A settlement agreement is a resolution of a dispute between two parties before or after a court action. Oftentimes, a settlement comes in the form of money.

If you ever need a sample settlement agreement, we have a couple of simple agreements here for you. We also have tips and a step-by-step guide that you can follow easily. Ready? Keep reading!

Settlement Agreement Sample

settlement agreement template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Sample Property Settlement Agreement

property settlement agreement

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Debt Settlement Agreement Template

debt settlement agreement template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Settlement Agreement Template

settlement agreement template

File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4, US


Marital Settlement Agreement

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 13 KB


Sample Master Settlement Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 6 KB


Employment Services Settlement Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 98 KB


Final Settlement Agreement in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 324 KB


Property Settlement Agreement

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


How to Write a Settlement Agreement

Settlement agreements are considered to be powerful and formal documents, so you want to make sure that when you come up with one, you are very careful with your choice of words and that all the details that you enter are accurate and precise.

If you want to come up with an effective settlement agreement, you want to make sure that you have a good understanding of the state laws, have a good understanding whether you need the agreement, and a good understanding of how you can properly execute the agreement. You may also like sample lease termination agreements

Are you confused with how you can write a settlement agreement? Check out the tips that we have for you.

1. Contemplating the Settlement Agreement

  • Decide if there is a need for the settlement agreement. Always remember that a settlement agreement is a legally enforceable document. There is a variety of circumstance where this agreement can be used wherein there is a need for two parties to settle for a certain solution to a problem that they have. In order to release someone of a certain obligation, settlements are made. Settlements are often in monetary form. Some of the most common situations where a settlement agreement is used are the following:
    • Employer and employee issues (check out employment agreement samples)
    • Damaged property
    • Divorce/separation issues between married couples (you might be interested in separation agreement samples)
    • Issues regarding medical malpractice
  • See whether you are fit to enter a settlement agreement. You will need to properly assess if you are fit or have the legal capacity to enter into a legally enforceable document. You need to be aware of what the document is going to be all about and what are the benefits that you can get from entering the agreement. In line with knowing what you are entering, you should also know what you need to know in order to come up with an effective settlement agreement. You may also check out sample contract termination agreements
  • Come up with your terms and conditions. When coming up with the provisions, you want to make sure that you also keep in mind the state laws. If you find yourself confused about the state laws and what provisions will be in line with the state laws that are present in your location, you can always consider asking an attorney for advice. To get you started, learn how to write a contract agreement here in our website.

2. Negotiations

  • Come to an agreement. Most parties will not always be in agreement, which is the reason why there is a need for you to come up with a settlement agreement. Come to an agreement based on the facts surrounding the dispute. You can check out partnership agreements.
  • Negotiate the considerations. Come to an agreement what people will be getting in return for giving up something as a legal remedy. Payment arrangements may also be discussed.
  • Admitting liability. You will need to determine whether you will need the other party to admit liability. You want to make sure, however, that all the parties involved agree to the admission of liability. You may also see release agreements
  • Come up with conditions. You want to make sure that you negotiate conditions for it to become desirable for the parties involved.
  • The scope of release. Negotiating the scope of release will help you to determine the issues and claims that you would need to resolve. You also have to consider whether future claims can also be resolved by the scope of release. You may also like divorce agreement samples

3. Writing the Agreement

  • Start with the title. Make sure that you establish what your document is all about by including the title. Your title should look a little bit different than the rest of the text in your document. This can be done by changing the font size of the title or by making it bold. There are also times wherein the title will have a caption to make everything a little bit clearer. You may also check out sample arbitration agreements
  • Identify the parties involved. Introduce the parties involved and define the roles that they are going to play while involved in the simple agreement. Names, addresses, and a statement telling the reader that the parties involved are entering the agreement in a valid manner.
  • Describe the dispute. You will need to answer the 4Ws + H questions. This is essential to ensure that the parties involved have been in agreement with why there is a need to come up with the settlement agreement. This way, it will also be easier for the court to make your agreement enforceable. You may also see master settlement agreement templates
  • What the parties will be getting. You want to make sure that you emphasize what are the benefits that each party will be getting by becoming a part of the agreement.
  • The scope of the claims. You want to make sure that you also include the scope of claims in order to emphasize if the agreement will solve all issues, specific issues, or future issues that may arise. However, it is advised that all issues, as well as any future ones, be resolved with the use of the settlement agreement. You may also like sample payment plan agreements
  • Fault or liablity. You need to spell out whether the settlement agreement will include faults or liabilities. If both parties choose to settle things on a mutual agreement, then there is no need for the settling party to admit liability or fault. If this was negotiated earlier, then you can choose to provide a clause that will let the party who will settle the issues to pay for damages without the need to admit for the dispute. Make sure that you phrase the clause properly and in a clear manner in order to ensure that confusion is avoided at all times. You may also check out sample agreement forms
  • State if this agreement will be confidential. You have to make this clear and you have to make sure to establish this early in the agreement. You will also need to make sure that the other party involved also agrees to make the agreement into a confidential agreement.
  • Dismissal of any litigation. If you are currently under litigation and while under litigation you and the other party decide to come up with a settlement agreement, make sure that you include in the provision that the litigation will not continue anymore.
  • Agreement basics. You want to make sure that the basics of an agreement will be found in your document. Such basics are as follows:
    • Entire agreement provisions
    • Provisions for modifications
    • Provisions regarding severability
    • Provisions for indemnification
    • Provisions for choice of law
  • Allot spaces for signatures. Agreements, to be enforceable and legal, need the signatures of the parties involved. Allotting spaces or blanks for signatures after all the provisions and terms and conditions have been provided is standard for simple contract agreements.

Global Settlement Agreement in PDF

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  • PDF

Size: 493 KB


Loan Settlement Agreement

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


Sample Settlement Agreement in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 241 KB


Loan Settlement Agreement Example

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 54 KB


Divorce Settlement Agreement Sample

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 163 KB


Debt Settlement Agreement Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 52 KB


Executing the Settlement Agreement

1. Offer to the other party. Once you are done drafting the agreement, it is now time for you to start handing it to the other party to read and see whether all the information that is included are accurate and if they agree to what is stipulated in the agreement. If the negotiations went well, then both parties should be satisfied and your agreement is now good to go. However, there are three possible outcomes during this step:

  • The other party will accept the agreement in full.
  • The other party will reject the agreement in full.
  • The other party will want to make revisions to some parts of the provisions as well as the terms and conditions.

2. Present the agreement to a judge. Presenting your settlement agreement to a judge usually happens if your agreement is a part of a litigation. However, even if it is not a part of a litigation, having a judge have a read through will still be a good idea. You may also see sample dentist employment agreements

3. Affix signatures. Make sure that parties involved have affixed their signatures to signify that everything has been agreed upon. Once it is signed, it is now time to start performing what is written in the agreement.

Tips Regarding Settlement Agreements

1. It will always be a good idea to take a look at master settlement agreement templates and tailor the sample that you have picked according to your needs. This will lessen the time that it will take for you to come up with your very own settlement agreement.

2. Consult an attorney before start signing the agreement especially if there are a couple of general statements or terms that you are confused about.

3. Make sure that your agreement conforms to all the contract laws and state laws that are applicable to your agreement.

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