A business’s strategic plans are an essential aspect of running a business. Businesses and companies that have a clear business strategy can ensure their success in the industry where they currently belong. This will allow them to ensure that they can be sustainable despite external factors that they do not have control of.

When you are developing the strategic plan that your company will use, it is essential for you to have a checklist. If you do not know how to start creating a strategic planning checklist, you can refer to the samples that we have included in this article so you can have a guide when developing the document.

Strategic Planning Checklist Sample

strategic planning checklist template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Sample Restaurant Strategic Planning Checklist Template

restaurant strategic planning checklist

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Strategic Planning Process Checklist

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 22 KB


Strategic Planning Checklist Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 8 KB


What Should Be in a Strategic Planning Checklist

The management has the responsibility to ensure that the strategic plan will work best for the business, its operations, the workforce, and the entirety of what the business is made of. With this, the content of the strategic planning checklist should be complete. Here are some of the details or information that you should include in a strategic planning checklist.

  • The title of the strategic planning checklist
  • The particular year of preparation where the strategic planning checklist will be used
  • The strategic plans that should be implemented by the business
  • The time period where the strategic plans are deemed to be effective
  • The workforce that is responsible for the implementation of the strategic plan and call to actions
  • The name of the person who created the strategic planning checklist and the entire strategic plan
  • The people within the management that has agreed upon the content of the strategic plan
  • The timeline that should be followed when implementing or executing the strategic plan content

If this information will be presented in a strategic planning checklist, you can ensure that can come up with a comprehensive document. This can make a strategic planning checklist more effective and efficient, especially in terms of helping the business accomplish what it would like to achieve.

Strategic Planning Checklist in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 240 KB


Printable Strategic Planning Checklist Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 46 KB


Simple Strategic Planning Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 802 KB


How to Create an Effective Strategic Planning Checklist

It is not only the content of the strategic planning checklist that is imperative to be created in a perfect manner. You should also ensure that you will follow a step-by-step guide or process that will allow you to benefit from the usage of the document. Here is how you can create a strategic planning checklist:

  • Create a draft that you can follow when creating the document. This will help you in ensuring that you will not forget any information that is essential to be known by all the people who will use the strategic planning checklist. You can also use a checklist template to make things easier.
  • List down the items that you will put in the strategic plan, especially those that are most important to be implemented within a particular time period.
  • Identify the people or the workforce that are tasked to execute the call to actions that are a part of the strategic plan.
  • Ensure that you will have measurable metrics that you can look at when identifying the efficiency and effectiveness of the strategic plan.
  • Develop a timeline where the strategic plan will be implemented.
  • Once you have already created the strategic planning checklist, you need to make sure that you will review the entirety of the document.