We use Conversion Charts if we want to calculate a certain measurement of one unit to its corresponding measurement with another unit. These calculations can be done manually with the use of given formulas or you can make use of a conversion chart that already gives you the equivalent conversion without doing manual computation.

We use Conversion Charts if we want to calculate a certain measurement of one unit to its corresponding measurement with another unit. These calculations can be done manually with the use of given formulas or you can make use of a conversion chart that already gives you the equivalent conversion without doing manual computation.

Time Conversion Charts are also used in the same manner. The sample conversion charts that are provided in this article will be able to help you make time conversion easy. You can download them easily online. Since they are available in PDF format, it is also easier to print them. Use these templates however you want whenever you need them.

Time Zone Conversion Chart

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 33 KB


Time Conversion Table

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 3 KB


Printable Time Conversion

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


Military Time Conversion

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 16 KB


Military Time Conversion Chart

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 7 KB


What Is Military Time?

Military time is the term that is popularly used in the United States to refer to a 24-hour clock. It is a way to measure the time based on a 24-hour clock, instead of measuring it through two 12-hour groups. You can use Time Conversion Charts to easily convert time. In a 24-hour clock, the day starts from midnight and ends in midnight. The whole day is also divided into 24 hours which then becomes 0 to 23. 0000 indicates midnight. In a 12-hour clock, the time starts counting back to 1 after the clock passes 12 noon. This is usually what we see in wristwatches and wall clocks. In a 24-hour clock, the time continues to count to 13 onward after 12 noon.

The military time or the 24-hour time system is commonly used as an international standard and to prevent ambiguity in certain cases. Records of a patient’s medical history uses a 24-hour time format to avoid any issues with timing in documentation. Other uses of military time are in special fields or areas, like the military, aviation, emergency services, navigation or flights, computing, tourism, and many more. There are also countries that are starting to switch to the military time or the 24-hour system.

Time Clock Conversion Chart

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 157 KB


Time Unit Conversion Chart

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 KB


Minutes Decimal Conversion Chart

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 162 KB


Free Time Conversion Chart

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


How Do You Figure Out Military Time?

Some find it easy to convert a 12-hour time to military time. Most of these people are those who have served in the military or those whose jobs require learning it, like nurses, pilots, or flight stewards. But you don’t have to work in those professions to have to learn military time. It is just simple. Let us show you how.

  • First of all, let me just tell you that we have downloadable and printable time conversion charts that you can use for this need, including Decimals to Fraction Charts. You don’t have to study anything because you can use it for reference. If you wish to learn it the not so hard way, then check the next item.
  • 0000 or 2400 is equivalent to 12 midnight. It is 0000 because military time system starts at midnight.
  • The hours 0100 up to 1200 hours is equivalent to the time in the morning in a 12-hour clock.
  • The time that follows 12 noon is 1300 hours in the military time format. The counting continues from 1300 to 0000 or 2400 hours.
  • Military times are always read in hundreds and not thousands.

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