Whether you are running a company, restaurant, or in charge of a stockroom, an inventory is necessary to either keep track of stocks or keep a detailed list to determine which needs replenishment and which stocks aren’t moving. For this reason, an inventory list is necessary in order to specify a planned course of production or replenishment of stock depending on the situation.

Our Sample Lists  for inventory will help users keep a detailed list in any situation even when keeping track of things either at home or at work. These samples will act as guides for anyone in charge of inventory to be able to draft their own lists in an orderly manner.

Home Inventory List

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  • PDF

Size: 144KB


Sample Inventory Skills List

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Size: 83KB


Office Inventory List in PDF

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Size: 21KB


Inventory Food List Example

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Size: 259KB


Chemical Inventory List

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  • PDF

Size: 177KB


While our samples here cover some of the basic inventory lists that anyone can make easily, there are samples being presented that are for specialized purposes such as skills inventory. Skills inventory are used for leadership and management purposes for an effective and efficient management of a company.

In every company, those in the management level are considered expensive and valuable assets that need to be utilized to the best of their abilities. For this reason, an evaluation of leadership skills is necessary to emphasize on the strong points and improve on the weak points of management style. A skills inventory list is usually given to managers to gauge their own management skills based on a list being presented to them with qualities that they think are their strong and weak points. These include leadership traits such as being able to determine a problem and maintaining a high level of activity on personnel directly under them.

Besides management, employees are also evaluated through a series of inventory skill sets that determine their skills and experiences based on data gathered from the list. This is intended for ranking employees in relation to their performance and can be used as basis for promotion for employees who are determined to be excellent performers. Whatever method each company employs, if a skills inventory is done correctly and methodically, the collective skills, knowledge, and experience that the workforce possess are very valuable aspects for a company’s growth.

For other inventory-related lists, please check more on our website or click on the link for Inventory Equipment List. The samples are for those who need to perform equipment inventory and need to be guided on more methodical approaches to an efficient equipment inventory. These are all free for downloading in both Word Doc and PDF files.

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  • PDF

Size: 12KB


Moving Inventory List

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Size: 62KB


Kitchen Inventory List

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Size: 15KB


Artist Inventory List

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Size: 295KB


Property Inventory List

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Size: 134KB


While most inventory lists nowadays use commercial software or database programs, a lot of users still rely on the trusted way of paper checklists for manual inventory purposes. Even restaurants use printed inventory list forms to determine which stocks need to be replenished. Our samples have several lists of food items that restaurant owners may appreciate and use for their convenience. These can be easily edited or modified according to their own specifications.

For even more samples, please check out our Wedding Guest Lists that can be used not just by couples who plan to marry, but by wedding planners who need to keep a detailed checklist to manage each of their affairs on planning details.

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