms). Using of color bands on the resistor’s body is a common system to indicate its value. The Electronic Industries Association (EIA) has standardized color coding.

The tolerance value of a resistor is determined through color bands that are marked on the body of the resistor. Though there are a few basic colors, the values of which can be recalled easily since their use is very common, there are differences in numerous schemes of color coding and their color usage. General color code charts can be used for decoding value tolerance of the resistors in a standard system that is accepted.

Tips to Create Resistor Color Code Chart Templates

There are many ways to mark component values .Most of the resistors use color codes and are mostly straight-forward, with some exceptions. The common resistors are marked RN45163J, or so. The number portion of ‘RN’ is fixed, the two digits (45 in this example) following it are an indication of the power rating, the three digits after it, are a representation of the value. You can also see Element Chart Templates

The first two values are to two important digits, the third one is basically the number of zeros that have to be added at the end. Hence, here the resistor is 16 kohms. The letter (or letters) following the digits signify the temperature, tolerance coefficient, etc.

Our templates come with clear instructions for decoding values of 3, 4 or even 5 band resistors. You can use these templates for learning the different coding systems in resistors or download them for a quick reference while working with resistors.

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