Busy or not, there are things that we tend to unintentionally forget. It might be of little and unimportant things, which is fine as it doesn’t really cause that much damage to what we are doing or are about to do. But what if it’s something of importance and will ruin the whole thing if left undone? Now, that is very problematic. We have a lot of things to do and still a lot of things in mind. It is no wonder that we are faced with problems about remembering even the most important things that we are not allowed to forget and should not forget. Good thing checklists are here to save us.

If you are into checklists or have been using checklists to be able to remember tasks and other important stuff, then this article is good for you. We have here 48 printable checklist templates that you can choose from. These templates come in different varieties to make sure that you can find one that is appropriate for your needs. These templates are available in PDF and Word so that it will be easier and convenient for you to download and edit them based on your liking. Check out this awesome collection of templates below.

Employment Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 118 KB


College Event Planning Checklist Template

sample event planning checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 184 KB


Packing Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 43 KB


Contract Management Checklist Template

File Format
  • XLS

Size: 46 KB


Entrepreneurial Characteristics Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 179 KB


Audit Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 256 KB


The Ultimate Pre-Tour Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 337 KB


Campus Event Planning Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 109 KB


Encore Entrepreneur Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 185 KB


Exiting Employee Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 122 KB


Complete Wedding Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Simple Travel Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 36 KB


Entrepreneurial Habits Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 524 KB


Revenue Operations Checklist Template

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Size: 79 KB


Business Start-up Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 58 KB


Checklist Template to Become an Entrepreneur

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Medical Evaluation Checklist Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 869 KB


What Is a Checklist?

A checklist is a tool used to help us remember stuff, like tasks or schedules, by listing them down, just like a to-do list. It has proven to be an effective way for one to remember important tasks and things, rather than just relying on one’s brain power. Checklists helps us to practice being organized so that we can become organized in the long run. There are no rules as to how checklists are done or written. It all depends on the person using them and for what they want to use it.

There are currently six types of checklists that we are using these days and they are tasks checklists, troubleshooting checklists, coordination list, discipline checklists, and the very popular to-do list.

Task Checklist

This type of checklist is commonly used to list down the things that need to be done within a specified period of time. It is used to provide a detailed list of items or a step-by-step list of instructions for the tasks that need to be done. It is suitable for making standard operating procedures. In a task checklist, the order in which the tasks are written should be followed so that the required results are achieved.

Troubleshooting Checklist

This is a step-by-step type of checklist, just like the task checklist. What makes it different from a task checklist is that it is a checklist used in time-sensitive situations where lives are on the line. They are used in aviation and in the hospital setting. A troubleshooting checklist will help in diagnosing the issue or the problem of a certain thing and at the same time find a way to have it resolved. Since they are mostly set of instructions used in emergency situations, a troubleshooting checklist should be written clearly and precisely.

Coordination Checklist

A coordination checklist is the checklist used when a certain project needs to be done or accomplished by one or more parties or groups of people. Unlike troubleshooting checklists, coordination checklists are not time sensitive. They are used to set touch points and serve as a central point where the project needs to be focused.

Discipline Checklist

Making decisions in the heat of the moment or while one is consumed by his or her emotions is something that should be controlled. This is when a discipline checklist is necessary. It is basically used so that you will not make any bad decisions while consumed by your emotions. Through this type of checklist, you will be able to adopt to the process or develop a routine to avoid making bad decisions when you’re mad.

To-do List

This is the most popular type of checklist as everybody can use this for all types of purposes. In a to-do list, the objectives change rapidly and a lot of personal things can be done with its use. You don’t necessarily have to be a pro to know how to create a checklist to be able to make it.

Aside form the types of checklist being mentioned above, there are also certain modes on how you want your checklist to get completed. The two styles are the do-confirm checklist style and the read-do checklist style.


In this style of checklist, the tasks first are done from memory before the written checklist is consulted or reviewed. This helps in making sure that all the tasks that need to be done are covered and none is overlooked.


In a read-do style of checklist, the list is consulted first before the task is done, just like doing a project or cooking a certain recipe for the very first time. You have to consult or check what’s on the the list before you have it done to ensure that you are doing the right thing.

No matter what type and what style of checklist you want to make, the important thing to keep note is it should be appropriate to what you are doing.

