Writing a narrative essay has often been likened to telling a story. It requires a plot, characters, a climax, and an ending. Narrative essays are classified under “nonfiction” and is based on experience. Thus, it is always written in someone’s—usually the author’s—point of view and is presented with someone’s perception of the facts. These types of essays have a point to make and all the details of the story should support, explain, or embellish that main point.

Narrative essays are written to attempt to describe a feeling, place, person, or thing. Of all types of essays, this is perhaps the most expressive and emotional of all. It offers the writer to think and write about themselves. Download these Essay Samples to help you differentiate between the kinds of essays.

Literacy Narrative Analysis Essay

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Literacy Narrative Essay

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College Narrative Essay

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Narrative Descriptive Essay

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Purpose of a Narrative Essay

Writing a narrative essay can teach you to translate your feelings and awareness of the world into words that entertain and touch other people. A narrative essay is written for the purpose of the following:

  • Providing insight. Narrative essays let the readers explore other options and see a story from a different perspective.
  • Providing psychological healing. Writing about a crisis you are going through would help you set things in perspective and might help you clear your mind. Reading about how someone overcame a difficulty similar to one you are currently facing may give the motivation and hope you are looking for.

  • Entertaining.

  • Creating a sense of oneness. Sharing your experiences with others gives you both a feeling of shared history, as if you know each other in a deeper level. It provides some sort of connection.

There are different types of essays. Narrative-style essays are most appropriate when you’re trying to make a plea or are proving your qualifications. These Sample Scholarship Essays make a good example of narrative essays. Other types of essays, like these Analysis Essay Examples, are more effective when written by utilizing other techniques.

Narrative Expository Essay

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Research Narrative Essay

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Student Narrative Essay

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Characteristics of a Narrative Essay

When writing a narrative, make sure that your essay:

  • Involves the readers. Don’t simply tell them a story. Connect with your readers. Let them feel as if they actually were there.
  • Presents important conflicts, contrasts, changes. If you’re writing a College Application Essay, make sure that you show a growth of your character or how you’ve learn. Narrative essays can also present change, whether good or bad.
  • Makes a point or has a main idea it wishes to communicate. Make sure that the story you wish to tell isn’t just told for the fun of it. Narrative essays have a point to make. They have a message to tell their readers or a sentiment they wish to share. While you’re not supposed to be giving a flat moral that you would explicitly state, the reader should be getting something out of your writing.

Narrative essays are personal essays that share a part of the writer to the readers. For some, this is especially difficult to write as it requires for the writer to wear their heart on their sleeve and break down their walls. But once you’ve learned to write an effective narrative essay, you will experience firsthand what they meant when they said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”