Caribbean Travel Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 175 KB


Effective Entrepreneurial Checklist

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  • PDF

Size: 43 KB


Hospital Emergency Response Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 664 KB


Artist or Exhibition Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


Sample Quality Assurance Checklist Template

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Size: 73 KB


Event Planning Checklist Template

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Size: 67 KB


Mind Setting Entrepreneurial Checklist Template

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Size: 287 KB


Workplace Inspection Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


Restaurant Pre-Opening Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 21 KB


General Planning Checklist Template

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Size: 197 KB


Information Technology Management Checklist Template

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Size: 54 KB


General Emergency Readiness Checklist Template

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Size: 256 KB


Starting Your Own Small Business Checklist Template

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Size: 406 KB


Health Care Event Planning Checklist

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Size: 277 KB


Budget Planning Checklist Template

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Size: 198 KB


Customer Service Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 102 KB


When Are Checklists Used?

One can certainly use a checklist in many different ways. They can be used for the simplest and the most complicated things. The specific uses of checklists are listed below.

  • A checklist helps us remember things that our memory has already forgotten, especially tasks and important schedules. It is very useful because it helps you keep track of the things that you need to attend to so that you don’t have to miss out on important things.
  • A checklist is used to organize one’s schedules or tasks so that they can be accomplished or done on the scheduled date. Prioritizing tasks ensures that tasks are done in a timely manner and helps one avoid rushing into any tasks that are already due but has not been started.
  • In emergency situations, checklists are used to ensure that all of the emergency responders follow the same protocol. This is done to avoid accidents and to keep both emergency responders and other people from getting harmed in any accident.
  • The aviation industry also makes use of checklists. Before every flight, all of the flight crews consult their flight checklists and make sure everything has been checked before the plane finally takes off.
  • Diving may seem an easy activity, but it is not as easy at it may seem, especially with regard to the diver’s safety. A checklist needs to be reviewed or checked by every diver, whether they are professionals or not, to ensure their safety before, during, and after diving.
  • In the hospital setting, surgery checklists are consulted and often posted on emergency room walls or operating room walls. They serve as reminders for all of the medical practitioners about what to do and what not to do for specific types of hospital situations.
  • A checklist is used in quality assurance to make sure that all of the processes and work standards are being followed by the employees at all times. Since there are a lot of them to memorize and it takes time to have them written down one at a time, a checklist is a convenient tool to have this job done efficiently and conveniently.


What do you use a checklist for? People have preferences on how they want things done and how they see things. It is just the same with checklists. There are no specific and strict rules to follow, so you can make it the way you want it.

Effective Event Planning Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 49 KB


Checklist Template for Starting Your New Business

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  • PDF

Size: 92 KB


Safe Surgery Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 504 KB


Corporate Event Planning Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 949 KB


Survey Checklists Template

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  • PDF

Size: 30 KB


Detailed Event Checklist Template

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 10 KB


Start-up Basics Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 734 KB


Simple Wedding Planning Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 88 KB


One-Page Event Planning Checklist Template

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Size: 4 MB


Business Travel Checklist Template

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Size: 551 KB


Home Business Startup Checklist Template

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Size: 229 KB


Church Program Checklist Template

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Size: 181 KB


Entrepreneurial Checklist Template

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Size: 137 KB


New Business Checklist Template from University

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Size: 124 KB


Checklist Template for Event Planning

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Size: 52 KB


Emergency Preparedness Checklist Template

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  • PDF

Size: 304 KB


Why Are Checklists Beneficial?

A checklist is not only useful, but it is also beneficial at the same time. Being used in a lot of things means that it provides benefits to those who use them. Below are some of the benefits that one can get from using a checklist.

  • A checklist keeps you become organized and stay organized. Keeping oneself organized is a must so that we can accomplish things on time and make sure that we commit to any schedule. A checklist will be a useful tool to ensure that nothing is being overlooked.
  • A checklist lets you save time. By consulting a checklist and checking what things have been done and still needs to be done, you can save a lot of time. This is contrary to wasting precious time thinking about what you still have left to do or what tasks are waiting to be completed.
  • A checklist saves lives. Checklists are used in different kinds of emergencies to ensure that everybody is saved from any harm and trouble. It also helps medical practitioners follow emergency procedures when saving lives, like providing first aid and performing surgery.
  • A checklist increases one’s productivity. If you know what needs to be done and what needs to be prioritized, you are sure to accomplish a lot of things. It will keep you productive and allows you to do other non-work-related stuff.
  • A checklist can help in the proper delegation of tasks. A coordination checklist is used so that tasks can be properly delegated among groups of people to make sure that they focus on the same goals for a certain project or task.
  • A checklist lets you save brain power. Instead of forcing your brain to remember what you have obviously and completely forgotten, why not use a checklist? Your brain needs rest from thinking about important stuff. Making use of a checklist will definitely help you give it a rest so that it can be used for other stuff that needs your focus and strict attention.

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